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Yuneec Pilot (Android) on Yuneec Website


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Dec 25, 2017
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Genesee, MI USA
In the same manner as the Breeze Cam app for Android users earlier this year the Yuneec Pilot app has been pulled from the Google Play Store and placed on the Yuneec website in the Downloads section https://www.yuneec.com/en_US/support/downloads/mantis-g-us.html.

Jan 6, 2020 I learned of the Yuneec Pilot app returning to the Google PlayStore. Unfortunately it was gone again before the end of the month. I would haZard a guess that Yuneec and Google cannot come to equitable terms.
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Hi, got a new Mantis Q. The link to download Pilot App doesn't work. Says file not found. Downloaded from link from discussion thread. However it needs to be updated but can't connect to server. So basically got an overpriced paper weight at the moment. Help?
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Try this link to download the Yuneec Pilot app from the Yuneec website Yuneec-App-Release.apk

The link in post #1 takes you to the downloads page for the Mantis G, but the app is the same for both the Mantis Q and Mantis G.
Does anyone know why the pilot app was pulled from the Playstore? That seems VERY odd to me. There has to be reasoning behind it. Was there spyware/tracking aspects to it?

I mean the Google Playstore isn't as strict as the Apple Appstore and it was pulled? Do we know if it's still available on the Apple Appstore and if not, why?
I downloaded the app and get a message it needs to be updated. But it can't update because can't connect to server. Can't get past this screen so am stuck. Very frustrating!Screenshot_20191225-114358_Yuneec Pilot.jpg
I’m right there with you. My girl got me the Mantis Q for Christmas and I’m stuck on that update screen as well. You’re ahead of me since all I see is black screen on my phone even though I can move the drone around... but it still takes pictures. Weird...
I’m right there with you. My girl got me the Mantis Q for Christmas and I’m stuck on that update screen as well. You’re ahead of me since all I see is black screen on my phone even though I can move the drone around... but it still takes pictures. Weird...

I'm think I'm having the same problem. Black screen on the live video feed but still able to fly and record video/photos.
Did you manage to find a fix in the end?
I'm think I'm having the same problem. Black screen on the live video feed but still able to fly and record video/photos.
Did you manage to find a fix in the end?
What phone and OS version are you using?

Are you using v2.0.4 of the Yuneec Pilot app?

Are you getting the Update screen or just no video feed?

The best way to deal with this is via the support function in the app. It directly messages the developer of the app.
L'app n'est plus sur play store, par contre sur ma télécommande la mise à jour est possible

Google Translate:
The app is no longer on the play store, however on my remote control the update is possible.
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Anything new on this? I just bought the Mantis G and have a pixel 3. Was wondering if I am going to have issues.
All you can do is try.
Hey I know some of these are old and some maybe newer.... But is anyone still having issue's with this still? As in app is there or isn't but cant download it or have it on a older or new phone that you never took off and still can you is...but notices weird issues while flying?

I bought my mantis back in the beginning of 2019 and downloaded the app then. So I still have it and it still worked but little things are buggy and not working right. On top of it I wasn't flying like that after I bought it and honestly from now 4/11/20 I had it out and flying 4 times maybe. I bought two batteries CSI I had a full 66min fly time or close to it if I choose too us know. But first issue was/is the battery charger is not working correctly and/or the batteries started to get hot and swell little. I couldnt believe it and it was only 7 months old. I tried contacting the company. No luck and went back best buy and complained but no luck. So I just tried to work around it... But 2 mins into trying to fly the app on the phone says batteries low please go home. The drone will glitch and it has made moves I didn't do or cause just really odd stuff and all was good the first few months but month 7 shut went sideways. So anyone know anything new or if there is a new app etc? Really want to know if others have had issues like mine whom already had the tunnel mantis q drone. 700.00 total for what.. Half slow drone... Shut that's a new one.
So you have flown the Mantis a total of four times in a year.

What condition did you store the batteries in: full charge, fully depleted, or at the proper storage charge?

If you are using the Android version of Yuneec Pilot app you will find the latest version on the Yuneec website in Support, Downloads, Mantis Q.

If the batteries are swelling and getting hot when you attempt to charge them it sounds like they are already at a point they could be dangerous. You should heed the warnings printed on the battery label and in the manuals to avoid injury or property loss.

There is more to this hobby than charging the batteries, flying, and packing the whole works away for months at a time and expecting it to work. There is likely no problem with the charger and aircraft, but the batteries are most likely toast.
Yuneec pilot no me deja iniciar sesión ni actualizar mi mantis G, ¿alguien sabe como solucionarlo? Gracias

Yuneec pilot won't let me log in or update my mantis G, does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you
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The servers for the Mantis series seem to be down for at least the last two weeks. I cannot log in in the app, nor does the OTA update server respond.

The good news is that there have been no updates for the Mantis G or Q for over two years now.
This is total bull.... I bought this thing from a friend that hasn't flown in a while. 500 dollars down the toilet. I knew I should have went DJI. Yuneec sucks.
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This is total bull.... I bought this thing from a friend that hasn't flown in a while. 500 dollars down the toilet. I knew I should have went DJI. Yuneec sucks.
So why did you pay your friend $500 for a 6 year old drone without trying to fly it first. You’ll find the same type of support from DJI on a drone that old.

What seems to be your issue with it anyway?
Just got the Mantis G used from a friend I did some work for. Is there a location I can find the pilot app?

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