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ST16 screen blanks when using HDMI out

May 14, 2016
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Can some one from Yuneec reply back as to why the ST16 screen will go blank after a few seconds when using an external monitor ? , you can get the ST16 back for a few seconds by double tap on the screen , but then blanks again after 2 seconds , this is not just a one off on mine , I have spoken with others who are having the same issue , while I am at it any time scale on fixing the long wifi connect time to the H camera :-)
Can some one from Yuneec reply back as to why the ST16 screen will go blank after a few seconds when using an external monitor ? , you can get the ST16 back for a few seconds by double tap on the screen , but then blanks again after 2 seconds , this is not just a one off on mine , I have spoken with others who are having the same issue , while I am at it any time scale on fixing the long wifi connect time to the H camera :)
Can you go into the "Pad" and adjust the screen saver time out at all? Like all phones/pads
Yunnec is aware of the HDMI port issue and working on a resolution to fix issue. We apologize for the inconvenience. Regarding camera connection delay. Click on system settings ->ok and hit return to home screen. Helps connect quicker.

quickconnect.JPG quickconnectt.JPG
Yunnec is aware of the HDMI port issue and working on a resolution to fix issue. We apologize for the inconvenience. Regarding camera connection delay. Click on system settings ->ok and hit return to home screen. Helps connect quicker.

View attachment 952 View attachment 953
Return to home screen? Everytime, or a one time fix? Your talking about the long time it takes the 16 to boot up to "Welcome Pilot" ?
Yep , you need the camera connection before you will get the "Welcome Pilot" and be ready to fly , just it takes so long at times (most times lol )
so you go into system settings and the back button everytime? not tab to select in system settings, That make sense, will try it

I have tried all this before , but does not seem to work for me , although some say it helped , though I think it my just be an illusion
and the camera was almost ready to connect when they went into settings and magically appeared , when they went back to fpv screen lol

It needs an update to fix properly , there is an obvious issue/problem on current firmware , the Q takes nowhere near as long
as the H before it is ready to fly , question is how long until Yuneec think they will be ready with the fix , they have not yet said
that there is a connection problem , be nice of the company to keep us in the loop :-)
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crazy idea , is their a way to connect an ipad to the ST16 to see live downlink video from my h , just trying to find out if its the ST16 screen that makes my video look too dark
crazy idea , is their a way to connect an ipad to the ST16 to see live downlink video from my h , just trying to find out if its the ST16 screen that makes my video look too dark
Yes you can connect one, but many are having disconnect issue. I doubt it is 16 screen, because when I play mine back on 4K Tv still dark, I guess manual adjustments are our fate, since auto seems to be out of the picture in most environments

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