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Error code - menu preferences not saved, fail

Aug 30, 2024
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I have tried several times several different ways and can not get my typhoon h plus to bind with a st16 controller. The problem is that the controller is not the one that came with it. Again I’ve tried to copy new model, etc. but I noticed an error code when I try to change model. I get the following error - set menu parameter failed. Anyone know where I can find information about this?

Moderator Note: Thread is really about a Typhoon H but was originally posted in Typhoon H Plus Forum. Moved to Thread Typhoon H Discussion Forum 08/30/2024.
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I have tried several times several different ways and can not get my typhoon h plus to bind with a st16 controller. The problem is that the controller is not the one that came with it. Again I’ve tried to copy new model, etc. but I noticed an error code when I try to change model. I get the following error - set menu parameter failed. Anyone know where I can find information about this?
"a st16 controller"
Both ST16S and ST16 say "ST16", but they are not interchangeable (without converting firmware). The Typhoon H Plus requires the ST16S. Since you mentioned "st16", it might be a good idea to confirm you have the proper ST16S. The easiest way to tell is by checking for screws around the controller sticks as noted in this image:
ST-16 - ST16S.jpg

"I’ve tried to copy new model"
There are at least three ways to get a new model. One is to do a simple copy of an existing model. Another is to create an entirely new model, and the third way is to copy a model from a different controller. Which way (or ways) did you try?
Also could it be I have different firmware on the drone than the controller? I’m still trying to figure that out
This is going to get really confusing if you can't confirm your drone is a typhoon HPlus and that the controller is an ST16S.
The drone model is shown on the nose of the drone above the on/off button. The models look very similar. The HPlus will have a red "H" symbol and say "Plus" below the "Typhoon H".
TH comparison.jpg
Also could it be I have different firmware on the drone than the controller? I’m still trying to figure that out
Yes. And we are trying to help you figure it out. Please refer to the posts above and confirm which drone and which controller you have.
How do I find out what the firmware version on the drone if it won’t bind with the controller
By connecting to a PC. But which PC software works depends on which model drone you have. Once again, we can't help with any confidence until you confirm the posts above for both drone and controller.
Still don't know which method you used to copy the model.
If you have not done so, you can try creating a new model from scratch.

If that does not work, then I would suggest running the Factory reset guideline. The factory reset will clear any existing firmware glitches, and it also has the steps to create, select, and bind to a new model.
ST16 Factory Reset

If the factory reset does not work, the next step is to run the Typhoon H Binding Verification. This process will identify the exact failure point. Do not skip ANY steps. STOP when you reach a step that does match what the verification says and report the step number here.
Typhoon H Binding Verification

If either process works, you can check the firmware versions on the ST16.

IF neither process works, you can connect the Typhoon H to the Typhoon H GUI using a DATA CAPABLE usb cord. ("charging only" USB cords will not work.)
Ok. I did the factory reset , followed the instructions until I got to the camera settings. I don’t have a camera. What should I try nex?
Ok. I did the factory reset , followed the instructions until I got to the camera settings. I don’t have a camera. What should I try nex?
"followed the instructions until I got to the camera settings."
Unfortunately, both sets of instructions involve camera settings, so I am not certain which instructions you mean.
Which instructions, and what step number?

"I don’t have a camera"
Do you mean you don't have the camera ID showing on screen?
Or maybe you don't have an actual camera? (The controller will bind to the drone without a camera.)
If you are still in the Factory Reset guidance, Skip Steps 58 through 65. You won't have video on screen, but the telemetry should display and you should have drone control.

If you are not still in Factory Reset guidance, please tell what guidance and step number you are.
Ok. I’m hitting a wall here. Lol. I can get to step 51 for the ST16 Factory Reset. One thing I’ve noticed is that I keep losing WiFi connection. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I can connect, but once I back out to go to system settings I lose it. So basically I can’t keep a WiFi connection. Also, prior to to step 51 where it shows a notification window that says if you continue you will lose flight status. I’m not getting that. So I guess that means I don’t have it to begin with. Also when I check about controller ST16 APK .45 but Aircraft is N/A across the board.
I'm running into a glitch that shows up sometimes and sometimes does not when binding without a camera. I'm in the process of rewriting the necessary guidance to cover both occurrences. Please bear with me.
Ok. I’m hitting a wall here. ..
The only thing that is really abnormal is the loss of connection.

Try this new version written to be specific for a TH binding with no camera mounted. Please start at Step 1 to ensure no conflicts with existing status.
Mostly this version is deletion of things you do not need to do, correction of screen images to match what you will see, and a new sequence to cycle the recognition of the new "Model". If this document does not result in success, we will need to move on the Typhoon H Binding Verification. The Verification will also probably have to be re-written to match your circumstances. The binding verification is a more complex document. I will wait on your results with this new Factory Reset before I begin to rewrite the Binding Verification.


Give me a little while. I am going to go do a factory reset on an ST16 and then bind it to a Typhoon without a camera mounted. Then I can compare with your results to better understand what you are seeing.
No rush at all. Thank you so much for your time!!

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