I did that when I first got my H but I haven't really played with it to see. So you can essentially turn the entire BS off, is that right? Seems I remember there was still a ceiling but it was significantly higher than 400', but I could be wrong. Seems like when I did it there was still an upper limit. On my 350QX's, I could fly to the moon if I wanted to. That's what I'm looking to get back to.
The key here is responsibly and responsible. I'm well aware of those parameters, and how they apply to the rule as written.
Let's please stick to the technical aspect of the question here and not the philosophical question as that has been addressed ad-nauseum in a million other places. That's not addressed to the previous poster, who was very kind and professional in his response. This is directed to the trolls sure to swoop down shortly. Save your collective breaths. I don't want to hear it, and could care less what you think.