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How long before battery discharge?

Jul 22, 2017
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Got my H a few weeks ago. Learning all I can before first flight. Hopefully this week.

Yesterday, charged batteries, booted up, checked firmware, calibrated accelerometer and gimbal. Waiting to bring to open field to calibrate compass and put it in the air.

Question. How long before I have to discharge batteries after fully charging them? May not be able to go out till the weekend or early next week.

I read a few posts where you can run the motors with props on to bring battery level down. But rather get myself a good charger that does it for you, along with a few extra batteries. Any suggestions for one?
My last flight was may 31. I charged the batteries right after as I was going to go up again the next day. We have had rain or wind every day since. This past Sunday weather was good early in the morning. I checked the charge and all batteries still had a full charge. I flew all three with no loss in time/performance. I think it can be hit and miss as to how or if they will sustain a charge. I do not have a charger to put them to 50% for storage either as they are $89 in the US, but for me to get one in Canada would set me back $400 so I figured I would get more batteries if needed. Now with not having an issue, I personally am not going to worry. Not saying this is the best way to do it, but for the financial end, it is working out for me.
Got my H a few weeks ago. Learning all I can before first flight. Hopefully this week.

Yesterday, charged batteries, booted up, checked firmware, calibrated accelerometer and gimbal. Waiting to bring to open field to calibrate compass and put it in the air.

Question. How long before I have to discharge batteries after fully charging them? May not be able to go out till the weekend or early next week.

I read a few posts where you can run the motors with props on to bring battery level down. But rather get myself a good charger that does it for you, along with a few extra batteries. Any suggestions for one?
Forgot to mention, running them down with the props on may cause the motors to overheat.
Not likely. Airflow from the props flows through the motors. The cooling fan on your table has a greater chance of over heating. All the air blows away from that motor.

I would try not to store a fully charged battery for longer than a week.
Not likely. Airflow from the props flows through the motors. The cooling fan on your table has a greater chance of over heating. All the air blows away from that motor.

I would try not to store a fully charged battery for longer than a week.
I agree and I don't. The air will cool, but not as well as in flight, plus it would take a lot longer to run the battery down in idle so it would probably be hotter than in flight. It is recommended to cool down the motors between flights and a steady idle would run longer causing more heat I would think. That is why I say the motors would get hotter than if they were just flown to 50% ish. Not saying you are wrong or incorrect as you have a lot more flight time and experience than I do. As to the battery storage, perhaps I am just having luck with my batteries. Currently there is no swelling on my batteries either. I do agree my way with the batteries is not recommended.
When running motors on the ground it has always been my practice to add weights at either the landing gear or on top of the multirotor in an amount that exceeds the lift capability of the aircraft. Doing that permits running the motors at any speed. It's safe as long as you don't put parts of your body in the prop arcs.
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Actually may go out later today or tomorrow so I'll be good with being under a week. Hard to find space here. Didn't realize all the no fly zones around. Gonna try high school baseball field. Should be empty.

Now if I get a charger that does the discharge do I need different batteries or would the original yuneec batteries do? In case I run into a situation where I charge but can't use right away for some reason.
Are you referring to all the NFZ's shown in AirMap and B4UFly or those actually programmed into the H firmware? Reason I ask is Yuneec does not have all of the ones noted in the two references in their firmware.
Referring to AirMap and Hover. Same thing I see. I asked about the NFZ in another thread. With an image of my area. I should be ok you think, if not all of it is programmed in the H?

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