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Real WiFi range

May 24, 2016
Reaction score
I started making flights on a more larger scale, in Smart mode.
Between 220 and 240 m, in perfect visibility (by the sea), the WiFi connection is broken.

I use the "E" version of the firmware.

I know that the topic has already been discussed, but I would like to know now, in effect, as recognized as the maximum range for both the WiFi firmware "E", that the standard.

In particular, I ask for Typhoon H Advanced, with ST16 only 2 antennas.

Thank you all for each contribution.
My H advance with stock antenas 1200m at these distance the video starts to be broken. With fpvlr antenas 1600m and with 2 boosters 2w and 2.5w 3000m
My H advance with stock antenas 1200m at these distance the video starts to be broken. With fpvlr antenas 1600m and with 2 boosters 2w and 2.5w 3000m

Wow !
1200 m. with stock antenna it's my dream.
How fw get this result ? (E or A)

You made some settings / setup of WiFi?

I can not understand why there is a difference of 5 * between our findings; I would understand if the normal result is your or mine, so I hope that other pilots give feedback.
Hi, I fly over a field with all stock Typhoon H and european firmware and got 1022m. At this point I started to loose telematry so I turned back. And this is the version 1 Typhoon H!
I love these conversations as I barely get 300m before losing video and telemetry, the maximum I have ever achieved is 500m over a lake on a clear day with no one around but a few ducks.
Here is what I have been getting with my H....
I live on a hill and fly thru the valley,,LOS and my longest has been just over 6000 ft...

The hills and trees play a big factor in what range I can get...
The photo is a Google Earth overlay of some of my flights from my backyard...White flight path being my longest
If you notice, the long paths are thru the valley, and because of tall trees I have greatly reduced range around the house.
The Flights on the left is from our other property on top of the hill...that property is surrounded by tall trees and even though it is higher, I can only go about 2400 feet...

Typhoon H is straight stock...
I get good live video at all points...
Flights heights are from 300-400 ft max


  • Flights Aug17.jpg
    Flights Aug17.jpg
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Christian, your post states: "With fpvlr antenas 1600m and with 2 boosters 2w and 2.5w 3000m"

I also use FPVLR antennas but have problems with telemetry dropout when flying with intermittent LOS from behind a treeline. I don't need more distance range for control but do need to boost the video signal I have for that reason.

Can you please provide details as to how you implemented your two boosters? A kit? Photos? Parts list, etc? I'm sure others are just as interested as I to know precisely how. Thanks!
Is your phone on Airplane mode? I'm not saying that is the main issue, but not doing this can cause signal loss...

Thank you for your answer.
When I lost the signal to 240 m, I had not the smartphone.
Your observation, however, has made me think that I was flying along a beach where there were several hot-spot WiFi; signals to less than half of maximum power, but present.
Perhaps because they are the hot-spots, but the difference with Robban (1022m) is still considerable.
I'm afraid there's more, but in the meantime this is a clue.
Marco I hate to tell you this but I would call Yuneec and see what they say. Maybe you need to send it to them.

Sent from my H60-L04 using Tapatalk
SO you guys are saying you're going over a thousand meters witout any issues? Everyone with stock antennas?
I can go about 1800 feet then i start losing video
whats up?
Here is what I have been getting with my H....
I live on a hill and fly thru the valley,,LOS and my longest has been just over 6000 ft...

The hills and trees play a big factor in what range I can get...
The photo is a Google Earth overlay of some of my flights from my backyard...White flight path being my longest
If you notice, the long paths are thru the valley, and because of tall trees I have greatly reduced range around the house.
The Flights on the left is from our other property on top of the hill...that property is surrounded by tall trees and even though it is higher, I can only go about 2400 feet...

Typhoon H is straight stock...
I get good live video at all points...
Flights heights are from 300-400 ft max
Atomic how do you get your flights on Google earth like this?
I have flown to 3200 feet with the stock ant before losing telemetry, height 300-400 feet. With FPVLR I went out to 4300 feet. And with the Idelite DBS out to 6500 feet. With the DBS I believe I could have gone much farther, however I would have gone over heavy traffic and businesses in a large mall complex.
My purpose was to confirm a good signal, not to fly long distances and out of LOS.
With all this said, when I fly at lower heights, below 100 feet, I keep losing telemetry at distances as short as 700 feet. There have been random trees but they are not thick and you can actually see through them and see the craft on the other side. So there is not a heavy barrier to block signals.
I understand the ant for telemetry is actually in the handle of the ST16 and future + models this ant is being moved to a third external Ant. I called Yuneec and they have no plans to upgrade existing ST16s and state that there is no Upgrade kit for existing ST16s. There are YouTube videos showing kits to add external Ant to the H and the ST16 which are correcting this problem, however it voids any warranties.
Has anyone found another solution to telemetry loss at shorter distances?
Have been able to easily reach out to 6000ft with FPVLR with room to spare, not sure about the stock.
I started making flights on a more larger scale, in Smart mode.
Between 220 and 240 m, in perfect visibility (by the sea), the WiFi connection is broken.

I use the "E" version of the firmware.

I know that the topic has already been discussed, but I would like to know now, in effect, as recognized as the maximum range for both the WiFi firmware "E", that the standard.

In particular, I ask for Typhoon H Advanced, with ST16 only 2 antennas.

Thank you all for each contribution.

I've noticed that increasing the height of the drone above ground improves the video and telemetry range. Also, I think the orientation of the camera effects the range. I flew out 5400 feet at 400 ft elevation over land (including power lines, trees, etc.) with stock hardware. As soon as I turned the drone and camera, I lost video and telemetry. I switched to RTH mode and prayed. I was blind for about half of the return trip. Thanks Yuneec for a reliable RTH mode.
Hesterday i realize 3 flughts in the same place same altitud. The first o e with fpvlr antenas and 2 booster 2w every one. I realize a 2000m flight. At these distance i lose telemetry but i continue having video signal but i came back.
The 2 flight was the same place but with booster turn off but fpvlr antenas. O realize a 1600m flight at that distance i lose video and telemetry.
The 3 flight was with all stock. Without booster and stock antenas i lost video and telemetry at 850m.

I use in the best flight 2000m two sunhans booster one for 2.4ghz with 2.5w power and the oter one 2w power fot video signal and the antenas fpvlr. Maybe i will modify mi st16 to have an external telemetry antena

Enviado desde mi SM-G920F mediante Tapatalk

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