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H crashed at takeoff, help with telemetry

Sep 21, 2016
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Hello guys! I managed to crash my H pretty much at takeoff after switching to second battery. It started to go to the side and then smashed into a bush and after that into a chair since I was forced to launch from a tight space. Fortunately, it seems I only need to get new gimbal rubber attachments and props. What I need help with is analysing the telemetry for possible errors. I'm quite sure the crash was caused, directly or indirectly, by me but I want to make sure about that so I don't end up crashing it again if it was on the off change caused by a problem with the drone itself.
In the file, there is nothing to see. No GPS fix yet and a short try of Motor starting, but no flight as such. After try in goes back to initializing. Either a wrong file or very, very strange.

And there is a time shift from 19:19:24h to 20:19:21h in. Something with time in ST16?

br HE
No wonders there as I accidentally uploaded the wrong file. I checked the ST16 and this should be the correct one.


  • Telemetry_00019.csv.txt
    307.3 KB · Views: 9
The GPS accuracy was bad at the startpoint. This may lead to some drifting around. If there in not room enough, it is difficult to fly. Did you have had turtle or rabbit? Rabbit is better in thight areas, because it reacts faster.
Then shortly (2,5 sec) after take-off you had massive compass errors and this is really frightening. Compass was constantly disturbed until the crash. Those massive compass warnings are often reason for fly-aways. From this point of view, you are lucky.

Check for iron or other magnetic stuff at this area. Do compass calibration.

terveisin HE
Thank you very much. I'm pretty sure I was on turtle mode and the drone seemed to move faster than normal in it. Good to know that the starting point might have been behind the crash, I'll be extra sure to avoid it in the future.
Also, you took off with a battery that wasn't charged. Never launch on a partially depleted battery. It takes a lot of power to accelerate during launch.
After you launch go straight up to about 15'. You don't want to be close to the ground. That gives you some room to maneuver if needed.
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The most painful point is the massive compass warning. The YTH shows the typical symptoms of compass-cause fly-away --> speed accelerates and it do not follow the user inputs any more.

To get a more cleat picture, it would be good to have the Remote_00019.csv too.

br HE
It does appear the compass was behaving strangely. During the warm-up period the compass (yaw) slowly changed about 18 degrees. Then changed again on motor start. What we don't know if whether there was something affecting the compass. Another flight in a clean area would sort that out.
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Hello guys! I managed to crash my H pretty much at takeoff after switching to second battery. It started to go to the side and then smashed into a bush and after that into a chair since I was forced to launch from a tight space. Fortunately, it seems I only need to get new gimbal rubber attachments and props. What I need help with is analysing the telemetry for possible errors. I'm quite sure the crash was caused, directly or indirectly, by me but I want to make sure about that so I don't end up crashing it again if it was on the off change caused by a problem with the drone itself.
Have you done the latest firmware upgrades?
I just had yuneec walk me through a recalibration of my ST-16 this morning after the same thing happened to me. Have to recalibrate compass and accelerometer afterwards. Seems to be working fine now.
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