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Q500 Warning !

I Wanna add a program so i can view the pics and vids that i take on the st10+ instead of loading it on my computer and than seeing them
sorry for interupting is it possible to add a apk program to the st10+
Nope. You can't add programs and you really don't want to. The controller is designed for a single purpose........to control the aircraft. Anything you might try to add could interfere with the controls, void the warranty and also make you responsible if something or someone were to get damaged.
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Please help me with this!

Hi there it’s JuanDiego

I bought a Yuneec Q500 4K from an eBay retailer (wbb6679) about a week ago. It came here yesterday I tested it last night and everything looked just fine, I couldn’t fly it a long time because battery was pretty much dead. This afternoon I was flying again with the 100% battery charged the original one. I flew for about 15 minutes everything was fine I was happy with it. Suddenly I can’t explain how and why happened but the Yuneec kind of turn off by itself and fell from more than a 20 feet altitude straight to the ground there was nothing I could do to stop it. It’s so weird what happened because I’m familiar with drones and I have several like the phantom etc... (never has happened before to me with any other drone) the best way I can describe it is like if the battery came out and Yuneec just fell off and hit the ground... I’d like an explanation and see how the warranty I bought works. I’ve been looking online and several people are complaining about this problem.
Now the drone does not work properly, the camera is definitely broken and gone and one of the lights is no longer working... the battery safety push in compartment doesn’t close. I’m looking forward to hear from you soon. I have all the parts and I have it here with me I’d like you guys to investigate what happened so I can get my drone back or just another one.
Thank you.
This exact thing happened to me while within warranty but Yuneec would not cover my cost because telemetry files were not being recorded. When I told them what happened the tech scoffed and said he had never heard of this happening before and pretty much dismissed me as a liar. It's painful and funny at the same time to see someone else report the same, exact incident within a year. I had to replace my battery latch and propellers and this has happened to me again twice, luckily over grass and without damage due to carbon fiber props and a gamble guard...
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this has happened to me again twice,
Please start a new thread and describe your problem in detail. I presume your ST10 is now recording telemetry. You will need to upload the telemetry files after you post a new thread.
Please start a new thread and describe your problem in detail. I presume your ST10 is now recording telemetry. You will need to upload the telemetry files after you post a new thread.
Steve, My St10+ is now recording telemetry. I'll follow your advice and upload the files to a new thread. Thanks for the direction. I'm hoping that someone with experience reading these files will be able to make more sense of them than I could.... Cheers
I have the same wires exposed. Bought used a week ago. Sadly, didn't notice them.

I turned on the 500, it settled down, then my daughter said she smelled burning and i shut it down. the camera was smoking inside. Majorly bummed. But I have both the 4K and the GoPro gimbals, so not all is lost.
I have the same wires exposed. Bought used a week ago. Sadly, didn't notice them.
I turned on the 500, it settled down, then my daughter said she smelled burning and i shut it down. the camera was smoking inside. Majorly bummed. But I have both the 4K and the GoPro gimbals, so not all is lost.
I'm not certain what wires you are referring to. Perhaps you should start a new thread to explain.
does the q500 4k sold by beach camera on amazon have it built in?
You might try adding a link to the item you are asking about. Also, what are you wondering about being built in? Your post is vague and lacking enough information to even attempt an answer.
oops! sorry. didnt realize there was a second page and i was on the first, so i thought my question was directly relevant.
Steve Carr said: Yes, that card records the telemetry and is needed in case you need warranty service. Most the newer models came with the card installed.
so my question was did anyone know if this seller comes with the card pre-installed? heres a link: Beach Camera Yuneec Typhoon q500 4k. (sorry if my formatting is not very good im kinda new here.)
The only way to find out is to remove the battery from the controller. It's an easy task and the card you would need is only a few bucks if there isn't one there.
Hi My CGO 3 isn’t working good. The system witch set the axis in position straight don’t work properly and my camera still rotating from right to left or from left to right
The Q can handle light wind but landing is difficult. I always try to find a protected spot to land. To save your props, when you get down to about 12" above the ground, press and hold the red button. It should land and shutdown quite well with no damage.
And land on level LZ as possible!!!!
I created a video that talks about and compares the Q500 flight log for ST10, ST10+, and ST12. It also demos 3 different methods to look at the data. Might be helpful or interesting to some.
The Power BI processes look interesting. I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for showing and the link.

It is easier to connect the STxx to the PC by USB cable to read/copy the FlightLogs than fiddle around with the SD card.
If you use Excel for data files please make a safe copy of the *.csv files before. Excel destroys data if you are not careful.

To create KML files ready to playback in GoogleEarth I use that:
Windows 64bit: http://h-elsner.mooo.com/downloads/q500log2kml.zip
LINUX 64bit: http://h-elsner.mooo.com/downloads/q500log2kml.tar.gz

It is usable for FlightLogs (or Flight2Logs) from ST10, ST10+, ST12, ST16, ST16S, Breeze and TLOG files from Mantis Q and H520. You can do a lot more analysis of flight logs.

br HE
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