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New H Pro ST16 Battery Came Dead

Mar 2, 2016
Reaction score
Well **** ! Just got the Pro and the 16 battery was at 5% and been charging 4 hours and still not moving the bar up any, Just unplugged battery and replugged and am going to bed! Any thoughts for when I awake?:confused:
Not good and I have no material suggestions other than this occurrence which happened a while back. I had a Pro returned to me from a retailer and the ST-16 had been left on! It would not even register the 5% yours had of remaining charge. I went ahead and placed it on charge and it eventually fully recovered... still today no obvious problems. So see if it can recover. Patience butterfly!!,( from the old Kung fu tv series if I remember correctly).
That sucks D.C. Putting it on overnight is a good idea buddy. Might be dangerous tho.
Not good and I have no material suggestions other than this occurrence which happened a while back. I had a Pro returned to me from a retailer and the ST-16 had been left on! It would not even register the 5% yours had of remaining charge. I went ahead and placed it on charge and it eventually fully recovered... still today no obvious problems. So see if it can recover. Patience butterfly!!,( from the old Kung fu tv series if I remember correctly).
You mean "Quick as you can grasshopper, snatch the pebble from my hand" !

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