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The Safe Circle distance has never been consistent due to inconsistency of GPS positional resolution. It's normal for position reference to be off by several meters. Those that understand the Smart Circle don't try to get to close to themselves with the aircraft. You can sell it (I'll bid $211.00) or you can not get so close in the future and likely never experience another problem like this. My suggestion is to keep it and spend some time learning more about how it works.
I think too many people are reading and assuming too much from my original post. I never get so close to the Aircraft that I endanger myself or anyone else. I am a very experienced pilot and just looking for answers as to what happened here. I'm thinking it was a software or firmware glitch! With that, I will close this thread and make no further comments!
I think too many people are reading and assuming too much from my original post. I never get so close to the Aircraft that I endanger myself or anyone else. I am a very experienced pilot and just looking for answers as to what happened here. I'm thinking it was a software or firmware glitch! With that, I will close this thread and make no further comments!
JTorsrud, why not stay here to read what the Telemetry says.....
JTorsrud, why not stay here to read what the Telemetry says.....
Well, if someone is actually gonna take the time to look at my files, I'll hang around. I'm just tired of all the assumptions people make and sarcasm!
I opened up in Excel it's not opening properly or I should say, all the data is squished together. It might be the way it was downloaded?
I opened up in Excel it's not opening properly or I should say, all the data is squished together. It might be the way it was downloaded?

In excel, open the .txt and then when it brings up the import menu, select comma delimed on the second page.
In excel, open the .txt and then when it brings up the import menu, select comma delimed on the second page.
Thought I had it. I don't have an import feature Strange!
This is the way it's downloading (httpsyuneecpilots.comattachmentstelemetry_00104-txt.7378) wants note book to open it up?
Thought I had it. I don't have an import feature Strange!
This is the way it's downloading (httpsyuneecpilots.comattachmentstelemetry_00104-txt.7378) wants note book to open it up?

Yea, the way its formatted is in .txt. When you go to open in excel, the dropdown for filetype lets you select "all files" at the top of the list, and then that will show up in the dialog box. Once you go to open it, it will (should) default to importing it.
Just looked at the telemetry. I looked at the last flight as I assume this is the one where the incident happened, maybe I'm wrong about that. Anyway, it shows that on 09 - 24 - 2017, motors start was at 9:56:06, Satellites count was 17, GPS was true, voltage was 16.5 volts and the flight mode was Smart Mode - Follow Me. This continued for five seconds and at 09:56:11 Angle Mode was selected for four seconds till 09:56:15 then Back to Mode 21 (Smart Mode - Follow Me) for the remainder of the flight. There are a few compass warnings in the flight but only for a few tenths of a second.

My guess is that when you attempted to land the craft, it did what it was supposed to due - not come near where it calculates the Transmitter/Pilot to be. But as PatR pointed out, the GPS units do not have pin point accuracy so it went in the direction it calculated was away from the transmitter, which just so happened to be towards you. To see how this can occur, next time you prepare to fly set up and preflight as normal, but before arming the motors, stand 5 or ten feet away from the craft and see if the green arrow is pointing in the direction relative to the front of the craft (Camera View) that you are standing. Move around and see if it moves as well. That green arrow will represent where the H calculates the transmitter is; it is almost never right when your so close it can not differentiate between the location of itself and the transmitter

This is from the Manuel, notice that it says most

In most cases the Smart Circle will keep Typhoon H from coming within approximately
26 feet (8 meters) of you (as long as you position yourself at least 26
feet/8 meters behind Typhoon H.
The geo-fence is a virtual barrier that will keep Typhoon H from traveling farther
than 300 feet (91 meters). The geo-fence only works in Smart Mode. Although
this limit can be adjusted using the GUI we strongly recommend using the
default limit at all times.
WARNING: Smart Mode only works when Typhoon H has a suitable GPS
signal/lock. If you take off in Smart Mode and Typhoon H loses GPS signal/lock
it will switch to Angle (Pilot) Mode automatically. This is why we strongly recommend
learning to fly in Angle (Pilot) Mode as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you
lose GPS signal/lock and are not able to properly control Typhoon H in Angle
(Pilot) Mode the aircraft may crash or even ‘fly away’.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Crash damage and ‘fly aways’ are NOT
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Yes gps is not pinpoint accurate and it is possible for these innacuracies to cause unexpected behavior when activating automated flight modes while standing too close to the aircraft; smart mode being intrinsically an automated flight mode as it is always "follow-me"
Yes gps is not pinpoint accurate and it is possible for these innacuracies to cause unexpected behavior when activating automated flight modes while standing too close to the aircraft; smart mode being intrinsically an automated flight mode as it is always "follow-me"
Jules, extremley well done and informative video. Thanks a lot! :)
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My guess is that when you attempted to land the craft, it did what it was supposed to due - not come near where it calculates the Transmitter/Pilot to be. But as PatR pointed out, the GPS units do not have pin point accuracy so it went in the direction it calculated was away from the transmitter, which just so happened to be towards you.

I will bet there were compass issues that needed a calibration as well. I've gotten flights with compass issues like that, and they always go away after a calibration. If the craft doesn't read the compass right, it could very well think its facing the opposite way too, just adding to the confusion.
Yes gps is not pinpoint accurate and it is possible for these innacuracies to cause unexpected behavior when activating automated flight modes while standing too close to the aircraft; smart mode being intrinsically an automated flight mode as it is always "follow-me"
Excellent video!
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He wants $525.. Which is actually an awesome price... Im praying for some miracle finances right now.. Lol
Nothing wrong with Smart mode, if you take the time to understand it. That's the problem, Smart mode provides the appearance of making the aircraft easy to fly, which it does for beginners and the experienced alike, but if you don't pay attention to the details it can bite you on the butt. You must always know where you are relative to the aircraft, don't go behind yourself unless you also turn around to face the aircraft. recognize you have a roughly 30' dome surrounding you that you can't fly in, and understand what can happen when you start flipping switches.

The H has a flight mode to make it easy for beginners. Unfortunately the H is not a beginner's aircraft despite the beginner flight mode.
Nothing wrong with Smart mode, if you take the time to understand it. That's the problem, Smart mode provides the appearance of making the aircraft easy to fly, which it does for beginners and the experienced alike, but if you don't pay attention to the details it can bite you on the butt. You must always know where you are relative to the aircraft, don't go behind yourself unless you also turn around to face the aircraft. recognize you have a roughly 30' dome surrounding you that you can't fly in, and understand what can happen when you start flipping switches.

The H has a flight mode to make it easy for beginners. Unfortunately the H is not a beginner's aircraft despite the beginner flight mode.
Like I said.............. :D
Yes gps is not pinpoint accurate and it is possible for these innacuracies to cause unexpected behavior when activating automated flight modes while standing too close to the aircraft; smart mode being intrinsically an automated flight mode as it is always "follow-me"

Very well done, Jules!

What I have not seen mentioned before is the quality of the video after contact. If the camera was indeed hanging by one damper... wow! Can't say I noticed much of a difference!

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Thanks for all the replies guys. This was just a Weird Incident and to be honest, SCARED THE **** OUT OF ME!

Anyway, My H has been sold!

Thanks again for all the feedback.

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