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Problem with recording both DNG and JPG photos

You and I shoot video using the same settings and scene selections.

If you are no longer experiencing the raising gear issues, take it and run:) If a few scrambled pano frames were all it took to fix that you might be money ahead to leave it alone, lol. No. I don't believe that for a second. I do believe the corrupted frame issue is a write speed issue though. The card is most likely restricting the data throughput and the camera system prolly doesn't store the data long enough for the card to clear the data that has been backed up between them. I don't have a clue how the camera splits the data between a DNG and JPG shot at the same moment in time, but that's a lot of pixels getting moved around.

I kind of view it like a plumbing issue; we can only get so much volume to pass though a given size of pipe in a given period of time. If we need more volume we have to increase the size of the pipe, and decrease the number of bends.
Where did you buy that card? If it was an online order, I'll bet you got a fake. I run a samsung U3 card in mine, shoot DNG+JPEG all the time and have never had any write speed issues.

From Amazon via: Amazon.com LLC

So far, it only glitched during four of the photos for a pano shot on that one shoot. Videos were fine...
I have had similar problems, but on video side. I purchased 2 U3 SanDisk 16Gb cards (2 different suppliers). One of the cards was fine, the other gave me 1 corrupt video file of 3 after a shoot. I thought OK, maybe a glitch of some sort and put the card aside for testing. When I had some free time I run two batteries just getting footage on the suspect card and none of the 6 files were readable by standard software. Next step is to format the card and re-test, but I will probably just replace the card rather than risk losing footage.
Basically, not all cards are the same quality (or maybe the bad one was a fake?), test your new cards before trusting them to important footage. These 2 cards were exactly the same (SanDisk Extreme U3's) and I have never had the problem with others of the same brand.
Something to consider; I believe all new SD cards should be "standard" formatted before first use. We really don't know how they are partitioned as received.

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