So I usually land my H after the first low battery warning and leave my two batteries like that until I'm planning another flight, but since I wont be flying for a couple of weeks thought it would be a good idea to turn on the H and let it drain a bit the battery to store them safely.
However, after a while I forgot about it and when I remembered the H was already off, so, the battery was completely drained.
I know a full discharge will damage the battery, and now my charger wont charge it, just gives blinking blue error.
Is it possible to save the battery safely? Or should I just resign, dispose and learn from my error?
However, after a while I forgot about it and when I remembered the H was already off, so, the battery was completely drained.
I know a full discharge will damage the battery, and now my charger wont charge it, just gives blinking blue error.
Is it possible to save the battery safely? Or should I just resign, dispose and learn from my error?