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New Yuneec Owner coming from DJI

Jul 31, 2016
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Hey guys I've been flying drones since the Phantom Vision and then upgraded at the end of 2014 when the Phantom 2 Vision Plus came out. I've been involved in RC since I was a kid and I'm in my mid 40's now. Mostly my RC background is in nitro cars and trucks but I've had a couple of smaller planes and such. I still have a very very large collection of my models today. When the Phantom 3 Pro came out last year and included lightbridge I almost jumped on one as I had seen what lightbridge could do but held off still really wanting the Inspire. The Phantoms have been good machines but I hate the fact that they look so cheap and toyish. I watched and followed the Q500 and knew then that Yuneec would be a great competitor to DJI though I didn't feel the Q500 was the bird I wanted. Then I saw the H was coming and honestly fell in love with the specs and it being a hex. I'm usually one to jump on something quick but life was busy and honestly I didn't much time to fly so I postponed my purchase til a week or so ago. When I got ready to pull the trigger on a new bird I had pretty much made up my decision to purchase a Inspire V2 since they had dropped to $1999 but the more I read and watched the Phantom 4 I was close to changing my mind even though I hated that dang toyish look. I was disappointed in all the reviews I kept seeing comparing the P4 and the Typhoon H that I had almost completely blocked the H out of my mind. Then I saw the H Pro was starting to ship and some people were stating that the new released firmware was fixing some of the things people were disappointed with on the H and I ended up finding a H Pro in stock and bought it immediately. Now during that 2-3 day shipping time I questioned my decision repeatedly.......did I make the right decision? Well I flew my H Pro yesterday for the first time and I flew it more today and I'm happy to report that I'm extremely happy that I purchased the Typhoon H. I personally love the ST16 remote with integrated screen.....**** having to use my phone or ipad. The build quality of the Typhoon is great and it flies awesome. In non GPS mode it will come across the sky like a top fuel dragster :-) and it handles very well. There are a few things I'm having to adjust to coming from a Phantom but overall I'm totally happy with my Typhoon. If your on the fence making your decision don't hesitate to purchase a Yuneec bird!!
Glad you have found joy in flying the H. I love the bird as well. Still lots to learn about this machine
Welcome JJ. Fly safe.
I was disappointed in all the reviews I kept seeing comparing the P4 and the Typhoon H that I had almost completely blocked the H out of my mind. Then I saw the H Pro was starting to ship and some people were stating that the new released firmware was fixing some of the things people were disappointed with on the H and I ended up finding a H Pro in stock and bought it immediately. Now during that 2-3 day shipping time I questioned my decision repeatedly.......did I make the right decision? Well I flew my H Pro yesterday for the first time and I flew it more today and I'm happy to report that I'm extremely happy that I purchased the Typhoon H. I personally love the ST16 remote with integrated screen.....**** having to use my phone or ipad. The build quality of the Typhoon is great and it flies awesome. In non GPS mode it will come across the sky like a top fuel dragster :) and it handles very well. There are a few things I'm having to adjust to coming from a Phantom but overall I'm totally happy with my Typhoon. If your on the fence making your decision don't hesitate to purchase a Yuneec bird!!
The P 4 is a unit that can fly longer on less batteries. In addition, the sensors are already installed. The Typhoon H is a good starting point and should bring you joy on flying. Therefore if you are not frustrated that the Typhoon is not as agile as the P 4, you should get much enjoyment out of this.
I personally love the ST16 remote with integrated screen.....**** having to use my phone or ipad.
I repeatedly got very close to buying various Phantoms over the years, and each time the dealbreaker for me was the need to have an iPad or iPhone grafted onto the controller. I already own both, so cost wasn't a factor, but the awkwardness and drawbacks of that arrangement certainly were.

I think DJI and Yuneec both have great products with their own strengths and weaknesses. They don't meet everyone's needs equally well so one needs to pay attention to avoid regret and disappointment.
If you can afford it buy both the Phantom and H like myself and many others here.

They both compliment each other and fulfil different needs.

When I need some serous work done the Phantom comes into play with its
3rd party app's, fully antonymous waypoint missions, Ariel mapping, land surveying,
longer range, better camera.

When I'm flying for fun the H always impresses with its size, hex, and dazzling light display,
retractable landing gear, all in one controller convenience.

Which do I fly most?

The first month I bought the H my Phantom was in the closet most of the time.

This last month the H has been in the closet as the Phantom fulfills my needs better.
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I fly'em all. I have an H, a P3P, a P4 and an Inspire that I just got and haven't even flown yet. More 350qx's and horizon quads than I can count. Welcome to the club. Keep adding to the arsenal is what I always say. You never can tell when you might want to pick up something and fly it. ;)
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Great post and welcome! My story is very similar to yours. RC Helis for a long time the quads as soon as the original Phantom 1 came out. I have all the Phantoms and Inspire 1. I did jump and was one of the first H buyers. I have enjoyed my H a lot. My primary issue with the Phantom, is the "toy" look you described. I know some people don't mind the dated, toy look but I want my toys to look and play cool! Shallow, perhaps, but honest. If you need some extra range, you have multiple choices for around $100 that will get you a mile plus. Have fun.
The P 4 is a unit that can fly longer on less batteries. In addition, the sensors are already installed. The Typhoon H is a good starting point and should bring you joy on flying. Therefore if you are not frustrated that the Typhoon is not as agile as the P 4, you should get much enjoyment out of this.

I beg to differ.

The P4 is an expensive toy frame IMO with expensive electronics as I own one, and is not RTF. A good compatible tablet (required) will be as much or more than RS, so it's a wash.I don't see the difference in flight time that important. The P4 is tied to $170 DJI only batteries. At least with the H you have the option of using other batteries, and in time there will be 3rd party suppliers probably with larger capacity.

I tired of hooking up wires and attaching tablets, so the ST16 which can do a lot and the built in HDMI out is nice. The P4 setup still reminds me of the headaches of yore, oops, another $100 for HDMI out module too. I can also buy a spare battery for the ST16.

The H has no problem with high winds. It seems to love it. When filming in high winds with a P4 the resulting video, particularly when above VPS range, will sway about. Smoothly of course, but wind is not its friend. Fast descent with the P4 you can see VRS beginning to take place and the video shows it. I've already flown the P4 in high winds and it is not an enjoyable experience. The camera itself is good, but the frame it is mounted on is a glorified Syma X8 with substandard landing gear. You must be a precision pilot to land without catching or tipping over on uneven surfaces. It doesn't do the trampoline as bad as earlier Phantoms, but still is not a smooth landing unless in soft grass (the gimbal doesn't like that), and I simply refuse to hand catch. The gimbal motors are weak where even a few thin blades of grass will bind them. These are not an issue with the H. Landing the H is not as straight forward as Arducopter, but after a bit of practice will land correctly every time. Also the H is less prone to VRS during fast descents, although I try to avoid those in both craft.

OA works nicely on the P4, but I've only tested it; have yet to see it earn its keep in real life and don't see ever needing it. Maybe its intended for noob pilots. I've yet to turn on OA on the H to even test it.

The H will stay in position in high winds rock steady and taking advantage of the 360 degree gimbal makes it a winner hands down for filming from a standstill especially. You must practice using the slider and knob to become coordinated but is better IMO than the P4 which makes the video yaw look choppy. The H camera yaw can be brought to a crawl or move fast without need for setting changes. The P4 yaw can be adjusted slow, but you're stuck with it until going back into the settings.

When negotiating a river bend for example, the slightest yaw movement on the P4 causes it to curve too quickly. Being more "agile" can have disadvantages. The H is nice and slow for maneuvering around river bends. You can stop and use the gimbal yaw knob to get nice smooth yaw. Pitch differences is a wash.

If you want more of a racer, get the P4, it's more suited for that. OTOH, disable the H's GPS and it's faster than the P4. If flying missions is your thing, get the P4 with Litchi or Autopilot. I've flown too many missions to count with my Arducopter stuff, and didn't really want or need that option. Oh, and Active Tracking is not all what its cracked up to be. It works great under the right conditions, but loses the subject under less than ideal conditions (lighting, contrast etc.). For fast moving wheel chairs it's fantastic (seriously I do like it, but it isn't earth shattering technology). The H with the Wizard while it requires to be attached to the subject, is much better at tracking and can exceed 40 mph. I still haven't figured out if the H will follow up or down hill with the Wizard. The P4 does not do well there. The available flight modes on the H is plenty for what I do with it.

That's my view on things after owning both for over two months. In the end however, my Arducopter powered copters beats the crap out of either when it comes to pure flight control comparisons.
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I fly'em all. I have an H, a P3P, a P4 and an Inspire that I just got and haven't even flown yet. More 350qx's and horizon quads than I can count. Welcome to the club. Keep adding to the arsenal is what I always say. You never can tell when you might want to pick up something and fly it. ;)

I'm curious to see how u like the Inspire once you get to fly it a few times. I do still have my P2V+ and I have the FPVLR stage 4 antenna kit on it. I'm planing on getting a P4 and/or the Autel XStar Premium to add to my collection. I'm a bit excessive with my hobbies :-). My overall experience so far with the H has been wonderful though. I took some of my footage last night and reviewed it on my Mac and honestly I wasn't to disappointed in the camera of course that's me being use to the P2V+ camera as well. I like the idea of being able to replace the camera on the H if Yuneec provides us with that option as well.

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