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Typhoon H GPS Specifications

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Hey Pete,
Could you please give it a break. All the data you are coughing up is 2015_16 , as you may note we have just moved into 2018. Please don't drive Dario away, I had a dog like you he would not stop going and getting snakes until one day one got him , it was a Taipan ( the most deadly in the world ) so please let it go for the sake of the rest of us that make up this forum. Maybe Patr was correct in hind sight. Or do you need to know all of this because you are buying a Yuneec franchise and they have not told you anything. Johnno Hennessy Keep flying on the green side of the grass.
Dario please don't stop contacting me about this module. Thanks ahead of time.
Hey Pete,
Could you please give it a break. All the data you are coughing up is 2015_16 , as you may note we have just moved into 2018. Please don't drive Dario away, I had a dog like you he would not stop going and getting snakes until one day one got him , it was a Taipan ( the most deadly in the world ) so please let it go for the sake of the rest of us that make up this forum. Maybe Patr was correct in hind sight. Or do you need to know all of this because you are buying a Yuneec franchise and they have not told you anything. Johnno Hennessy Keep flying on the green side of the grass.
Dario please don't stop contacting me about this module. Thanks ahead of time.
Statements need to be backed up with facts, otherwise wild rumors and misinformation can propagate.
Best you contact Yuneec instead of repeating yourself and provide this forum with fact-like statements/rumours and/or shortcomings in what you read. We all had/have to cope with those and we do our best among friends to clearify what is needed.

And yes, I/we have read you are a fact-fetishist, very well... but please do not make that our problem.

*** Not contact Yuneec USA, by the way, they do not know anything special (they are just importing and servicing the stuff). So polish up your Chinese and get to it, we all are on your lips/pen/keyboard for some answers.

Happy newyear, fly well!
Pete u r the most annoying, despicable, doltish person on this forum. It's so sad, u just don't get it. I think you enjoy it, you must be a lonely person.
I get it. What is happening here happens on most Forums. A Select Few think they can infringe on someone's, especially new members, right to communicate.
Best you contact Yuneec instead of repeating yourself and provide this forum with fact-like statements/rumours and/or shortcomings in what you read. We all had/have to cope with those and we do our best among friends to clearify what is needed.

And yes, I/we have read you are a fact-fetishist, very well... but please do not make that our problem.

*** Not contact Yuneec USA, by the way, they do not know anything special (they are just importing and servicing the stuff). So polish up your Chinese and get to it, we all are on your lips/pen/keyboard for some answers.

Happy newyear, fly well!

So I am suppose to ignore Yuneec USA but believe someone not affiliated with Yuneec from Spain?
So everybody's wrong and your always right? What facts do you have that your not doltish?
Pease don't turn this into something it is not. You are trying to create a false issue. It is not that I have ever said I am always right but I ask for answers that are not supported with provable facts but opinions and assertions
The facts have been a constantly updating process since it was discovered Yuneec was ceasing production of the Chroma in early 2016. That Yuneec was the manufacturer for much of the Blade series of multirotors was common knowledge by early 2015.

Some in this and other forums had long been in contact with upper level Yuneec U.S. mgmt and were aware of the first managerial staff reductions before they became public. The financial irregularities between Yuneec and suppliers became public domain a long time ago, as did news of a $7+ million problem of payment to Yuneec by a U.S. distributor in Chapter 11 BK back in July. The timing of the BK, the last 480 firmware update, and layoffs cannot be a coincidence. It’s highly probable the 920 to 920+ conversion was driven by the financial issues between suppliers and Yuneec. The mgmt and labor layoffs were renewed in November and December of this year, along with operational cost reductions through relocation.

V.P. Is waaay behind the information curve and seems to have a need to make everyone else bring him up to date. He appears incapable of understanding that he made a purchase decision that put him in the saddle on a dead horse.

Sure, there’s a very slim chance Yuneec will do something that will improve and expand the H but their history has consistently been to quietly abandon old products as each new one is released. Prior to the 520 the last new Yuneec product was the Breeze. It has issues but there have been no firmware updates in the past year to correct them. The 520 has a very limited customer base because of it’s price but it was rushed incomplete out the door in an attempt to excite sales again. Yuneec has been failing to attend trade shows that could generate continued public interest. They have alluded to some new product release announcements to come at the CES but again history comes into play as each new product announcement provides a release date that is without fail short of the mark by 3 to 6 months.

V.P., I said it before but once again, you are the new guy here. Your 10 years of RC experience don’t mean much when stacked up against many in this forum. You would do well to listen more and argue less, else people find it expedient just to ignore you. You can believe a corporation that says little, with what is said of mixed meaning, or those that have many thousands of $$ tied up in Yuneec products that spend a lot of time and considerable effort trying to determine when the final Yuneec shoe will fall. Admit you don’t know what you don’t know along with willingness to learn.

Have a safe New Year, and anticipate more Yuneec price reductions as they try to clear inventory.
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Amen to that PatR,
and may everybody have a Happy New Year with heaps of flying and work coming in to help keep the economy turning. Thanks Pat for your informative posts since I have joined the forum and I have been following with interest the 920 forum also.. Thank you for the hrs you put in and the staff members here for keeping us informed to your best knowledge and remedies for our problems.
Johnno Hennessy ( Australia)
Keep flying on the green side of the grass.
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So I am suppose to ignore Yuneec USA but believe someone not affiliated with Yuneec from Spain?

No, I advised, and still do, to put your questions where they belong, @Yuneec.

That is... the factory, head office and r/d... so in China.

I never mentioned somebody in Spain, as a matter of fact.

The facts have been a constantly updating process since it was discovered Yuneec was ceasing production of the Chroma in early 2016. That Yuneec was the manufacturer for much of the Blade series of multirotors was common knowledge by early 2015.

Some in this and other forums had long been in contact with upper level Yuneec U.S. mgmt and were aware of the first managerial staff reductions before they became public. The financial irregularities between Yuneec and suppliers became public domain a long time ago, as did news of a $7+ million problem of payment to Yuneec by a U.S. distributor in Chapter 11 BK back in July. The timing of the BK, the last 480 firmware update, and layoffs cannot be a coincidence. It’s highly probable the 920 to 920+ conversion was driven by the financial issues between suppliers and Yuneec. The mgmt and labor layoffs were renewed in November and December of this year, along with operational cost reductions through relocation.

V.P. Is waaay behind the information curve and seems to have a need to make everyone else bring him up to date. He appears incapable of understanding that he made a purchase decision that put him in the saddle on a dead horse.

Sure, there’s a very slim chance Yuneec will do something that will improve and expand the H but their history has consistently been to quietly abandon old products as each new one is released. Prior to the 520 the last new Yuneec product was the Breeze. It has issues but there have been no firmware updates in the past year to correct them. The 520 has a very limited customer base because of it’s price but it was rushed incomplete out the door in an attempt to excite sales again. Yuneec has been failing to attend trade shows that could generate continued public interest. They have alluded to some new product release announcements to come at the CES but again history comes into play as each new product announcement provides a release date that is without fail short of the mark by 3 to 6 months.

V.P., I said it before but once again, you are the new guy here. Your 10 years of RC experience don’t mean much when stacked up against many in this forum. You would do well to listen more and argue less, else people find it expedient just to ignore you. You can believe a corporation that says little, with what is said of mixed meaning, or those that have many thousands of $$ tied up in Yuneec products that spend a lot of time and considerable effort trying to determine when the final Yuneec shoe will fall. Admit you don’t know what you don’t know along with willingness to learn.

Have a safe New Year, and anticipate more Yuneec price reductions as they try to clear inventory.

Again, I am dumbfounded by your arrogant and condescending attitude to me. Who do you think you are? As an Electrician with a degree in Electronics who has been flying electric aircraft of all types for nearly 10 years you have a lot of nerve trying to make any accurate opinions about me. I am very well aware of "dead horses" having been through the Blade 350QX series 3 years ago. I am aware that this could be history repeating itself so I try to gather as many facts as possible to guide me through this particular period. Thank you for your typical long winded "opinion" of the facts. Happy New Year your Highness!
I find it funny that if I criticize any aspect of Yuneec I get bashed, but when I make a positive statement about Yuneec some here will then bash me and Yuneec. I get it, I really do. It is how certain people act when online, I have seen this exact thing before.
I try to gather as many facts as possible to guide me through this particular period.

I'll leave your poetry to yourself, but why do (did) you not contact Yuneec (China, they are the only ones that can give you facts first hand). And as it seems this forum is nothing but blurry dung to you, so why tire yourself with it?
I'll leave your poetry to yourself, but why do (did) you not contact Yuneec (China, they are the only ones that can give you facts first hand). And as it seems this forum is nothing but blurry dung to you, so why tire yourself with it?

I have contacted Yuneec USA many, many times, they are very helpful, they give me information. I live in the USA.
Again, I am dumbfounded by your arrogant and condescending attitude to me. Who do you think you are?

As an Electrician with a degree in Electronics

who has been flying electric aircraft of all types for nearly 10 years....!

I think we’re finally getting somewhere in the root cause analysis investigation. Would you mind expanding a little on the “of all types” part?
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