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Video from the C23 and H Plus

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Excellent video!

I never thought of locking the result of the White Balance.

That does help. That’s a CGO3 must and probably a good practice with the C23. I’m impressed by the lack of noticeable artifacts with an ISO of 1600.
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That does help. That’s a CGO3 must and probably a good practice with the C23. I’m impressed by the lack of noticeable artifacts with an ISO of 1600.
That's where my habit of locking the white balance comes from, my old CGO3+. Not a bad habit to have, especially as there was zero chance of me re-shooting this. I did have 2 evenings of practice runs, no fireworks, but same location and similar light conditions to try different camera settings and confirm using iso1600 would not have too much noise in it.
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Here are some photos from the C23 and P4P in - almost similar - lighting conditions (early evening).
The C23 blows away the P4P camera in terms of detail and dynamic range.


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Here are some photos from the C23 and P4P in - almost similar - lighting conditions (early evening).
The C23 blows away the P4P camera in terms of detail and dynamic range.


Thanks for uploading! To be fair, I like the P4P shots too: without forensic analysis, the detail in DJI_0010 looks excellent and the richness of the roof colours looks arguably better than in, say, YUN_0002 - although comparison is difficult because of the different light conditions.
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First flight 4k/60 video by MJSkavioke in very moody sky, demonstrating how daft the LOS rules are when the clouds are black.
H Plus Vs. Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 Review by SKSVideoGuy
A very fair comparison, as I have the p4p v1 and h520 there is nothing he said I would disagree with. Both have pluses and minuses. On my fire work video I flew both in test flights the evening before and used the h520 in the end because I prefer the colour of the e90/c23 and because trying to focus the p4p in the dark is a pain. Also the peace of mind the hex gave me over water.
First flight 4k/60 video by MJSkavioke in very moody sky, demonstrating how daft the LOS rules are when the clouds are black.

Also a very good demonstration for very bright LED lights on a dark colored drone.

I’m really bothered by the number of videos with props in the view when flying forward. Newbie video pilots?
Also a very good demonstration for very bright LED lights on a dark colored drone.

I’m really bothered by the number of videos with props in the view when flying forward. Newbie video pilots?

It’s got to be...The Plus for sure in rabbit mode will do this If you leave the camera at default forward. It is not happening in turtle so for real shoots at normal speed I don’t get them. I’ve never flown for speed but the 480 is better for less prop issues due to the camera placement and reduced lens size. So yes, you need to be familiar with the Yuneec camera set up and be a smart pilot to avoid this as it is easier to get those dreaded props in the frame. I’m also seeing very jerky camera controls in general in many posts.
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It’s got to be...The Plus for sure in rabbit mode will do this If you leave the camera at default forward. It is not happening in turtle so for real shoots at normal speed I don’t get them. I’ve never flown for speed but the 480 is better for less prop issues due to the camera placement and reduced lens size. So yes, you need to be familiar with the Yuneec camera set up and be a smart pilot to avoid this as it is easier to get those dreaded props in the frame. I’m also seeing very jerky camera controls in general in many posts.
Thanks, Craig!
This video of the video link to the controller is flagged as a live stream. Obviously, it was live streamed to the controller but does this mean that the 720p video link footage can be live streamed anywhere? I hadn't realised this was possible…and if it is there must be lots of potential applications for it.

. . . . I’m really bothered by the number of videos with props in the view when flying forward. Newbie video pilots?

@CraigCam is right and I would add; whether in Angle or Sport, as the rate slider is moved past about half way; as you begin to accelerate there comes a point where there is a steep and noticeable "hit' of power. I can best describe it as if there is a rate curve that makes the around-center-movement very docile but then there is the point where it gets the full amount. However, if you can hold steady enough the aircraft will eventually settle into that speed but it takes a steady hold of the stick. Then of course there is the back side of this when slowing down. The trick is; as a videographer, you have to plan a run accordingly to cut the beginning and end out of the clip and be able to use the middle portion. Another contributing factor is that with the Plus; the arms are longer and the props have more diameter and that extra length comes into play. Its something that if your conscious of it you can find work arounds, such as flying a shot backwards and so forth and; it still beats a P4P ;)
@CraigCam is right and I would add; whether in Angle or Sport, as the rate slider is moved past about half way; as you begin to accelerate there comes a point where there is a steep and noticeable "hit' of power. I can best describe it as if there is a rate curve that makes the around-center-movement very docile but then there is the point where it gets the full amount. However, if you can hold steady enough the aircraft will eventually settle into that speed but it takes a steady hold of the stick. Then of course there is the back side of this when slowing down. The trick is; as a videographer, you have to plan a run accordingly to cut the beginning and end out of the clip and be able to use the middle portion. Another contributing factor is that with the Plus; the arms are longer and the props have more diameter and that extra length comes into play. Its something that if your conscious of it you can find work arounds, such as flying a shot backwards and so forth and; it still beats a P4P ;)
Thanks for the explanation, Pat.
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If you have no moving subjects in the video, flying slow and speeding up in post is also an effective workaround. And if it's say, just motion from the wind, you can just leave it... viewers will be amazed at how well it handles. ;)
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I’m really bothered by the number of videos with props in the view when flying forward. Newbie video pilots?

Yes, I have noticed this too in a number of videos I have watched. And it also bothers me quite a bit. That camera is WAY below the body of this drone, yet those prop blades seem to rather easily get into the videos.

One of the benefits I perceive of the 4K/60fps video is being able to take decent video even at speed. But kind of makes that a moot point if the prop blades get in the way and ruin the shot. I guess I could tilt the camera down a bit when needed, so it's not one of those "brick wall" kind of problems, I suppose. But still, not the kind of issue I would expect to see in an $1800 drone.

BTW, I went to Best Buy yesterday and they had a Typhoon H (not plus) on display. It was actually surprisingly smaller than I had expected it to be. It just seems so BIG in the videos I have watched. I was PLEASANTLY surprised.
The H is a good machine. I have 2 of them. By all accounts though the H+ is a real step up in flying and camera. When the dust settles, all the warts are known and several firmware updates have fixed bugs and brought back features H pilots are used to I'm pretty sure I'll sell the 2 H machines and move up to an H+.
I am gonna keep my Standard H for a while as a backup, plus (No Pun Intended);) it would be sad to see that she's not worth 25% of what I paid for it. Yet another interesting paper weight for the collection.
I thought about hanging on the the H with the better camera but.... then I thought a smaller, more portable drone might be the best way for me to complement the H+. ;)

Currently keeping my eyes open on the Autel EVO to see how that turns out. Richard Gilmore is having fun with his. Autel still claims they will offer a version with a 1" sensor.
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