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I wish we can have Folding propeller for Typhoon H

May 30, 2016
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So this is just one of my dreaming about my typhoon H, i think it will be good and more simple offcourse if we can buy the out of the box accessories either from after market or OEM for folding propeller, safing your times only need one time to snap in, and it will eliminate your times to do the push and pull propeller installations.

May be some brilliant person from this forum can make this dream come true.
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More or less the propeller will look like this.


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    folding propeller3.jpg
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    folding propeller2.jpg
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    folding propeller1.jpg
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I'm just thankful we don't need to tighten a nut with a little spanner as we had to a few years ago. Progress every year though so you never know, but I am happy with push and twist, saves time even over a P3 where you spin them on and finger tighten.
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I don't know how you mount and take-off your props, but for me to install all 6 is under a minute. I think if your primary issue is "time" and trying to get in the air faster, what safety checks are you rushing through? What pre-flight checks are you skipping? For me, installing and removing props allows me the opportunity to inspect the props and motors...

I don't think they are a bad idea. To each his own....
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Folding props would add weight, and require the motors to supply more torque than they are currently designed to provide. Would lessen the flight time, and possibly cause premature motor burn out.
Maybe Yuneec will make an H3 that would have that design feature. I think the clip and go props are brilliant.
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With few exceptions folding props induce more vibration into the system than rigid props. They are typically a little less efficient and can be prone to hub failures. Convenience and "cool" are not in and of themselves good reasons to introduce negative performance factors into an expensive aircraft. Reducing safety because we are lazy is also not a sensible thing to do.

Realistically, the best propeller we could have would bolt to the motor hub. It would be one piece, be made of carbon or wood and provide minimum flex. They would require a tool to be removed and installed. Unfortunately hobby manufacturers chose to provide quick detach drive systems in order to obtain an advertising point that buyers would jump on because it would save them a little time and work. Flight performance is less than it could be for that reason and many quick detach propellers have departed other manufacturer types in flight.

Many folding prop systems have experienced vibration issues that were not resolved until rigid props were installed, while others experienced failures at the folding mount. Some of the unresolved vibration problems a few H user have experienced can probably be traced back to the flexible prop design. Plastic composition can vary widely which in turn will impact rigidity. So be careful what you wish for, you just might someday get it.

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