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Update on Typhoon H

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We could say the same for BLOS operations but as things stand many complain because they can’t fly as far out with Yuneec products as they want to.

Realistically, should someone hit a person with their drone for any reason it would be very easy to fault, and likely make that fault stick, the operator for failing to mitigate flight risks, with those risks including loss of control/equipment failures. If there was a possibility of hitting a person the drone should not have been flying in an area such an event was possible.
We could say the same for BLOS operations but as things stand many complain because they can’t fly as far out with Yuneec products as they want to.

Realistically, should someone hit a person with their drone for any reason it would be very easy to fault, and likely make that fault stick, the operator for failing to mitigate flight risks, with those risks including loss of control/equipment failures. If there was a possibility of hitting a person the drone should not have been flying in an area such an event was possible.

LOL patR

YOU are a person are you not ?
if its out of control you could be the person killed !
is that acceptable ?
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I don’t think the law considers acceptable. That falls under risk assessment and management. Barring religious and criminal fanatics I can’t imagine anyone wanting to be killed, but should it happen what they may or may not find acceptable no longer matters.

I cannot think of any activity having zero risk. I’m sure we would all like there to be but everything carries some risk. How we manage it is left to us. Eliminating flight risk would entail eliminating flying. Cases in point occurred some years back in Arizona and New York IRRC. One guy was flying a trainer type RC aircraft, in full manual control, when he lost sight of it in sun glare. It hit him on the neck causing fatal injuries. The other was a highly competent RC helicopter operator flying manually when the rotors took the top of his head off, killing him instantly. Note that both were in full manual control of their aircraft, both under full control.

In this country roughly 89,000 people a year die from drug over doses. Another 40,000 or so, on average, die from traffic accidents, with that being broken down further to have many thousands of them killed because of alcohol related activity. That’s been going on for many years, and nobody has fixed it. Many thousands more die from medical malpractice yet the guilty parties rarely see their medical credentials revoked.

To take a broader view, everyone dies eventually, and this world cannot afford for everyone currently alive to remain alive. It does not have the resources to support them and allow additional births.
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I don’t think the law considers acceptable. That falls under risk assessment and management. Barring religious and criminal fanatics I can’t imagine anyone wanting to be killed, but should it happen what they may or may not find acceptable no longer matters.

I cannot think of any activity having zero risk. I’m sure we would all like there to be but everything carries some risk. How we manage it is left to us. Eliminating flight risk would entail eliminating flying. Cases in point occurred some years back in Arizona and New York IRRC. One guy was flying a trainer type RC aircraft, in full manual control, when he lost sight of it in sun glare. It hit him on the neck causing fatal injuries. The other was a highly competent RC helicopter operator flying manually when the rotors took the top of his head off, killing him instantly. Note that both were in full manual control of their aircraft, both under full control.

In this country roughly 89,000 people a year die from drug over doses. Another 40,000 or so, on average, die from traffic accidents, with that being broken down further to have many thousands of them killed because of alcohol related activity. That’s been going on for many years, and nobody has fixed it. Many thousands more die from medical malpractice yet the guilty parties rarely see their medical credentials revoked.

To take a broader view, everyone dies eventually, and this world cannot afford for everyone currently alive to remain alive. It does not have the resources to support them and allow additional births.

In the spirit of the season...

If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.

E. Scrooge

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[QUOTE="If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.
E. Scrooge[/QUOTE]

Ebenezer Scrooge was my hero. Until he wimped out.
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I don’t believe GPS failure/lost control/fly away issues are as big a problem as the number of posts discussing them make them out to be. They are certainly a big deal for those experiencing them but the volume is not great. Every manufacturer experiences them to some degree.

IMO, the fix won’t be had until component certification requirements are implemented, something that will cost us dearly. Another factor is minimum operating training standards, again increasing costs while also reducing sales. Both the automotive and full scale aviation industries provide ample evidence of the cost increases associated with increased safety standards. We should be careful of what we wish for.
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LOL patR

YOU are a person are you not ?
if its out of control you could be the person killed !
is that acceptable ?
It could out of control and be a Dji. There all vulnerable, nature of the beast/hobby.
It could out of control and be a Dji. There all vulnerable, nature of the beast/hobby.

we are not discussing DJI here this is a Yuneec forum .

I don’t believe GPS failure/lost control/fly away issues are as big a problem as the number of posts discussing them make them out to be. They are certainly a big deal for those experiencing them but the volume is not great. Every manufacturer experiences them to some degree.

IMO, the fix won’t be had until component certification requirements are implemented, something that will cost us dearly. Another factor is minimum operating training standards, again increasing costs while also reducing sales. Both the automotive and full scale aviation industries provide ample evidence of the cost increases associated with increased safety standards. We should be careful of what we wish for.

if a company has the ability to make a product safer without incurring undue cost then they have the respinsibility to
the customer to make the repair or update . what we are asking for is a simple switch that's already there
to quickly disable GPS/compass navigation and switch to manual flight without breaking LOS .

a simple software update . there customers have asked over and over . but rather than fix them
they would rather crash drones and make the customer purchase another while endangering the
pilot and possibly others.

this product is unfinished and needs a update to make it safe .

thats all this is about ..

these company's need to be held responsible for there actions !

everyone is entitled to there view .
even your view is just a view not reality !
even mine !

but with enough point of views we can make it happen .

i have now filed a complaint with the Gov agency responsible for forcing these company to recall unsafe products.
i encourage other fellow H users to do the same if they want it fixed.

CPSC SaferProducts.gov | Report an Unsafe Product

have a Merry Christmas !
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we are not discussing DJI here this is a Yuneec forum .

if a company has the ability to make a product safer without incurring undue cost then they have the respinsibility to
the customer to make the repair or update . what we are asking for is a simple switch that's already there
to quickly disable GPS/compass navigation and switch to manual flight without breaking LOS .

a simple software update . there customers have asked over and over . but rather than fix them
they would rather crash drones and make the customer purchase another while endangering the
pilot and possibly others.

this product is unfinished and needs a update to make it safe .

thats all this is about ..

these company's need to be held responsible for there actions !

everyone is entitled to there view .
even your view is just a view not reality !
even mine !

but with enough point of views we can make it happen .

i have now filed a complaint with the Gov agency responsible for forcing these company to recall unsafe products.
i encourage other fellow H users to do the same if they want it fixed.

CPSC SaferProducts.gov | Report an Unsafe Product

have a Merry Christmas !
Dji was just an example, drones no matter what the manufacturer can have the problem, my Upair drones have done the same thing, it's not not unique to Yuneec.
Dji was just an example, drones no matter what the manufacturer can have the problem, my Upair drones have done the same thing, it's not not unique to Yuneec.
No one said that it's unique to Yuneec. This is a forum for our Yuneec's babies and we trying to address some problems with a specific product.
The following is a personal opinion belonging to the author. The author does not work for or represent anyone associated with the modeling or multirotor manufacturer or after market parts industry. The author does not receive consideration of any kind from anyone.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda. That can be used for anything. By the logic being used by some we should not be able to fall off a bicycle and get hurt, therefore bicycle manufactures should be held liable. Yet people get killed falling off of them all the time.

There was a guy in another country that was going to, or did as far as I know, file a complaint with his country’s aviation authority about bad Yuneec batteries for the 920. He hoped to see all of them grounded until Yuneec provided better batteries. That was quite foolish as owners had the ability to research battery vendors to find a solution that provided better flight time for less money than they would have paid for new Yuneec batteries. I know this because I and others did it.

As for the H and switches. When originally released the H provided no means to disable GPS, yet people kept buying and flying them with that knowledge. People complained and Yuneec provided a means to do so but a few continue to carry on complaining the means is not acceptable for them and want more. Would a new method be nice? Sure it would but we might want to accept that no further changes to the H will ever happen. Accept it as is or buy something else.

Another option would be for Yuneec to recall all the H’s for a mandatory upgrade as they did the 920. That upgrade reduced the capabilities of the 920 and the controller. What would you do if your ST-16 came back with the AUX button removed and capped off, with no changes made with GPS switching? They could do that just to eliminate the complaints about an unused, unassigned button.

Bottom line, we bought a toy and I can’t think of any toy makers that continue to provide improvements to previous buyers of a toy for free and indefinitely. I really can’t think of any that do that at all. We have the ability to turn off GPS and we don’t have to use GPS to fly, the aircraft is fully controllable without it. If anyone quivers in their boots every time they fly using GPS the solution is easy, just turn GPS off before you launch and fly without it. My guess is that from a liability standpoint that’s all they would need to say.

RTH is not a “must have” function as we should be good enough and keep the aircraft close enough to guide it back without it. Holding a stationary hover position is something we should be able to handle as well. Waypoint flights are not a required critical function. Nice to have but not critical to the safety of flight.

From my perspective this isn’t about safety of flight, it’s more about some people wanting Yuneec to continue improving something people bought knowing it’s features, strengths, and weaknesses when they bought it. Now they want something more (for free) but are unwilling to pay for a new model so they complain using liability as leverage with the hope the manufacturer will put more resources into a superseded model. Those calling this a public safety/product liability issue are being disingenuous at best. If they truly believe that perhaps they should retain an attorney and sue, or stop flying the product. If they truly believe they have a flight safety issue every time they fly, they would also know they would be held personally liable for knowingly flying an unsafe aircraft. A court would rule they should not have been flying it. Good luck getting a liability case heard in a Chinese court. Bear in mind if you did that and won it would likely terminate the import of all drones as GPS failure cannot be, at least for now, 100% prevented with any of them. It happens with military stuff too.

I sometimes think that some in this hobby are like a bunch of welfare recipients standing outside social services offices protesting because they don’t believe they are being given enough money. It’s also similar to someone complaining they aren’t being paid enough on the job, yet when they took the job and accepted the wage they in effect agreed the wage was what they were worth. They could have refused the job until they obtained a higher wage. The H is done people. Accept that and either be happy or buy a new model. Another option is to obtain John Hennessey’s GPS modification, install it, and watch most of the GPS problems resolve themselves.
That you, as I seem to have pretty good luck with the exception of 1 fly away two years ago. To be candid, I had much greater concerns of that happening when I was flying a Wookong FC. Enough so that it would only be flown in a manual mode without GPS assist.

The only systems I fly anywhere near people are the 920, with the GPS mounted away from the control board, and Pixhawk based systems with the GPS similarly remote. Any small drone with GPS/compass colocated with the main power board is reserved for unpopulated areas. Such a design is great for esthetics but not as robust as a separated system. But people are prone to buy smooth shiny stuff before anything with unsightly antennas.
good luck to you and your toys ..
Do you even own a Typhoon H? If you do, would you like to sell it to me - like real cheap?? Seeing how dangerous it is and all.... I'll fly it straight into the lake, and no person will be harmed by the evil, awful Yuneec Typhoon H.
This has turned into a one man crusade to attempt forcing Yuneec to change the Typhoon H and TH Pro to have GPS Enable/Disable to the Aux switch.

While this would be nice, the chances of that are slim and none.

I am closing this thread to further replies before it gets any more inflammatory. If you disagree with my decision feel free to contact one or both of our administrators.
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