I've been using Lipo batteries for over 8 years. Early on, I learned the hard way about lipo care with batteries puffing. In all that time of racing locally and nationally, R/Cars I've only seen one lipo fire. Which was a father and son team new to R/C and improperly charged a pack. It didn't explode in flames, it smoldered then eventually caught fire.
What I've found works for me is;
Using a good quality charger. While I just bought a Hitec X2, I have that same Hyperion charger as above and its worked flawlessly for years.
I Don't store my lipos fully charged - I usually store mine in an after-run state which is about 25%.
I Don't run my Lipos till dead
I monitor my charging, meaning I'm usually near-by if not in the same room was where the packs are being charged
If I don't use my batteries for extended periods, I store them in an ammo can in my basement. I've stored batteries with about a 25% charge in them for over 3 years and they took a charge and ran well.
I've never used a charging bag. And by the way the reason people started using those charging bags was not to contain or prevent fires but it was a faraday shield. In the early days Lipos had that metal outer case and people thought static electricity could start a fire. So guys started using shielding bags....
I've also stored a battery for 3 years that was fully charged, which was in a plastic case like the Yuneec batteries. It had swollen so bad it split the case and you couldn't get the halves within an inch of closing.... No fire... nothing.
But as I always say, do whatever makes you feel safe...