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Used Typhoon H - what to check? How many flight-hour?

Apr 28, 2017
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Hi everybody,

I am thinking to buy a used Typhoon H RealSense.

What are things to look out for? Anything special that has to be checked?

Anyway to check how many hours the machine has flown?

Maybe post the price because it might be better to buy new,JMO
Flight hours can probably be judged by looking at the Tele data in the ST16 if the unit is close to you.
The ST16 records each flight and if the data is not deleted you can figure the hours of use.Also the obvious, look for damage on the gimble, arms and body. Check the props for nicks.
It would be hard to judge if you can not see it in person...
I would want to see it fly and make sure it hovers steady.
I will see it in person.
Can logs be deleted one by one or only cleared all together?
It is clear that I will inspect physical condition of the drone.
The price difference is 250$ if I wait for it to be on sale and 350$ if I just buy it now new for regular price.
OK that is better than buying blind...
Yes the flight logs can be deleted one by one or all of them together.
Find out why the person is selling and then have him meet you (Don't carry Cash !)
Let him show you everything, box included, inspect everything, and have him test fly it for you. (Better him crash it than you !)
Have him perform simple close manuveours so you can watch how the H flies.
Usual box pattern and up and down. rotate, turtle and rabbit mode, camera functions and check for the latest firmware on the H and the ST16.
Is the wizzard included?
If you are satisfied maybe negotiate a price.
If it where me, I would just buy new and have a piece of mind factory warranty.
I would also opt for a new Unit with the three antennas and extra patch one.( If the one you are looking at is a firstt release unit)
If a $250 means a lot to you, consider getting a used unit from B&H Photo.. comes with a 30 day warranty.
Also there are hobby shops that discount drones.
I am sure others will chime in with opinions also
Good luck and let us know how you made out!
The unit that I am considering has more than a year warranty left. I do not want to buy new, since I am afraid I will not like it and will have to sell it. The drone is very big for me and I am not sure I will have enough opportunities to use it, since I will only be able to use it when I go somewhere with a car. I am not going to carry such a drone on me.
I am not from US, I am from Switzerland. Here each electronic device comes with 2 years warranty by law, same as in EU.
I believe you have no warranty coverage with this used drone. The law you're talking about does not require the manufacturer to warranty it for two years. It is the vendor that has to supply it for two years, unless it was a direct sale from the manufacturer. Even then, the law only covers a defect that was present when the device was sold new. Also, I believe that it only applies to the original purchaser buying a brand new product, not to second hand devices.
I would call Yuneec EU and find out, but I don't think you have any warranty on a used drone. I would spend the extra on a new one, because if you read through these forums, between glitches, firmware issues, and even some human error, Yuneec is one of the best you'll find at standing behind their product and warranty. Without it, you could easily be out ore than the $250 with a single crash. Hope this helps. Good luck.

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