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Videos Not Playing On Computer

Dec 19, 2015
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Hello Everyone,

I have a problem. I have a Yuneec Q500 Typhoon 4k quadcopter. I have had this for about 10 months I have flown this bird hundreds of times and have taken many awesome pictures and videos. I have recently had problems when I am videoing and I get about 300 feet away it will stop recording and then it will start up again and so on., The farther away I got it would stop videoing. I googled that problem and I read where if I go in and reformat my SanDisk 32GB to exfat I will be able to fly the quadcopter farther distances away from me and it will still record. So yesterday I reformatted the memory card to exfat and then put it in the bird and went out and it worked just fine. I had the quad up at about 175 feet and the bird was 1350 feet away and it was working like a charm. I get home and put the card in the computer and everything was there and all the 5 video files worked and played. This morning I get the memory card out of the computer and put it back in the quad and go out and take 6 more video clips and I came home and put the memory card in the adapter and all 6 videos would not play. I get this message: Windows Media Player, The player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file. I know its not the computer because it has been playing these videos for 10 months. Can someone please help me? I think its probably a easy fix but I just can't seem to figure it out. In advance I appreciate any help that the community might have for me. Thanks a million.

Drone Boy
I have the similar issue.
Using a brand new 32GB sd card fixed the problem. But mine won't record longer than five minutes to the 64gb cards I used to use. The record counter sometimes disappears during flight recording, but the camera keeps recording even though it looks like it stopped.
Sounds like Windows Media Player does not recognize exfat files, which you did say you just switched to use on re formatting the sd card, correct? Or did exfat work on the first shoot and then stop?
Recordings are broken in to 5 minute files. When editing videos in Final Cut Pro X I just drop the 5 minute files on the timeline end to end and there are no missing frames.
Recordings are broken in to 5 minute files. When editing videos in Final Cut Pro X I just drop the 5 minute files on the timeline end to end and there are no missing frames.
My P3 did that in Power Director 14 till I re-formatted sd card to MP4, do not know about Yuneec yet as still waiting for my first Y bird!
Formating the SD card with standard FAT32 or NTSF only allows files sizes of 4GB. That is why you have multiple files of the video created during the same flight. Formatting with the ExFAT allows larger file sizes but some operating systems do not recognize the new format standard.
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