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Flight time on Typhoon H Battery

Jun 8, 2016
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What are most people average flight times? I realize it will change depending on flight conditions, but I don't get anywhere near 25 mins. Even on non windy days and when I am not doing any heavy throttling, the longest I have ever gotten before the 2nd battery warning is almost 19 mins. I typically get between 17-18 mins. Is this normal?
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So do you land after the 1st warning? Is there a problem with landing on the 2nd warning?
I believe the 2nd warning is about 14.1V and then it returns to 14.3V once you land.
I always am within close landing distance and land at or before the first warning, you do not want to wait till the final warning, as it will auto land/RTH usually. Safe to land just at or just before first warning ( That's just my personal rule) Others may "Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before" ! LOL !:confused:
Second warning landing ( Actually on the ground) would not hurt, but the warnings are not always butt perfectly the same voltages, so it is difficult to know when second warning will come, sometimes 14.0, sometimes 14.3. It has a mind of it's own!
We should all file a complaint with the BBB....HAHA. False advertisement. Even in hover with no wind 19 minutes was the most i got....and thats going 3 min past first low volt warning.

Bill W.
Why are we allowing them to lie and get away with it? How do they come up with these flight times?

Bill W.
We should all file a complaint with the BBB....HAHA. False advertisement. Even in hover with no wind 19 minutes was the most i got....and thats going 3 min past first low volt warning.

Bill W.
They will argue the "Ideal Environment" Rule, and say it did do it in a vacuum chamber! LOL !
This is what I have noticed...

If you stick the Typhoon in Turtle Mode, then take off and don't raise the landing gear and don't use object avoidance and don't record with the camera you may be able to squeeze out 20+ minutes of flight time.

If you do the opposite and fly in GPS or non-GPS mode using power to raise the landing gear, record with the camera and move the gimbal around and use power with the object avoidance here and there you'll get close to 15 minutes average. Now if you go full speed in any direction, while doing all of the above (other than turtle mode) you'll reduce your flight time down to 12 minutes.

I fly until I get the 1st low battery warning. I then flip the right hand switch on the ST16 into RTH. Once the drone is overhead I take control again for the landing.
Two things. I found out when my camera was damaged that you can remove the camera and gimbal, which is very simple, and fly around easily for 22 to 24 minutes. Second I was flying my batteries down until the second warning however I found that they took forever to charge once they got down around 14.3. I try to land around 14.5 now and they go back to 14.7 as stated above and they charge about a half an hour quicker. But of course they still take forever to charge on the stock charger.
This is what I have noticed...

If you stick the Typhoon in Turtle Mode, then take off and don't raise the landing gear and don't use object avoidance and don't record with the camera you may be able to squeeze out 20+ minutes of flight time.

If you do the opposite and fly in GPS or non-GPS mode using power to raise the landing gear, record with the camera and move the gimbal around and use power with the object avoidance here and there you'll get close to 15 minutes average. Now if you go full speed in any direction, while doing all of the above (other than turtle mode) you'll reduce your flight time down to 12 minutes.

I fly until I get the 1st low battery warning. I then flip the right hand switch on the ST16 into RTH. Once the drone is overhead I take control again for the landing.

Well said. The ST-16 screen is very "busy", cluttered with info while flying, I suggest making it a point to keep an eye on the H battery icon. As flying experience is gained, you will learn when to head for home. I see nothing wrong with landing at first alert, 14.3, which after cutting the props will jump to 14.6 or so.
Okay, so it won't necessarily harm the batteries to fly down to the 2nd warning. (roughly 14.1V)
I generally start bringing the copter in closer to my location after the 1st warning and land on the 2nd.
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