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Calibration problems

Dec 13, 2015
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I'm having an issue with the calibration portion. I go through the steps of calibration at the end of the final step I get a message saying that GPS was lost and that it will be flying and manual mode. I have recalibrated several times with the same results. I'm getting a purple with an intermittent white signal. I know I'm looking for a solid purple an angle mode. What am I doing wrong.
I'm having an issue with the calibration portion. I go through the steps of calibration at the end of the final step I get a message saying that GPS was lost and that it will be flying and manual mode. I have recalibrated several times with the same results. I'm getting a purple with an intermittent white signal. I know I'm looking for a solid purple an angle mode. What am I doing wrong.
Are you sure your calibration time is within 30 seconds? Are you rolling over too quick? Wide open space?
Yes I've done the calibration in an open field serval times. I've been sure to calibrate within 30 seconds.
Purple with white intermittent means you are in ANGLE mode and have enough satellites for the follow me /watch me feature to be enabled....
Calibration is for compass orientation only.... Has nothing to do with GPS !!!
make sure you start the calibration with the Q facing NORTH and if done correctly , the Q will give a few musical notes to verify...
Loss of GPS could be a surroundings issue........lots of metal,not open area enough for sats.,high power lines , etc
If your just dropping sats all the time then thats a problem for CS...
Hope it helps
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