Is your portable command center powered fully from those 2 solar panels or what kind of power are you using to power that 32" tv? Also what case are you using? Does everything fit into the single case ie the entire command center including the TV and the drone with st16 or what all do you have? Is there any way you could list everything you have along with anything special that you had to do to make this setup work? Im wanting to make my TH have the best range for FPV, control & telemetry plus im going to be airbrushing the entire body and camera housing so it'll be much more visible during the day and night so reflective powder and uv/glow powder. Plus alot more but just trying to pick up as many tips as possible from everyone that has nice setups like yourself. After buying the TH for the price Im not to keen on spending $400 on a case especially being as most the cases that are being sold for the TH only have space for everything that came stock with it and maybe a few extra batteries but that's it, which is also why your post caught my eye as it looks as if your case looks as if it can hold alot more than the normal and it has much heavier wheels or all terrain wheels at least then any pelican case or the like have, Is your case by chance a case you bought from Home Depot or Lowes or similar? How good are your FPV goggles ie have you found them to be worth the cost? Im thinking of trying to find some FPV goggles that have an HDMI input that way possibly find them for quite cheap and the only thing I'd be worried about with FPV goggles that are completely wireless is when using them does it demand more from the 5.8GHZ band of antennas from the drone because your now demanding data/telemetry from the TH to the ST16 and the Goggles so is the signal therefore diminished or taxed more when using the goggles and the ST16 vs just using the ST16?? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to be as detailed as possible so I can get my setup correct the 1st time around!! I really appreciate any info you can give to me & I'll be sure to pass on the favor to any others that would like to know!