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Video lag on the TH.

May 7, 2016
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Gurdon, Ar
I don't know how important the video lag is on your TH, but it can be a game stop for some of us? I fly video platforms with three of my Drones and I also have a FPV racer. Any Any lag on my racer will result in a crash.
I get the lag on my TH it seems later in the afternoon over a part of dirt field behind some houses. Flying the other direction is fine and early morning I almost never have lag.. Doesn't bother me to much I just bring it back home
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AZ what's the altitude that you normally fly out?
Do you do your camera adjusting while you're still on the ground or do you wait until you're in the air? I know that I do all my adjustments from the ground or a table.
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I have not seen a noticeable lag but then I don't fly fast FPV or look at the screen that much. I do look if I am setting up a shot, but that's always moving slow.
I start off as Auto always and then based on the sun angle and such and what I'm shooting I may jump into Manual mode at that point. Most of the time this happens in the area of 900' out from where I am standing while in Auto mode. Sometimes its fine and just turning the drone at a specific angle makes it act up. It was like that on Monday evening and then on Weds it was fine. Go figure.. I just chalk it up to interference in that area.
Related to this topic:

Earlier today I went to a very nice location in my city, just to find out I had forgotten my SD card on my computer.

I had already droven all the way so I just figured I would use the SD card from my phone, knowing it was not only less storage, but also a slower speed class.

What happened is that I got severe lag issues with the video feed on the ST16, first I started getting a lot of pixelation and stuttering feed (as if it was losing signal), but a couple of minutes later I got smooth feed but the lag made it impossible to use the screen as a reference to either get oriented or to get nice footage.

Anyway I had to record "blindly" guessing what the H was looking since my video feed had a delay of several seconds, about 7 to 8 sec delay :eek: (very trippy to see absolutely different stuff onscreen than on the air)

So, perhaps some are getting different lag on their units due to the SD card being used.

The footage itself on the slow SD card shows no issues.

SD card producing this problem: Samsung 8gb Class 6 (6 MB/S)
Regular SD card with no problems : Sandisk 32gb UHS 3 (30 MB/S)

I guess the ST card could be a problem since the transfer rate would be slower.
I guess the ST card could be a problem since the transfer rate would be slower.

I got the lag after the latest update and I am using the class 10 U3 cards REALLY fast so, I don't know I think they still have some crappy code in their udpdate -- it does not happen all the time though , so I have no clue ..
The TH is not an FPV platform. It's screen is for set up fir shots and if you fly to a given point on the screen you will go past it so it requires both some VLOS and monitor to establish accurate framing. The radio will go further than the video and the video antenna actually gets blocked by the camera itself on straight flights away from you. Maybe if I had the pro I'd consider strictly flying via the monitor but even then I'd want a spotter maintaining VLOS. I recently shot Tucson's All Souls Procession and got decent video but stayed safely above and away from the spectators and never flew over the parade. I personally want to keep enjoying flying and shooting video so I take the FAA guidelines to heart as given the hypersensitivity to everything in this country I urge all of us to be extra careful so we don't end up like Sweden.
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Just to resurrect this topic, I've been experiencing lag issues with the camera feed on the past few flights. I've tested several different SD Cards, all have been used many times before without any issues.

The lag is generally between 4 - 8 seconds in most cases and is pretty much ruining the experience for me at the moment; I'm unable to circle round a subject reliably if the feed isn't coming through smartly. At the moment I've been unable to make this issue repeatable so am having difficulty narrowing down where the problem could be.

I'm in the process of registering for commercial operations with my drone but now I'm starting to worry that it's going to cause me problems on a live job.

Of those people that have experienced this, anybody managed to figure out if it's a config issue or hardware related problem?


Video latency for the Typhoon H has been established at 0.32 seconds at close range. The lowest latency noted for a currently available consumer drone is only 0.9 seconds less than that. Using WiFi as a broadcast medium adds a bit more lag with increases of distance.

Latency increases with distance, obstructions, and antenna orientation. If you are not flying LOS and instead flying far away using FPV through the screen, fly closer in.

If you are flying with obstructions blocking LOS between the controller and the H, fly higher to be above obstructions.

Try positioning the -16 antennas so they are not aimed directly at the H. Do not block the antenna with parts of your body or allow others to stand between the 16 and the H.

2.4 and 5.8 are not "strong" wavelength signals. Neither penetrates obstructions well and those obstructions include dense foliage. With enough power both can provide very long range but are still susceptible to obstruction interference. I've used 2.4 for video out to 130 miles but that was with power levels measured in multiple watts and a really great directional antenna, while at much higher altitudes that we fly the H at. We must recognize our equipment limitations and work within them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for the response Pat, some good info in there!

For info all my lag experiences have been with clear unobstructed LOS and at fairly short range (<100m)

I will try and experiment some and see if I can work out if any specific conditions cause the issue, I'm also going to follow the ST16 reset video and see if that has any impact.


Try re-orienting the -16 antennas first;). If laying flat or pointed straight up and at the H you may just be experiencing weak transmission and reception due to radiation patterns. I think you'll find most do not experience a significant latency issue. Personally, I don't go out past 1000', generally more like 500'-800', but even at 1000' mine has very, very low latency.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good info Pat also Merse if you will make sure that you have a U3 class 10. 16 or 32 gig SD card you will notice you won't have bad latency either. If your lag is in the 4 to 8 second ranges you have other problems.
Check your center post on your antennas make sure they are centered. Place your thumb over the F fitting and see if you're getting any contact to the skin. I always put my rubber ducky and my 5.8 antennas at a 45 degree angle to compensate for the tilt of the ST 16 as you are viewing the screen. The antennas always transmit off the sides not the ends. Happy New Year's guys.
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Good info Pat also Merse if you will make sure that you have a U3 class 10. 16 or 32 gig SD card...

Thanks for this, I am testing with 16GB MSD now, I have been using 128GB so want to see if this is the cause!

Noted on the antenna position, I have been at 45 degrees so they vertical - is that what you mean?


Thanks for this, I am testing with 16GB MSD now, I have been using 128GB so want to see if this is the cause!

Noted on the antenna position, I have been at 45 degrees so they vertical - is that what you mean?



128GB cards works fine as long as it is U3, Class 10. That's what I've been using. There are 'Fake" cards out there so make sure you get them from a reputable supplier.
Yuneec recommends that you never use anything larger than a 64 GB U3 Class10 SD card. I have talked to CS.
Well, they need to get their stories straight. I've been told by them that 128GB is fine as long as it is U3, Class 10. Also, page 5 of the manual states you can use 16GB to 128GB.

And, as I stated before, that's what I've been using without any issues.

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