From what I've heard, the firmware that's due out includes 'a lot of fixes', which may be why it's taking time to get through testing. They seem to be pushing for the end of the month.
However, the sudden emergence of RealSense videos suggests that the firmware upgrade might be 'RealSense ready'. I could be making this up, but it would make sense if there are any changes needed for the firmware to make the launch machines work with the RealSense module?
No doubt some Yuneec reps are still reading this forum. Guys - I know the industry is notoriously secretive, but could you please give all your regional support centres the same information, or even have a central bug tracker we can check on so we're not all hassling you about stuff you already know and are working to fix? This is a grown up, modular system, so it'd be better than treating it like a piece of consumer junk that appears to receive no support.