Hello, Just got the drone, basically i took it on a little flight this morning( first flight) i decided it was too windy and i wasnt comfortable flying it. It felt like the drone was trying to fight me when i was trying to land it, not sure if it was the wind or what but it did it even when the gusts werent blowing. So i went to a bigger area this afternoon, checked if there was restrictions in the airzone, there wasnt, and i took off. Was doing well for like 5 minutes. Since it was a new drone, i wanted to try out all the features and whatnot. I turned on obstacle avoidance just because i was exploring the features. It said ready on the st16 and some radar looking stuff popped up on the screen. Ok, seemed normal I continued flying. On the front arms there are the two white lights, they started alternating red/white/red/white I thought it was just obs avoidance but i was cautious with it and then my st16 said gps signal lost-continue manual flight so immediately i wanted to land it. Im pretty sure i got gps signal back, but i dont remember. I tried to land it, it wasnt going down, i turned obs avoidance off and rotated it to make it easier for my own coordination. It didnt do anything for maybe 15 seconds after that and then all of the sudden went straight up another 100 feet probably and stood there then it turned and started diving away from me. Wouldnt respond to anything i was doing. It went down and crashed, away from home point/where i was standing. I shut the drone off and looked at the damage. After assessing i turned it back on to see if it still works. I started the motors (without props) they started right up i waited a second and decided to throttle up a little to see what they would do. One motor looked like it binded up on something for half a second then kept going ,the one next to it making a weird metallic tapping noise I got a motor failure warning on my st16. I did not get this type of warning leading up to the crash. St16 and drone battery were full, battery was installed correctly and so were the props. It seems to have happened out of nowhere, everything was working perfectly besides my feeling of the drone trying to fight me earlier today. Im hoping anyone can provide some insight on to why this would happen. The drone was recording the whole time until i shut it off. Im going to try to attach the video. Thank you for your time