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New h plus out of the box check for issues

May 7, 2020
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Made a previous post about a possibly lost typhoon-H plus. Well it’s apparently coming today. I’m a little weary in regards to buying a drone off eBay because there’s a point where, when checking for proper operations, if something is not right, a manufacturer would allow a return no questions asked however, an eBay seller would probably pushback more and say something to the effect of “well it got to you in one piece, you used it and broke it yourself, I’m not accepting a return”. Drones are tricky like that I suppose, just by the nature of the exchange, at what point is it a legit issue and what point is something due to operator error that actually broke it?

So, with all that said, once I get it out of the box and get it in the air (assuming it’s intact), what should I immediately be checking for on its first flight, or what has been a habitual problem with the plus, something that I may not even use, or know about until a month later? If I test that function on the first day, and it doesn’t operate properly, the chances are better that I can return without pushback. Conversely, if there’s a function I don’t use until a month from now, and it doesn’t operate properly, the seller will comeback and say “we’ll you had the drone for a month and now you want to return it because you just found out about an issue”...he’s going to tell me to go ****(mod edited) up a rope.

I know there’s a pre-flight checklist but that doesn’t answer quite what I’m asking.

Any feedback and out of the box features I should immediately check on first flight for operation? Obviously check to ensure proper stick response, which firmware it’s running, up, down, left/right...etc...I’ve read some previous issues with CCC so that’ll be one of them m, but what else is there that I may not be aware of and which has sometimes been wonky and hit or miss?

Thanks for any feedback, just want to ensure I test the key functions and not find out about them a month from now when it’ll be too late. Been flying H’s for a long while but not the plus.
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Made a previous post about a possibly lost typhoon-H plus. Well it’s apparently coming today. I’m a little weary in regards to buying a drone off eBay because there’s a point where, when checking for proper operations, if something is not right, a manufacturer would allow a return no questions asked however, an eBay seller would probably pushback more and say something to the effect of “well it got to you in one piece, you used it and broke it yourself, I’m not accepting a return”. Drones are tricky like that I suppose, just by the nature of the exchange, at what point is it a legit issue and what point is something due to operator error that actually broke it?

So, with all that said, once I get it out of the box and get it in the air (assuming it’s intact), what should I immediately be checking for on its first flight, or what has been a habitual problem with the plus, something that I may not even use, or know about until a month later? If I test that function on the first day, and it doesn’t operate properly, the chances are better that I can return without pushback. Conversely, if there’s a function I don’t use until a month from now, and it doesn’t operate properly, the seller will comeback and say “we’ll you had the drone for a month and now you want to return it because you just found out about an issue”...he’s going to tell me to go ****(mod edited) up a rope.

I know there’s a pre-flight checklist but that doesn’t answer quite what I’m asking.

Any feedback and out of the box features I should immediately check on first flight for operation? Obviously check to ensure proper stick response, which firmware it’s running, up, down, left/right...etc...I’ve read some previous issues with CCC so that’ll be one of them m, but what else is there that I may not be aware of and which has sometimes been wonky and hit or miss?

Thanks for any feedback, just want to ensure I test the key functions and not find out about them a month from now when it’ll be too late. Been flying H’s for a long while but not the plus.
I have never bothered to do a recording for anything I have purchased from ebay, but based on what you are asking and the fears you have stated, I believe the most important thing for you to do after you have all your ducks in a row, is to do a continuous recording from box open to startup. If a problem does exist, then you have real time visual proof and there will be no way to dispute what you have recorded. There should be enough power in the batteries to do a pre-flight check, calibrations and a control/hover test.
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It would take weeks or months in a thread like this to walk someone thru all of the aspects of a Typhoon H Plus and it's camera and controller to do a proper shakedown looking for bugs but; here is how I would suggest someone start.

1] Charging - use the stock charger and connect the ST-16s and one Plus flight battery, make sure they charge up fully and note the time (also note the starting voltage of each)

2] Physical check - make sure that each and every piece and component looks correct - do a deep and close inspection of everything.

3] Boot up - Install a flight battery, turn on the ST-16S and turn on the Plus, let them sit out doors in an open space for ten to twelve minutes, note any screen messages and the lights on the aircraft - Do NOT react to any calls for compass calibrations or updates - again just note what is said and what you see.

(Important NOTE): If you haven't already read the advanced user enhanced manual, do so now and correlate what you saw with what is to be expected by making sure nothing was out of the ordinary - if you want report back here everything you saw and heard and we can look at that and make a decision (Go or No Go) for flight.

4] Camera Operations Check - make sure the camera hooks up early in the boot process - check the picture broadcast to the ST-16S. Scroll through the camera menus and make sure everything is working - if you're not familiar with this camera and it's interface that's okay, you just want to ensure everything is there and it works. Leave the camera in Auto for now and shoot some pictures and video (4K if you have enough of a computer to view it) and then review the Photos and Video's make sure the image is clean and the video has no issues.

(NOTE) If you haven't reviewed high bit rate 4K footage on your current equipment, you may find that the video playback has problems - This is likely due to your computers in ability to play it - Start a different thread for that.

5] Gimbal check - When booted up, the camera should be steady, level to the horizon, and looking straight forward (assuming the tilt lever is at the top and the gimbal control stick is also full up) - there should be no shaking, no loud buzz but there will be a slight humming sound coming from the aircraft this is normal.

6] Pre-Flight - Assuming what happens prior is all normal, you'll do a thorough pre flight of the aircraft, batteries, flight modes, weather and location conditions. If a compass calibration is necessary do it now. Make sure you follow the instruction of the advanced user manual to a "T" - the calibration should work first time if it doesn't, report back here before advancing.

7] First Flight - IMPORTANT: This flight is not to check how high or how fast or any extremes of flight, nor is it to get any video. On this flight, disregard the camera, after a thorough preflight and check or surroundings and weather and making sure that all systems are "Flight Ready" and all controls are set to proper places making sure you are in Angle Mode - rate slider above 1/2, take off at let the Plus hover in place at a safe distance an altitude. Note any messages on screen and monitor all vital readings and indicators. Also note the aircraft should be stable and hover fairly tight to one spot. Note any tendencies to move in any direction un commanded. If all is well - continue, if not land immediately.

8] Control Check - after a few minutes and all of the above has been confirmed - Fly around using both control sticks and ensure the aircraft responds correctly. Go back to a hover then check that all the gimbal controls work. You can perform some more flying and familiarize yourself with the aircraft.

9] Landing - Plan to be on the ground early. If the batteries are indeed new, you should have about 12 to 15 minutes before reaching 50% on the flight battery depending on your conditions. Make sure the camera is up, Angle Mode, Rate Slider set to High, pick a spot and land.

10] Post Flight - Turn off the aircraft and remove the battery, note the battery levels and turn off the ST-16S


This is just off the top of my head I am sure others may add to this but this is just a simple and straight forward approach that I would recommend to any new Plus owner. I would note that I do not know what your experience is but I wrote this with the level of experience of the pilot being a 2 to a 6 on a scale of 1 to ten - a Newb being a one and ten is an expert flyer.

The biggest thing to remember is take small steps when checking it out and expand operations as you become familiar. This first flight profile and perhaps five more like it (expanding in scope) should very well expose any of the Plus problems. I would go so far as to say if you can execute those ten steps without issue - you will likely have a solid Plus. Good Luck.
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It would take weeks or months in a thread like this to walk someone thru all of the aspects of a Typhoon H Plus and it's camera and controller to do a proper shakedown looking for bugs but; here is how I would suggest someone start.

1] Charging - use the stock charger and connect the ST-16s and one Plus flight battery, make sure they charge up fully and note the time (also note the starting voltage of each)

2] Physical check - make sure that each and every piece and component looks correct - do a deep and close inspection of everything.

3] Boot up - Install a flight battery, turn on the ST-16S and turn on the Plus, let them sit out doors in an open space for ten to twelve minutes, note any screen messages and the lights on the aircraft - Do NOT react to any calls for compass calibrations or updates - again just note what is said and what you see.

(Important NOTE): If you haven't already read the advanced user enhanced manual, do so now and correlate what you saw with what is to be expected by making sure nothing was out of the ordinary - if you want report back here everything you saw and heard and we can look at that and make a decision (Go or No Go) for flight.

4] Camera Operations Check - make sure the camera hooks up early in the boot process - check the picture broadcast to the ST-16S. Scroll through the camera menus and make sure everything is working - if you're not familiar with this camera and it's interface that's okay, you just want to ensure everything is there and it works. Leave the camera in Auto for now and shoot some pictures and video (4K if you have enough of a computer to view it) and then review the Photos and Video's make sure the image is clean and the video has no issues.

(NOTE) If you haven't reviewed high bit rate 4K footage on your current equipment, you may find that the video playback has problems - This is likely due to your computers in ability to play it - Start a different thread for that.

5] Gimbal check - When booted up, the camera should be steady, level to the horizon, and looking straight forward (assuming the tilt lever is at the top and the gimbal control stick is also full up) - there should be no shaking, no loud buzz but there will be a slight humming sound coming from the aircraft this is normal.

6] Pre-Flight - Assuming what happens prior is all normal, you'll do a thorough pre flight of the aircraft, batteries, flight modes, weather and location conditions. If a compass calibration is necessary do it now. Make sure you follow the instruction of the advanced user manual to a "T" - the calibration should work first time if it doesn't, report back here before advancing.

7] First Flight - IMPORTANT: This flight is not to check how high or how fast or any extremes of flight, nor is it to get any video. On this flight, disregard the camera, after a thorough preflight and check or surroundings and weather and making sure that all systems are "Flight Ready" and all controls are set to proper places making sure you are in Angle Mode - rate slider above 1/2, take off at let the Plus hover in place at a safe distance an altitude. Note any messages on screen and monitor all vital readings and indicators. Also note the aircraft should be stable and hover fairly tight to one spot. Note any tendencies to move in any direction un commanded. If all is well - continue, if not land immediately.

8] Control Check - after a few minutes and all of the above has been confirmed - Fly around using both control sticks and ensure the aircraft responds correctly. Go back to a hover then check that all the gimbal controls work. You can perform some more flying and familiarize yourself with the aircraft.

9] Landing - Plan to be on the ground early. If the batteries are indeed new, you should have about 12 to 15 minutes before reaching 50% on the flight battery depending on your conditions. Make sure the camera is up, Angle Mode, Rate Slider set to High, pick a spot and land.

10] Post Flight - Turn off the aircraft and remove the battery, note the battery levels and turn off the ST-16S


This is just off the top of my head I am sure others may add to this but this is just a simple and straight forward approach that I would recommend to any new Plus owner. I would note that I do not know what your experience is but I wrote this with the level of experience of the pilot being a 2 to a 6 on a scale of 1 to ten - a Newb being a one and ten is an expert flyer.

The biggest thing to remember is take small steps when checking it out and expand operations as you become familiar. This first flight profile and perhaps five more like it (expanding in scope) should very well expose any of the Plus problems. I would go so far as to say if you can execute those ten steps without issue - you will likely have a solid Plus. Good Luck.

Thanks bud. Marty gave a good suggestion too, to record the unboxing, which I’ll probably do.

i do have a lot of time with my regular H’s, just not with the plus. You gave me a great starting point to check for first flight issues and a good once-over of the craft.

Again, I don’t want to identify an issue (with POI for example) a month later because I never would use it to begin with. Cant come back a month later and tell the guy I want a refund because POI doesn’t work, when I should have checked it in the first week..There’s just so many features to these drones and didn’t know where to really start.

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@Ty Pilot. Excellent list.

@Done-guy, while waiting for satellite acquisition, go to RC Monitor and check the sticks for smooth operation. Always give the sticks a good "stir" prior to any flight. If you see any problems with the sticks, don't launch.

If the H Plus flies well, maintains good position, responds to the controls smoothly, you have a good aircraft. Regarding automated functions, 99% of problems are user error and not a defect. Always be prepared to flip the mode switch to Home and back to Angle if you have a problem. Before EVERY flight, I ask myself what I will do if there is a problem. Having the RTH altitude set high enough and using the Home mode can save your kit.

Most of the problems I see are caused by rushing the launch. Take your time, wait for a good GPS fix, check the switch positions and prepare mentally for how you will react to something unusual.
I wholeheartedly agree with @Steve Carr ; don't worry about the little features but rather focus on the main operations of flight, control and camera - if it flies correctly and the camera and gimbal perform properly, there is almost ZERO chance that something like POI mysteriously won't work.

A lot of the early talk about CCC not working was partially due to the fact that we expected it to work as it had on H 480; because no where in the Yuneec Plus manual did it mention a few of the nuances we found which; were actually improvements that were never documented.
Anytime you get a new aircraft that you're not familiar with, I suggest you spend a few hours in a "Familiarization Session": (as @Ty Pilot mentioned)

Power up the H+ and the ST16. No props and don't start the motors.
Make sure the C23 and ST16 both bind to the H+.
In a comfy chair, open the Enhanced Manual. (attached to the linked post)
Start at the beginning and read through the manual.
Make sure you understand each item/topic, can identify it on the H+, ST16, C23, how to use it and why or why not you would/wouldn't use it.
Make setting changes as you see fit and how you'd use it.

Go slow, take your time, and learn/understand everything you can. I promise you that this will be some of the BEST time you will spend with the MOST return on your investment. (time) You will now know what to check, how to check it and know if it's right or not. You'll be MUCH more confident with your test flight and MUCH more versed when coming here to discuss any issues you need help with. The folks here will know if you've done this or not just by the questions you ask.

You said:

...Been flying H’s for a long while but not the plus...

So you're already ahead of the game! Much you'll already know so this will be reinforcement.
Anytime you get a new aircraft that you're not familiar with, I suggest you spend a few hours in a "Familiarization Session": (as @Ty Pilot mentioned)

Power up the H+ and the ST16. No props and don't start the motors.
Make sure the C23 and ST16 both bind to the H+.
In a comfy chair, open the Enhanced Manual. (attached to the linked post)
Start at the beginning and read through the manual.
Make sure you understand each item/topic, can identify it on the H+, ST16, C23, how to use it and why or why not you would/wouldn't use it.
Make setting changes as you see fit and how you'd use it.

Go slow, take your time, and learn/understand everything you can. I promise you that this will be some of the BEST time you will spend with the MOST return on your investment. (time) You will now know what to check, how to check it and know if it's right or not. You'll be MUCH more confident with your test flight and MUCH more versed when coming here to discuss any issues you need help with. The folks here will know if you've done this or not just by the questions you ask.

You said:

So you're already ahead of the game! Much you'll already know so this will be reinforcement.

Oh yeah, I’ve read the enhanced manual several times over just during the past week or two of waiting for it to get to me.

Thanks for all the feedback, excellent info as usual for yuneec pilots forum.
I wholeheartedly agree with @Steve Carr ; don't worry about the little features but rather focus on the main operations of flight, control and camera - if it flies correctly and the camera and gimbal perform properly, there is almost ZERO chance that something like POI mysteriously won't work.

A lot of the early talk about CCC not working was partially due to the fact that we expected it to work as it had on H 480; because no where in the Yuneec Plus manual did it mention a few of the nuances we found which; were actually improvements that were never documented.

Well, finally got, turned controller on, turned drone on, let it sit a little, tried to rotate gimbal and pan...nothing. Makes a grinding sound then will turn half an inch a bit, tried it 6-7 times and nothing.

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Well thats not good. Lets start with something simple and if it seems obvious forgive me. The gimbal guard on the C23 looks like part of the gimbal and is not as obvious as the gimbal guard on the CG03+ so make sure this is off.

Question: Un-powered and no gimbal guard, does the camera tilt, pan and roll freely by hand?
Well thats not good. Lets start with something simple and if it seems obvious forgive me. The gimbal guard on the C23 looks like part of the gimbal and is not as obvious as the gimbal guard on the CG03+ so make sure this is off.

Question: Un-powered and no gimbal guard, does the camera tilt, pan and roll freely by hand?

Omg ty..hahahahaha gimbal guard was in it. Hahahahaha barely even knew ur was there
Omg ty..hahahahaha gimbal guard was in it. Hahahahaha barely even knew ur was there

Okay so it was the gimbal guard causing the problem with the camera? Well thats one problem down.

Next question - you say that the RS module is Clicking? It should not be clicking but it does make a fan noise.
Okay so it was the gimbal guard causing the problem with the camera? Well thats one problem down.

Next question - you say that the RS module is Clicking? It should not be clicking but it does make a fan noise.

Yeah it seems like the fan is hitting something, almost like putting a piece of paper across the spokes of a bicycle type sound but a bit quieter. Does that make sense?
Yeah it seems like the fan is hitting something, almost like putting a piece of paper across the spikes of a bicycle type sound but a bit quieter. Does that make sense?

Okay lets slow down and work one problem at a time. ;) I am slow reader.

Yes there is a fan on the RS and from your description it very well could be foriegn debris causing this noise.
As to the firmware - yes, that looks to be the original firmware from May 07, 2018.

Ok, I’ll tell you what; to not keep posting a million things at once, I’ll update everything and come back to the board in an hour or so and we can go from there. I’m not putting this thing in the air until I’m 100 certain I know what I’m doing. I’m probably just rushing getting it out of box and turning on etc. I’ll breath and relax a bit first.

I appreciate the assistance, but the real sense module will have to be looked into further.

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