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What is the latest firmware

Apr 16, 2020
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Hello everyone, I hope my post is in the right place. Please excuse me for my English, I am French and I use Google translation to communicate with you. I am looking to know if there is a summary page listing all the firmware deployed on the Typhoon H + as well as the Fixes provided for each version.
The official Yuneec site is stingy with information on the subject. I cannot find the information. I would like to know if the firmware of my ST16s and of my camera are the latest. Since I have H + (1 year and a half) I have had no update available via OTA and I find it strange.
La dernière mise à jour aux États-Unis a été le Build 822, publié le 20/03/2019.
Ceci est une capture d'écran de ce à quoi ressemblerait une page de firmware actuelle pour un HPlus aux Etats-Unis :
Build 822 Screenshot.jpg
Build 822 a ajouté la fonction de zoom numérique, et a amélioré l'utilisation de cartes SD plus grandes. Cependant, des problèmes de caméra ont été signalés en rapport avec cette mise à jour. Si votre microprogramme actuel fonctionne normalement, vous pouvez envisager de le laisser tel quel.
Le cas échéant, le lien suivant mène à un dépôt géré par l'un de nos membres, "Yuneec Drones Australia"
Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)

The last update in the US was Build 822, issued 03/20/2019.
The screenshot above is what a current firmware page would look like for an HPlus in the US.
Build 822 added the digital Zoom feature, and improved use of larger SD cards. However, there were reports of camera issues associated with this update. If your current firmware is performing normally, you may want to consider leaving it as it is.
If needed, the following link leads to a repository maintained by one of our members, @Haydn.
"Yuneec Drones Australia"
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Jumping in on this - I got my H+ yesterday, and it seems to not want to update.
If I go into the update tab, and tap update it just does literally nothing. No messages at all come up. No errors. Nothing.

Should I manually update it, or just stick to the supplied firmware (it's on all 3)?

Edit: I probably should add that I'm in Australia, not EU or US.
Edit2: Autopilot says 1.2.0 - that one didn't show up until just now.
Jumping in on this - I got my H+ yesterday, and it seems to not want to update.
If I go into the update tab, and tap update it just does literally nothing. No messages at all come up. No errors. Nothing.

Should I manually update it, or just stick to the supplied firmware (it's on all 3)?

Edit: I probably should add that I'm in Australia, not EU or US.
Edit2: Autopilot says 1.2.0 - that one didn't show up until just now.
If it is flying fine and your camera is working properly (i.e no jello), unless you want the zoom feature, I would not bother updating it.
My gimbal was botched after a firmware update in the past (probably between 784 - 819 build versions) and now I have to sent it to Yuneec Germany for service.
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In a world immersed in electronics, we have all become used to constant updates to nearly everything we use daily. It seems we can't turn on a computer without an update to the "latest and greatest" everything that is out there. There are even programs and nanny systems built into our devices to be SURE we have all the latest and greatest.
But your drone is not an ordinary member of the electronics world. There are no huge teams of developers and beta testers working to ensure flawless updates. Your drone is not one of millions of identical devices built totally by machines honed over time. There are no decades of experience to help identify the potential conflicts. And there is no fully automated system to install the updates.
The Forum has seen many horror stories related to updates that were not really needed. The source of the update problems range from minor physical glitches in the individual units that were revealed by the update, to simple human error in some small part of the human interface during installation. Drone updates should be taken seriously. You need to have a reason to update. Maybe a problem to resolve, or maybe access to a feature from which you can actually benefit. Many of the experienced pilots of the Forum have remained on Build 652 (which is the version you are currently on). Bear in mind most updates were issued to resolve issues within certain features of the drone. If you don't use that feature, an update is of no value to you. Some updates were for things like "Gimbal Improvement" or "GPS improvement". If you don't have a problem with your gimbal or your GPS, you do not need those updates. Some updates were listed as "Bug Fixes". If your system doesn't have bugs, it does not need these updates. Some updates simply introduced features that seem more "sales pitch" than a provision of actual benefit (such as the "digital zoom" mentioned above). And some updates were issued just to correct problems created by the previous update. A couple actually had value, such as the redundant control feature introduced in Build 777.
An additional warning flag is that you are not able to trigger the semi-automated update system. Perhaps one of those glitches in the system that hints at a conflict waiting to happen? Perhaps an issue with the "human interface" part of the update? Either way, it suggests you should really become familiar with your drone, it's current performance and your real needs before attempting an update. If you decide to proceed, we can provide guidance and material for a manual update. And some hope (small hope) for recovery if things go wrong.
You need to have a reason to update.

Well the main reason is the collection of SD cards I have that aren't detected in the camera. 2 threads I've come across suggested/hinted that support for some of the cards that didn't work improved at some stage after the original firmware release. I guess if that's not true, then I'll leave it alone, but if it is true, I'd really like to try that before buying random cards just to see if they work.

An additional warning flag is that you are not able to trigger the semi-automated update system. Perhaps one of those glitches in the system that hints at a conflict waiting to happen? Perhaps an issue with the "human interface" part of the update?
I'm pretty confident it's not the human part... I followed the official Yuneec video on youtube, and all goes well until it's supposed to check online. I just get a red triangle after about 20 seconds.. I know the wifi connection works - if I quit the app afterwards, the web browser, Play Store, etc work fine. Both my phone hotspot and my home wifi behave exactly the same.
The current version (Build 822) was the first officially released version to have "Optimized function for identifying large capacity SD cards".
You can update manually using SD cards. See Attachment 29 (SD Card Upgrade/Downgrade H Plus Firmware) in ""Way To Fix Drones project".
Probably a stupid question - but should I use the C or E versions (in Australia)?

Edit: Answering my own stupid question - it says "E" on the firmware version list in the controller app... Derp. ?‍♂️
Note to self - use eyes next time

Edit2: Update of the camera solved my SD card problems - now sees my Samsung Evo cards... Controller also now can check for updates successfully after updating the app.
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