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Slow-Mo tip over after landing

Perhaps. But it would be better to establish a good baseline before going into calibration. It would be good if you run this sequence and upload the resulting new set of information.
1.) Remove the props.
2.) Start the ST16.
3.) Start the TH.
4.) Wait for bind.
5.) Start the motors (but do not increase throttle with motors running)
6.) Stop the motors
7.) Cycle all control devices at least once.
8.) Shutdown the drone.
9.) Get a Screenshot of the Yaw (Rudder) EXPO page. Refer to the attached document.
10.) Shutdown the ST16
11.) Restart the ST16.
12.) Upload the new flight log and screenshot for review.
Wilco.......but I may not have time to perform this procedure until the weekend. Working lots of OT.

One other question.....When providing the initial flight log, I had issues with getting the ST16 to recognize my SD card. I would see the prompt on the screen that it had been inserted or removed, but it never showed up as a volume I could write to. The card is formatted as exFAT, so perhaps the ST16 is looking for FAT32 formatting? Do I need to format the card with the ST16?

Wilco.......but I may not have time to perform this procedure until the weekend. Working lots of OT.

One other question.....When providing the initial flight log, I had issues with getting the ST16 to recognize my SD card. I would see the prompt on the screen that it had been inserted or removed, but it never showed up as a volume I could write to. The card is formatted as exFAT, so perhaps the ST16 is looking for FAT32 formatting? Do I need to format the card with the ST16?

Fat 32, no larger than 32 gB, but smaller the better. Doom discussed it in:
Fat 32, no larger than 32 gB, but smaller the better. Doom discussed it in:
Done. Thank you sir!
I was holding the left stick down hard against the stop, so perhaps the limit at -54% is due to mis-calibration?
I think the problem was the ST16. I have checked and must correct me, Turtle mode is limited to 80% of servo range for Throttle and 60% for Pitch/Roll. -54% is far too low, but this constant line points to a HW limitation.
Yes, possible mis-calibration or channel settings or ...

br HE
These values are valid if the right slider pot is in order and properly calibrated. The problem with this pot is disconnecting the sliding part from the resistive pad. In this case, the multiplayer value is different than usually read by the ST's FC.
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Perhaps. But it would be better to establish a good baseline before going into calibration. It would be good if you run this sequence and upload the resulting new set of information.
1.) Remove the props.
2.) Start the ST16.
3.) Start the TH.
4.) Wait for bind.
5.) Start the motors (but do not increase throttle with motors running).
6.) Stop the motors.
7.) Ensure rate Slider is in "Rabbit".
8.) Cycle all control devices at least once.
9.) Ensure Rate Slider is in "Turtle".
10.) Cycle all control devices at least once.

11.) Shutdown the drone.
12.) Get a Screenshot of the Yaw (Rudder) EXPO page. Refer to the attached document.
13.) Shutdown the ST16.
14.) Restart the ST16.
15.) Upload the new flight log and screenshot for review.

Edit: Added new steps 7, 9 and 10.
New Flight Log and Screenshot attached.


  • FlightLog2.zip
    20.9 MB · Views: 3
  • Screenshot_2023-04-23-08-50-37.png
    134.5 KB · Views: 9
The screenshot does not show any problems at all. I think that rules out bad settings.
The new flightlog has only the same data as the original. I'm not sure why it did not record anything as a new "flight".
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It is most likely the controller gimbal joystick. This has happened to me several times. Spray some electronic cleaner in the holes in the back of the controller and move the joysticks around. You can see the slider go up when it should be in the middle, in the settings.
The screenshot does not show any problems at all. I think that rules out bad settings.
The new flightlog has only the same data as the original. I'm not sure why it did not record anything as a new "flight".
Strange....I followed your instructions exactly. Is there any advantage to repeating the process or trying things in a different order? Glad the screenshot looks good in any case!
Is there any advantage to repeating the process or trying things in a different order?
Probably not.
It might be best to clean the pots with some contact cleaner.
Then do a stick calibration if all looks good in the output monitor.
Then go do a test flight with the slider in full rabbit. And no camera mounted.

You can then upload a new flightlog and we can look at that one.
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Probably not.
It might be best to clean the pots with some contact cleaner.
Then do a stick calibration if all looks good in the output monitor.
Then go do a test flight with the slider in full rabbit. And no camera mounted.

You can then upload a new flightlog and we can look at that one.
OK, sounds good WTFDproject. The earliest that I can fly will be this coming weekend. Will post new log after that. Can you recommend a contact cleaner that does not harm plastic? The one I use, DeoxIT, can attack some plastics.
I use the CRC 2-26 electro, that is a contact cleaner and also electrical lubricant, avoids drying of moving parts and is plastic safe too.
Unfortunately it seems not to be available on American stores.
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Režim želva je navržen pouze pro sledování zpomalených snímků nebo videí pořízených/v blízkosti lidí, což je z jejich strany potřeba kvůli požadavkům pravidel. Na plyn by to nemělo mít vliv, ale realita je trochu jiná. S nainstalovaným RS je situace ještě horší.
Tady máš pravdu. Mě také radili, abych dal Králíka. Ale proč? Dron musí přistát a sedět na zemi i bez králíka. Nesmí poskakovat a ulomit vrtule. Já mám ten problém od začátku. Vrtule se točí a dron poskakuje a ulomí vrtule než já motory vypnu. Páku mám dole, ale motory se točí dost rychle. Zde mi radí hlouposti. Abych já očistil kontakty nebo poslal letová data. Chce to jen páku ještě dál dolu. Ona nejde. Máš manuál jak seřídit páku aby se motory točily trochu pomalu?

Translation added by Moderator:
You're right here. They also advised me to give Rabbit. But why? The drone must land and sit on the ground even without a rabbit. He must not jump and break the propellers. I've had the problem from the beginning. The propeller spins and the drone jumps and breaks the propellers before I turn off the engines. My lever is down, but the engines are spinning pretty fast. Here he advises me to do stupid things. To clear contacts or send flight data. It just takes leverage further down. She doesn't. Do you have a manual on how to adjust the lever to make the engines spin a little slowly?
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I have nothing to say more than colleagues. To check what happens first they should know what type of bird exactly you have and so on. I have no answer to your questions without complete data logs, some tests, and so on.

The drone must land and sit on the ground even without the rabbit.
No. No. No.

You fail to understand the concept. The H must be in Rabbit for take-off and landing.
If you are pleased with breaking props then continue to ignore this.
If you wish to land properly, then put it in Rabbit.

The people here who are giving you information are far more knowledgeable than you. They have a proven history of diagnosing problems and offering the proper methods of correction. When you refer to that advice as "stupid" it does not reflect on the quality of the advise. It does reflect on the person who ignores it.
Tady máš pravdu. Mě také radili, abych dal Králíka. Ale proč? Dron musí přistát a sedět na zemi i bez králíka. Nesmí poskakovat a ulomit vrtule. Já mám ten problém od začátku. Vrtule se točí a dron poskakuje a ulomí vrtule než já motory vypnu. Páku mám dole, ale motory se točí dost rychle. Zde mi radí hlouposti. Abych já očistil kontakty nebo poslal letová data. Chce to jen páku ještě dál dolu. Ona nejde. Máš manuál jak seřídit páku aby se motory točily trochu pomalu?

Translation added by Moderator:
You're right here. They also advised me to give Rabbit. But why? The drone must land and sit on the ground even without a rabbit. He must not jump and break the propellers. I've had the problem from the beginning. The propeller spins and the drone jumps and breaks the propellers before I turn off the engines. My lever is down, but the engines are spinning pretty fast. Here he advises me to do stupid things. To clear contacts or send flight data. It just takes leverage further down. She doesn't. Do you have a manual on how to adjust the lever to make the engines spin a little slowly?

Download the document attached to post #7 of this thread. Read about the effect the Rate slider has on the values sent to the aircraft from the ST16 sticks. During the landing phase with the left stick in full down position (in Mode 2 where Throttle is on J1) the value will not get low enough to allow the motors to idle down when the Rate slider is in Turtle position. Turtle position effectively restricts the throttle output to only 60% of the full range at Rabbit position. That is the same as having the Rate slider at Rabbit and only moving J1 3/5ths of the way down from neutral and hoping the motors idle down. It won’t happen.
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Had a similar situation, checked the calibration of the sticks and they were fine. The problem was barometer calibration. When I checked the altitude on the bad landing, it actually thought it was 20ft off the ground. Once I did a full calibration haven't had another issue.
Typhoon H has a couple of firmware problems than never were solved and never will because the H is discontinued. With PX4 autopilot FW the H performs very smooth landings.

The first problem is landing detection. This depends on many parameters and I guess not all are optimal in FW. Unfortunately we cannot change parameters. Another problem is that the H did not automatically disarm as the H Plus and all other PX4 based drones do. So, all problems (stick calibration, channel settings, stick poti cleanness etc.) have influence on landing detection.

The accelerometer in the IMU drifts during lifetime. This may end up in a defect flight controller. Many discussions here about this case. It's absolutely neccessay the calibrate the accelerometer from time to time to overcome this situation. I do it since I had the problem that the H did refuse to set down. It happened never again.

My first approve would be to do an acc calibration which is easy to do. The next step is clean and calibrate the sticks in ST16. The potis in the sticks are not the best, we all know. Then try again...

br HE
Can you tell me about the px4 auto pilot please... Is it an app ??? I'd appreciate it
Trying to keep my hplus in one piece
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A customized firmware for the Typhoon H was made by a user to replace the flight controller FW. This FW is based on PX4 Autopilot. It is only for the H (aka H480) not H plus.

The FW of the H Plus is already based on PX4 Autopilot, but it is a Yuneec-special fork of that. Unfortunately there is no possibility to tune parameters to improve attitude of the drone. However, the H Plus has already a better behavior compared to H480. No such things reported like toilet bowl effect or landing detection problem so far.

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