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Ready to buy but have a Geo fencing question

Jul 16, 2016
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Can anyone explain how the geo fencing works on the H? I live within 5 miles of a couple smaller airports and wonder if this hex might not be the best choice for me. When I fly my DJI even though I am within the 5 mile radius of a airport most of the area where I fly is in the yellow and I am allowed to fly. On DJI's site there is a Geo fencing map, how does Yuneek handle geo fencing? I would really hate to spend the money only to find out that I can't even use the hex like intended.
I fly no problem near small airports, just notify them if you can and stay under 400', If closer, better under 200'. Or you can always fly in another place, as flying in the same area is boring!;)
So then there is no geofencing that I am reading about? How close are you to an airport?
I fly no problem near small airports, just notify them if you can and stay under 400', If closer, better under 200'. Or you can always fly in another place, as flying in the same area is boring!;)

So then there is no geofencing that I am reading about? How close are you to an airport?

I thought that Yuneec preprogrammed a database of no fly areas. The drone is suppose to automatically avoid those areas. ..but how does the drone know where it is with GPS off.
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I live 2 miles from a small airport and I have no problem. The H is the best choice my friend...... I love it
GPS in the controller?

I need to reread what happens when the controller is started within 5 miles of an arpt, or what happens if you fly the drone towards an area that is within 5miles of an arpt.
I know you are mainly talking about small airports, but just for interest...
I live within 2 miles of Ontario Airport (Cali), and work within 5 miles of an airport in Riverside (Cali),
My Typhoon H won't even start while I am within those 5 mile radius's.
It depends on what class airport it is. The FAA B4UFLY app is bunkum, they even admit it but like every government agency will take forever to update.

Yuneec is obviously not using B4UFLY database, neither is DJI. This difference is DJI is your Big Brother and records your every logon. It then goes to Airmap with which they can do anything they want with your information. Always read the Privacy Statements.

Yuneec and 3DR do not.

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