I am more or less new to the hobby myself. I played with several small copters etc.. but nothing I consider serious. I have the original parrot but it was hard to fly using just a phone with no gimbals etc.. and not the greatest.
So the H is my first serious drone and is a huge learning experience.
I just got it yesterday. Only hovered it in the yard to see if things seem to be working. Got too close to some weeds and already broke my first prop.
Didn't hurt anything though. Can't wait to get it to a field.
My only advice, for what it is worth, is to do what I am doing, and what you said you are already doing, watch every Youtube video you can. I have watched every video posted that is tagged "typhoon h." I ordered mine a few months ago so had time. I check it at least once a day and filter by upload date. I have also read a lot of articles and of course read the forums. Go back and read as many posts as you can here.
You mentioned you are already doing this so you are ahead of the game.
I will say this, the Typhoon community here so far is heads above others. I was going to buy a DJI a year or so ago so viewed some forums and in general things were okay but a lot of complaints on DJI's bad customer service but also a lot of impatience. Some guys there came across as jerks towards new people or just in general. Turned me off of DJI to be honest. A lot of them had that MAC user, we are better than everything, attitude. I also hated the generic, ugly, white look of the phantoms.
Hint: I am a PC/Android guy.
Anyway learn as much as you can about the ST16, watch all the walk-throughs on it, learn what every button and mode is and what they do. Learn about the camera and how to control everything with it on the ST16. The ST16 is complicated especially at first.
I am still learning and will continue to do so. I am still a newb but am learning, slowly.
We can all learn together.
If you are not used to flying with the gimbals, I am still a novice, fly it slow and steady for awhile. Use turtle mode and don't use smart mode. I am learning to not rely on that right from the start.