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UAV toolbox mission emergency terminate

Nov 18, 2016
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Hi all,

In a mission created in UAV toolbox can you 'dump' the mission for manual flight if it looks like going tits up, i.e. heading for trees?

If so how, is it just stick input?

Thank you

On the screen during the ccc flight you can tap pause. There is no stick movement i know of to cancel.
This is a function of the Yuneec Flight Mode app - there's an 'Exit' button on screen and as @BillyTexas says, you can't use the sticks to take over.

Beware, because the instinct is to try to use the sticks, but throttle up and down increase/decrease the speed of the route - NOT the height of the drone.
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But you should be able to slow down or reverse your route with the right stick. But that won't react quick enough most likely to stop any unplanned obstacles strikes. My advice is first flight of new CCC plot you want the have the telemetry visible and be ready to exit per the UAV toolbox warning.
And check the route before flying for unanticipated obstacles. Here, wires are a particular hazard.
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...you should be able to slow down or reverse your route with the right stick. But that won't react quick enough...

Over on this side of the pond it's the left stick ;~)

Andy's right: the UAV Toolbox missions perform exactly the same functions as on-the-fly-created missions. And, bumping the stick up or down to slow/reverse direction works surprisingly quickly. I've had a couple poorly planned missions that prove the point.
You can "stop" and hover in between way points with left stick input. I just ran a mission I'm using to learn UAV toolbox and you can dynamically control speed with gentle forward or backwards nudges on the left stick.

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