Was told there is a new version of the software planned to include the other models of aircraft but no date was available. Even so I have fun with the existing virtual Q500.4K inside the UAV-SIM software and there are a few good reasons why it's relevant regardless of the model.
There are some challenges, not especially easy ones - like hovering inside a large aerial 'cube' that floats around above the flying field. Hard to do because you do not have depth perception in the simulator and because there is a random gentle wind.
These exercises seem to help me to fly better in manual mode and although the Q500 is not a racer it is, for me anyway, a lot of fun to fly in 'mode 4' of the ST10+ controller. I believe the benefit of the cube exercise is good for this because when the aircraft is far away you do not have good depth perception of its surroundings either. Sans the cube exercise in the Challenges, I like flying figures in the flying field. Start with an oval, then figure 8, etc.. Angle mode of course or it's just cheatin'.
For those exercises it has not mattered to me which model was used because they are more about trying to polish up certain manual skills, before I risk the aircraft with them, than high-features and whizzbang which are largely automated on the newer models.