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Are there two models being shipped?

Oct 26, 2015
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There's been talk of a Firmware modification on the software, plus an improved landing struts that bow out to increase the distance for a more stabilized base.

Anyone who has received their Typhoon H already are there both models being shipped or did Yuneec catch it in time. Thanks for your appreciation.
That is one supposed reason on the 3/15/16 delays , was upgrading firmware and the angled landing gear leg struts. There is only one model out now!All the same!
Mine is straight. My only problem is the batterys were low. Took 41/2 hours on the controller And 3 on both batterys. Do ya think someone flew the Goose for awhile lol.
I had mine 2 weeks ago and it had the better/newer landing gear, but needed the firmware update. She borked out and seemed to lose connection with the Tx and drifted aggressively into a tree (40 feet up and 40 feet away) Yuneec and my dealer stepped up to the plate and I'll have a brand new unit tomorrow, with the new firmware already installed. Super happy to get an H back in my hands. I had flown it for about 8 min, landed and shortly after takeoff, that's when she freaked out. Broke two props and the Cgo broke right off.
This is why I only deal with Yuneec and my amazing dealer. Fast shipping and actually care about their customers. However I feel bad for those that ordered directly from Yuneec. They're taking way too long to ship from what I hear. Happy flying guys!
Mine is straight. My only problem is the batterys were low. Took 41/2 hours on the controller And 3 on both batterys. Do ya think someone flew the Goose for awhile lol.
At the very base where the cross tee bar landing gear that rest /lands onto ground. There is slightly angled out at about a 20 degree angle, used to be a strait 'T" but redid to make more stable landing and raise slightly higher up to help remove more side landing gear visual in side pan filming
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I had mine 2 weeks ago and it had the better/newer landing gear, but needed the firmware update. She borked out and seemed to lose connection with the Tx and drifted aggressively into a tree (40 feet up and 40 feet away) Yuneec and my dealer stepped up to the plate and I'll have a brand new unit tomorrow, with the new firmware already installed. Super happy to get an H back in my hands. I had flown it for about 8 min, landed and shortly after takeoff, that's when she freaked out. Broke two props and the Cgo broke right off.
This is why I only deal with Yuneec and my amazing dealer. Fast shipping and actually care about their customers. However I feel bad for those that ordered directly from Yuneec. They're taking way too long to ship from what I hear. Happy flying guys!
I ordered directly from Yuneec and have had mine for over two weeks.

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