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Take your guesses :p

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Nothing to do with the project I'm working on here, just decided to throw a few heatsinks on. Any electronics that run cooler is always a good thing in my opinion

Kind of like my brain.
When it get too hot it
Does not think too well.

Or process info well.
Some will call it short
Were all getting old and slowly deaf, we don't hear them or they don't bother us anymore. Most have perfected selective hearing by now.

That's funny.
I am 68 and prefefr to hear
I do not have selective
HEARING. Nor do I want it.
Keith K
I’m the same age but after years of two stroke engines, propellers, loud music, guns, rockets, and mortars I need to use hearing aids to hear high frequencies. Thankfully, my last employer gets to foot the bill.
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I’m the same age but after years of two stroke engines, propellers, loud music, guns, rockets, and mortars I need to use hearing aids to hear high frequencies. Thankfully, my last employer gets to foot the bill.

No hearing aids here.
I never did like music that was too loud.

Even though our ears
Have a AVC
Automatic Volume Control.
There are tests which show how are hearing has deteriorated over the years, my kids hear higher frequency than me, it's a fact of life we all hear less than what we did in our twenties, unless the wife is demanding something then we have the lower frequency we can push!
There are tests which show how are hearing has deteriorated over the years, my kids hear higher frequency than me, it's a fact of life we all hear less than what we did in our twenties, unless the wife is demanding something then we have the lower frequency we can push!


What I mean by AVC
Is, example - - certain car
Models will adjust the
Radio volume up when
The windows are down
To compensate for the
Wind noise.
Just as we adjust our
Yelling in a loud environment. I hope
You understand what
I am referring to.
Keith K

What I mean by AVC
Is, example - - certain car
Models will adjust the
Radio volume up when
The windows are down
To compensate for the
Wind noise.
Just as we adjust our
Yelling in a loud environment. I hope
You understand what
I am referring to.
Keith K
Lots can be heard in silence, if you listen .
No kidding.
Keith K
I wait you here in Italy ... So we can go on Dolomites and hear the silence?
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I can host you if you come in Italy...but probably it is easier I can host PatR... I think he has free military flights to US airforce bases?
Is there much hysteria over there at the moment? Panic seems to be setting in over here.
Is there much hysteria over there at the moment? Panic seems to be setting in over here.
It is not panic?. We have some areas that are red zones (around 400kms from where I am). In red zones people have to stay inside their municipality area.
Those areas are in Milan province.
At moment in the whole Italy we have 4000 infected, 197 deaths, 440 people that was infected and now are ok.
The government decided to stop schools in all Italy until the end of thos month. The difference with other European countries is that we decided to test all people that are going to hospital...other countries don't do that. In Usa for exemple you have to pay 3200 usd (California)...here it is free...so less tests...less positive people.
In my province we have less than ten cases (most of them were from a bus that went for a trip in Assisi. After discovering the first case, they discovered the others because they searched and tested all the passengers and their families).
Here in my town life is quite and going like always just some more precautions (washing always hands, staying one meter away when speaking in public, etc). Anyway 70% of world people will be infected by 2022 ... experts are saying this. ???
We are completely off topic now and this thread has run its course anyway.

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