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Charger error blue light and tone

May 13, 2016
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I've only used the battery once and only flew it to 14.7v. What would cause it to error out? I've tried unplugging and replugging the charger and reseating the battery.
Others and I have had the blue ite too. I found that it happens in two way, you have the battery in the charger before you plug charger in, and if you do not plug charger in , let it blink colors and settle to solid GREEN and then insert battery. The charger seem to somewhat boot up for 20 seconds before a solid green? Have you tried that?
Others and I have had the blue ite too. I found that it happens in two way, you have the battery in the charger before you plug charger in, and if you do not plug charger in , let it blink colors and settle to solid GREEN and then insert battery. The charger seem to somewhat boot up for 20 seconds before a solid green? Have you tried that?

Thanks! It took several reboots of the charger but I think it's good now.
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I had the same problem, beeping was driving me nuts. Found out I had to push the battery pretty hard into the charger for it to seat correctly.
I've tried rebooting the charger several times now, but it still blinks blue. Other battery charges just fine.
Any other advise?
this also happened to me after the battery had been.on the charger for approximately 25 minutes then the blue error light appeared. I removed the battery from the charger let it sit by itself for 15-20 minutes. I then rebooted the charger/ unplugged it for 5 minutes then plugged it back in. I sprayed the battery contacts with some contact cleaner. put the battery back on the charger and Presto everything was working fine.
go figure

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