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Problem with Typhoon H with CGO ET Firmware - Please support

Here are aditional information I got out of the camera by my PC by wifi:
Answer --> {"rval":-30,"msg_id":0 }
Answer --> {"rval":-30,"msg_id":0 }
Answer -->
{"rval":0,"msg_id":"11","brand":"YUNEEC","model":"CGOET","YUNEEC_ver":"0.0.35(E)","api_ver":"2.8.00","fw_ver":"Dec 23 2016
Viditelná obrazová část firmwaru je buď poškozená, nebo je špatná samotná karta. Prozatím doufejme, že se jedná pouze o firmware. Následující dokument je variantou aktualizace firmwaru, která v jiných případech fungovala. V návodu je uvedeno několik dlouhých časových úseků. Je důležité je dodržet. Děje se zde toho hodně, aniž by to bylo zvenčí zřejmé. Pokud se proces zastaví, začněte znovu. Někdy to funguje postupně.

The visible image part of the firmware is either corrupted or the card itself is bad. For now, let's hope it's just the firmware. The following document is a variant of a firmware update that has worked in other cases. There are several long time periods listed in the instructions. It is important to follow them. There is a lot going on here without it being obvious from the outside. If the process stops, start again. Sometimes it works gradually.
this is a very interesting document. I always removed SD card too early. After reboot the card needs to be stay inserted for finishing the flash process - will do it again
That INDEX_PAGE is not working is the reason why it says, it cannot initialize camera. The result should be as following:
{"rval":0,"msg_id":"257","param":"1","fw_ver":"0.0.35(E)","cam_mode":"1","status":"vf","sdfree":"0","sdtotal":"0","video_mode":"3840x2160F30","speed_rate":"54M auto","record_time":"0","shutter_time":"30","photo_format":"jpg" ,"rtsp_res":"720P", "photo_mode":"1", "photo_num":"808666672", "photo_times":"909193728", "ev_step":"0.0", "interval_ms":"909193728","lock_state":"0","timing_take_photo_state":"0","take_photo_time":"1","palette_type":"5","auto_run_fcc_state":"1","set_air_enable":"0", "air_param1":"0.00","air_param2":"0.00","air_param3":"0.0","set_temp_enable":"0","max_tem":"0","min_tem":"0"}

Something is still wrong with camera FW.
rval:0 means success, msg_id must be 257 and not 0 (0 is unknown message).
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That INDEX_PAGE is not working is the reason why it says, it cannot initialize camera. The result should be as following:
{"rval":0,"msg_id":"257","param":"1","fw_ver":"0.0.35(E)","cam_mode":"1","status":"vf","sdfree":"0","sdtotal":"0","video_mode":"3840x2160F30","speed_rate":"54M auto","record_time":"0","shutter_time":"30","photo_format":"jpg" ,"rtsp_res":"720P", "photo_mode":"1", "photo_num":"808666672", "photo_times":"909193728", "ev_step":"0.0", "interval_ms":"909193728","lock_state":"0","timing_take_photo_state":"0","take_photo_time":"1","palette_type":"5","auto_run_fcc_state":"1","set_air_enable":"0", "air_param1":"0.00","air_param2":"0.00","air_param3":"0.0","set_temp_enable":"0","max_tem":"0","min_tem":"0"}

Something is still wrong with camera FW.
rval:0 means success, msg_id must be 257 and not 0 (0 is unknown message).
try to flash it again according to the manual from WTFDproject - there are a few interesting information which could help
Look at the ET as two different cameras in one case. The short answer, with message ID 11 is from thermal one. Request for visual one should be different.

Camera reset should help.
That is actually a good idea! Next to the SD card slot on the camera are two micro switches. Use a toothpick broke in half or a paperclip bent into a U shape.

With power off depress both buttons and keep them pressed while you power on the aircraft (try to have the gimbal in the position it would go to on power up). Leave them pressed for 15 seconds then release them. After another 15 seconds power cycle the aircraft and see if there are any changes.

When you go into the bind menu what is the SSID displayed for the camera?
what purpose are these DIP switches usually for? Just to satisfy my curiosity :D
At the moment CGOET camera will not flash the firmware anymore - So far, the flash process has always started when I inserted the SD card with the appropriate firmware. Now the camera boots normally without flashing even though the SD card is inserted
At the moment CGOET camera will not flash the firmware anymore - So far, the flash process has always started when I inserted the SD card with the appropriate firmware. Now the camera boots normally without flashing even though the SD card is inserted
Does the SD card still read normally on your PC?
Did you try a fresh format of the card, and a fresh reload of the firmware to the card?
Were you able to reset the camera using the two buttons beside the camera's SD card reader?
As shown in this image from @Steve Carr:
The "right hand" button is used to reset the WIFI. The "left hand" button is used when reflashing the processor. Both together reset the camera.
Camera reset buttons.jpg
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This is very unexpected.
Try a different SD card?
Does the card feel any different when inserting in the camera?
Do you have any contact cleaner you can spray on the SD card contacts?
Do a full format of the SD card. A quick one is not reliable.

Reset the camera before as mentioned. Two buttons should be pressed and held for 15 seconds.
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To techs only. Ask in some groups about the purpose of the USB port. By mistake, I decided the WiFi processor has some memory but this is not true. All operations are done with Ambarella and flash memory.

Will be not good if we didn't catch what the guys will do to repair the camera.
maybe batterie is beyond 50%? Need to check
Doesn't matter. I flashed a CGO3+ successfully with 12 volts powered steady grip. The camera uses 5 volts only, really with a big current consumption. It checks these 5 volts and doesn't initialize if they are low.
Do a full format of the SD card. A quick one is not reliable.

Reset the camera before as mentioned. Two buttons should be pressed and held for 15 seconds.
Did full formatting of the SD card and reset the camera by pressing the two dip switches . but no more flashing possible
Don't know what is different then yesterday. Tried different SD cards

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