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Need help with my typhoon H..left/right rudder problum

Sep 3, 2018
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So i took my typhoon H 480 out today,,it fly and hovers just fine and pitch left and right is fine also..problum is that it doesnt want to steer right and also steering left is very slow.meaning giveing it left and right input on the left controller stick..any ideas on why this is happening??
It will pitch (yaw)left and right,,just haveing trouble (steering the nose,if you will)..ty for any advice!
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Just to add,,I did have contact with a tree branch a while ago and landed on the street curb and broke my CGO3 camera and the front 2 props..I had the camera fixed and replaced the props,,,all pprops seem to be in line as far as I can see..looks fine but haveing trouble turning...
So i took my typhoon H 480 out today,,it fly and hovers just fine and pitch left and right is fine also..problum is that it doesnt want to steer right and also steering left is very slow.meaning giveing it left and right input on the left controller stick..any ideas on why this is happening??
It will pitch (yaw)left and right,,just haveing trouble (steering the nose,if you will)..ty for any advice!

In case no one mentioned it. Go on Google and type in typhoon H. There will be all kind of people talk about what to do with certain situation. I get most of my information from the UK look into that.

Turn on your H, Go to systems settings, tap ok, go to Hardware Monitor;
move the stick that's giving you issues, tells us what the readings are when full left and full right.
is there any blue showing and where does it start?
Turn on the ST-16 and once it is booted tap the "System Settings", then OK, and select Hardware Monitor.

Check all buttons, switches, sticks, sliders, and d-pads. Stir the sticks vigorously and ensure you are getting full deflection and that they return to null position. move the sticks both fast and slow and make sure the readout follows your movements without lag.

If the sticks are not following properly they are either dirty or defective. The first course of action to clean them is with a plastic safe electrical contact cleaner. do a search here for cleaning the potentiometers.

Report your results.
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AH-1G,,ok,,i went there...the stick in question is J2 for left/right........Iam getting reading of about 75% when giveing left stick with a bit of blue at the end..
Giveing right movement,i seem to get a bit more..sometimes it will go to 100% but each side changes when i move the stick around at the center,,seems to not be getting a good contact as I move the stick around...I think i might have to clean the contacts as DoomMeister says?
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I think i might have to clean the contacts as DoomMeister says?
You are correct. Go to the automotive section of the store and look for a spray can of Electrical Contact Cleaner. It should say Safe for Plastic and Leaves no Residue. Spray around the upper part of the stick several times while moving the stick in circles. Let it dry and test again.
Just to help in the future, you really need to get your descriptions for control response straight. I found it more than a little difficult to relate to your problem descriptions because of incorrect terminology.

Pitch on a multirotor refers to forward and aft, controlled in Mode 2 by right stick moving forward and aft.

Roll relates to side to side motion without rotating the aircraft, controlled by the right stick when moved side to side.

Yaw refers to the rotation of the aircraft about its vertical axis. Spinning the aircraft if you will, and is controlled by the left stick when pushed side to side.

Thrust is power used to climb or descend, and used in conjunction with pitch or roll to establish speed in a lateral direction. Thrust is controlled by the left stick via forward and aft movement.

Oh, cleaning the gimbals will prolly cure the problems.
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The ST 16 obviously oxidizes contacts when left sitting. On of my 480s had zero yaw the other day. It had not flown for over two months. I was able to get some motion back with stick exercise. I have determined that this needs to be pre flight checked every time. Sad that my cheaper “toy grade” gimbals don’t have these problems.
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Makes me wonder if they bother to check metal compatibility between various components that will be in contact with each other. For anyone interested, common JST connectors are well noted for generating a thin corrosion film over time.
I have determined that this needs to be pre flight checked every time.
I concluded the same thing over a year ago. While I'm waiting for the H to pick up sats, I go to hardware monitor and check the sticks. They often need a good stir.

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