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Curious about what Phantom pilots are saying about the H


Apr 23, 2016
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I spent a little time reading posts on the Phantom pilots forum yesterday. I was curious to see what is being said there about the H. I was surprised to see a number of posts from Phantom pilots that had purchased an H. Most if not all who had purchased the H were complimentary. They liked having prop redundancy, landing gear, and 360 degree camera. The negatives was that Lightbridge has much superior range than wifi. There is also some talk about DJI coming out with a Phantom Hex.
Phantoms 3/4 are great. I love flying the H and now that I have 5 batteries I can really put some time into it. It's nice having a variety of drones to fly. A phantom hex would be great.
Goes without saying DJi will bring out a hex, That is part of the reason DJI tried to stop the sale of the H. Now watch as DJI are in a mad rush to release one which will have similar features to the H and rush them out the door without proper testing. After all, and i can say this being one who had a fatal crash due to a faulty battery but DJi blamed it on operator error. Until I showed them the gopro video of the whole thing. So got a full refund next day. But as always it will be the buyers who will suffer with the release being untested properly. But that's life.
I own 2 x P2's with gopros, love them heaps. But I am getting the H when the second shipment arrives. This H is fantastic. Suits my "wants" perfectly for what I do.
That's cool, I wont hold that against you ;)
Demand for the H is bigger than expected so numbers sent per country must be cut i guess as they can only build so many in a day.
........... I must admit the H has got me drooling................
Oh, it's drool-worthy all right. Not quite as refined on the software end like my P3P's, but it simply kills it in looks! It's also like a new challenge for me, after over a year on the Phantoms. Keeps me young!
DJI has been in the headlights for a few year now and Autel has come out with the XStar, a P3P clone, I like it. I now have my 500+, my TH, and now my XStar. I'm set. Now get it all to work at the same time,lol. Fly safely.
Oh, it's drool-worthy all right. Not quite as refined on the software end like my P3P's, but it simply kills it in looks! It's also like a new challenge for me, after over a year on the Phantoms. Keeps me young!

You took the words right out of my mouth, the H hardware is nice, software end not so much.

I'm not in any love/hate relationship with any manufacturer, what ever suits my fancy at the time I will get, right now its the H.

I'll keep my Phantom just to mix things up.

In six months if DJI has something I like then I'll get it to play with.
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I'm on PhantomPilots everyday, I haven't heard one derogatory word about the H. I've been a long time Phantom flyer all the way back to the P1 now to P3 and P4, I must admit the H has got me drooling, If there wasn't a long line to get one I'd probably have ordered one already.
You can order them in stock at any number of places right now (in the US anyway). They are available at several Fry's and for a few days at B&H now.

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