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Competition for "The Kitchen Table" at last

Mar 24, 2016
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Melbourne, Australia
Yuneec, are you there?, This is what happens when people have got far too much time on their collective hands, due to non arrival of certain items.
"OK my friend Simon, you've had it too easy for too long..... I've think you should have some competition to keep you sharp. But that desire has created a problem.
After some consideration, I've decided to go a little more upmarket than "The Kitchen Table", so I'm calling it "On the Dining Room Table - with appropriate protection"
I'm taking on board the "Beverage" concept, and that's where the problem arises. My photo clearly shows I may have gone overboard with the amount, as there's clearly no room even for a prop, let alone any aircraft.
However, I'll get back to you when I've reduced the problem.
(The upside of this, of course, is that in a little while, I won't care how long it's taking for my "H" to arrive),
In the meantime, keep up the great work Simon!
Tired & emotional,
(Formerly known as "Losing the will to live")
Melbourne, Australia.
Last edited:
Yuneec, are you there?, This is what happens when people have got far too much time on their collective hands, due to non arrival of certain items.
"OK my friend Simon, you've had it too easy for too long..... I've think you should have some competition to keep you sharp. But that desire has created a problem.
After some consideration, I've decided to go a little more upmarket than "The Kitchen Table", so I'm calling it "On the Dining Room Table - with appropriate protection"
I'm taking on board the "Beverage" concept, and that's where the problem arises. My photo clearly shows I may have gone overboard with the amount, as there's clearly no room even for a prop, let alone any aircraft.
However, I'll get back to you when I've reduced the problem.
(The upside of this, of course, is that in a little while, I won't care how long it's taking for my "H" to arrive),
In the meantime, keep up the great work Simon!
Tired & emotional,
(Formerly known as "Losing the will to live")
Melbourne, Australia.
View attachment 604
Pop one for me! I'll trade you three for my H ! LOL, I feel for you M8, after all the ****, mine is in Dallas Texas as of 1:32 AM, only 199 miles away from my porch! I can smell it in the wind!
"I love the smell of carbon fiber in the morning, smells like victory"
Hope yours comes real quick Chris, God knows you desire it!

When it says delivered, I may have to go home sick....cough cough.
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UPS My Choice®
! Remember to bring identification
Hi Brent, your package is available for pickup.

The pickup location of your package is:

I will go on my lunch break to pick it up, suddenly fall ill, call my boss and tell him I'm out sick. Have my local Navajo friends do a no rain dance, and fly my little heart off !;)
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Mate, feel sad for you, Glider and I will both have our replacements before you have your first. Here's hoping you never need a replacement.... cheers!

UPS My Choice®
! Remember to bring identification
Hi Brent, your package is available for pickup.

The pickup location of your package is:

I will go on my lunch break to pick it up, suddenly fall ill, call my boss and tell him I'm out sick. Have my local Navajo friends do a no rain dance, and fly my little heart off !;)
How far is the drive?

BTW, the weather is going to be gorgeous here this weekend.
Will do Chris, but wouldn't you know it arrives with a sleet of rain ! Hope it stops soon !

With the weather you have had in Texas I'm not sure you should not be getting into the sport of kayaking! I can't wait until you are able to get outside in decent weather and fly. Several of us who are still members of the "Waiters" club are living vicariously through you all. FLY, POST, and then fly some more. Everybody who has received them must be out flying because the the number of first flights has decreased. Side liners love reports:)
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With the weather you have had in Texas I'm not sure you should not be getting into the sport of kayaking! I can't wait until you are able to get outside in decent weather and fly. Several of us who are still members of the "Waiters" club are living vicariously through you all. FLY, POST, and then fly some more. Everybody who has received them must be out flying because the the number of first flights has decreased. Side liners love reports:)
With the weather you have had in Texas I'm not sure you should not be getting into the sport of kayaking! I can't wait until you are able to get outside in decent weather and fly. Several of us who are still members of the "Waiters" club are living vicariously through you all. FLY, POST, and then fly some more. Everybody who has received them must be out flying because the the number of first flights has decreased. Side liners love reports:)
Got it ! Charging all batteries up now and weather looks promising for a flight this afternoon, If so I will give my experience on post !
Got it ! Charging all batteries up now and weather looks promising for a flight this afternoon, If so I will give my experience on post !

Have fun! My advice would be ignore Smart mode/Safe mode and use Angle and set the rates at half way between tortoise and hare, then tune to your liking once in the air and making your first few manoeuvres. Fly safe!
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