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Point Of Interest With H520

So where do we go from now? As I feel like returning my 520.. if it never will achieve smooth flights I don’t think I will be able to stick with this platform. We need smooth transitions between waypoints, it’s just far too jerky in its current form

What is needed is for Yuneec to provide some public comments regarding their intentions for further development plans with the 520. Many might view silence as not having any or Yuneec has yet to decide. Yuneec leaving all the product owners and potential customers open to complete speculation is a pretty reckless way to manage and promote product.
Something some companies forget, every customer becomes a factory demo pilot, and others buy based upon what they see and hear coming from those “demo” pilots.

I apologize to all of you, not even in my worst dreams would I have thought that a continuous transition without stops was not yet implemented in the routes with waypoints :(

I could now point to a possible transitional solution, but in the end I am only making things worse and that was not my intention at all :oops:

I know that it is only possible for now make topographic flights but it is clear that they will implement this function, it is absolutely necessary. It is still green and it is a pity that apart from the lack of information, which is a terrible mistake, they do not update little by little adding functionalities. I think that those of you who already have the H520 have a little more patience before buying another drone, if possible. And those of you who are in doubt, wait for the situation to improve.

Again, I apologize if I have caused any misunderstandings.
You do not have to apologize, it's an accomplished feat, it flies like a foot in Waypoints mode. You say he's still green, but I think he's starting to turn to the color of anger ....
What's confusing is Yuneec's silence. And it's not good for business.
I do not know if they are looking for a second disappointment.
This is not worthy of a company that wants to go to the crenals.
Even in a survey, if you specify a 10m extension to the grid as it passes the waypoint 10m before the turn there is a little bit of a wobble/jerk and this is passing straight through the waypoint.

This flight control is just not suitable for smooth flight. If I were to be doing an inspection under waypoint control in front of a client I am pretty sure they would be worried with how the H520 flies.

When I first programmed in a survey grid, as it got to its first corner I thought it was going to drop out of the sky it stopped and turned so erratically.

I really thought that this would be something that would have been sorted.

My phantom 4 flies smoother and this is nearly three year old technology. It can have smooth radius turns. Why would a new product have worse performance than a three year old system which cost less than half of the H520.

All the functions we are asking for can be done in pix4dcapture and DroneDeploy apps.

We need Yuneec to tell us what they plan to do to address our concerns
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Even in a survey, if you specify a 10m extension to the grid as it passes the waypoint 10m before the turn there is a little bit of a wobble/jerk and this is passing straight through the waypoint.

This flight control is just not suitable for smooth flight. If I were to be doing an inspection under waypoint control in front of a client I am pretty sure they would be worried with how the H520 flies.

When I first programmed in a survey grid, as it got to its first corner I thought it was going to drop out of the sky it stopped and turned so erratically.

I really thought that this would be something that would have been sorted.

My phantom 4 flies smoother and this is nearly three year old technology. It can have smooth radius turns. Why would a new product have worse performance than a three year old system which cost less than half of the H520.

All the functions we are asking for can be done in pix4dcapture and DroneDeploy apps.

We need Yuneec to tell us what they plan to do to address our concerns

Yuneec UK keep telling me they are fighting our corner to get these things resolved. They are very aware of them.
They have been telling me this for 3.5 months now.
Do I think changes or improvements will come?
I now do not.
I have no faith in Yuneec as a company and this was my first Yuneec product and it is most definitely my last.
It is over priced, mis sold and not fit for purpose.
We will be very lucky to see any fixes and to be honest if it was Yuneecs plan to destroy themselves this product was definitely the way to go. If this was their aim they have succeeded.
Being a Yuneec first time buyer if I was impressed by the 520 I would have shouted it from the roof tops.
However the roof top shouting has gone completely in the opposite direction. So many people have asked me should they buy the 520?
There is only one other aircraft in my opinion at this sort of money and let’s face it if you’re gonna waste £3000 you might as well chuck another £2000 at it and opt for an aircraft that is very well respected in the commercial film industry and that’s an inspire 2
That said they have issues with props falling off, motor arms falling off, battery mounts over heating. All will have a problem somewhere but at least it can fly missions with pix4d or drone deploy and take bloody good photos.
What have we with the 520?
An orange lemon.
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Remember guys that the H520 is running PX4 firmware, which is very widely used - it's not a one off, and is certainly a well regarded autopilot. It has the great advantage that it's not just Yuneec who are working on adding features. There also may be workarounds for some of the issues H520 owners have experienced.

For instance, if you want a curved flight, do not turn the craft at each waypoint, simply change the direction of travel. The gimbal is 360 degree, so it doesn't matter which way the craft is facing at the end of a 'turn'. This *may* give smooth curved flight. I don't know, I haven't tried it.

It's also possible that DataPilot needs to provide different settings when flying missions. As I understand it, it's fairly tuneable, but that tuning may not be available to pilots at the moment. Again, this is something I'm looking at, but without a H520 in front of me, it's a bit experimental ;)

The point is, the H520 should certainly be able to fly smooth missions, but it may need some updates to get there.
My guess (hope?) is that Yuneec will eventually, if not soon, provide a firmware update to correct some of these things. Mr. Spotted Eagle has to be doing something as head of commercial operations so I hope he's collecting design deficiency data from somewhere and leaning on the higher management to get things done. I don't believe Yuneec is trying to kill themselves but they do need to get busy with corrections for the 520 and distribute a firmware upgrade quickly and delay the H Plus efforts until after the 520 gets handled. If they have any experienced software engineers left this should not be too difficult to accomplish.
Say goodbye to the head of their commercial division.

With all the staff cuts and management turn over there’s an appearance of a lot of disagreement between upper mgmt and lower level personnel. Could be policies, procedures, wages, lack of revenue, or worse, marketing strategy and design limitations. The cure may well be to replace the CEO due to loss of confidence. Seen this situation before in larger companies. When you have a company in turmoil the cause is most always the big boss.
Say goodbye to the head of their commercial division.

With all the staff cuts and management turn over there’s an appearance of a lot of disagreement between upper mgmt and lower level personnel. Could be policies, procedures, wages, lack of revenue, or worse, marketing strategy and design limitations. The cure may well be to replace the CEO due to loss of confidence. Seen this situation before in larger companies. When you have a company in turmoil the cause is most always the big boss.

I wish no one any harm, but if it is necessary for this to take off, so be it. In any case, we workers are mere numbers for the elite. Hundreds and thousands are being fired without disheveling...... :oops:
Normally I would agree but company performance over the last 12 months speaks for itself. What we've seen does not happen in a well managed company. They just don't go from a fairly smooth running operation to absolute chaos almost over night when well managed. Sure, employees come and go but generally the loss of a few at any level doesn't cause a company to significantly alter operations for any length of time. If we were to put perceived performance stats for the last 4 years on an Excel graph it would likely show an increase in areas of performance until about April/March last year and then plummet from then to now. CS took a big dive in July and again in December.
My guess (hope?) is that Yuneec will eventually, if not soon, provide a firmware update to correct some of these things. Mr. Spotted Eagle has to be doing something as head of commercial operations so I hope he's collecting design deficiency data from somewhere and leaning on the higher management to get things done.


I am all for name dropping but Mr. Spotted Eagle is no longer in that position at Yuneec or no longer with Yuneec in general, according to my sources.

I am all for name dropping but Mr. Spotted Eagle is no longer in that position at Yuneec or no longer with Yuneec in general, according to my sources.

Does Mr Spotted Eagle know this?:(

He posted on LinkedIn within the last hour and listed his affiliation as a Director in the commercial division of Yuneec.


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