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Error code - menu preferences not saved, fail

Also, prior to to step 51 where it shows a notification window that says if you continue you will lose flight status. I’m not getting that. So I guess that means I don’t have it to begin with.
Step 51 of the original version is an "IF" step. "IF" means sometimes it is there and sometimes it is not. If it is there, you do what the step says. If it is not there, you keep going to the next step.
Is losing WiFi going to be an issue? Every time I connect, when I go back to the main screen I lose it. So basically I have WiFi as long as I’m in the setup. Once I back out I lose it.
I thought you have no camera? Without there is no WiFi in the main screen at all because the camera is the WiFi hotspot in this case.
You can only connect to your home WiFi in Padmode.
Oh. Ok. So when I exit pad WiFi is dropped?

On the ST16 controller when I enter into system settings and go to about controller I see the controller info but all the aircraft info is n/a. I also get the error WiFi is disabled when I come from pad (activating WiFi) to system settings, So there doesn’t appear to be a way of updating the drone info via WiFi that I can see??
What WiFi do you want to see? For what?
WiFi connection to your home router is only useful in pad mode for, ehh - I don't know. Update time that's it. ST16 is for surfing or games. I deactivate home WiFi. connection (forget SSID).

For normal drone operation there are two channels:
- 2.4GHz ZigBee connection: This is used to control the drone and the camera movements. Good to fly.
- 5GHz WiFi connection to get video downstream (RTSP protocol) from camera. In this case not the home router is the master but the camera offers a WiFi hot spot with DHCP. You will get your IP address from the camera. If you don't have a camera you don't need it at all because there is no video.

Between drone, gimbal and camera is a serial 2-wire connection (UART). Over this UART some information like FW versions and many other will be send to camera and camera sends it via WiFi to the ST16. That's why you cannot see the SW version when no camera and thus no WiFi network is available.
If you don't have a camera go flying - you don't need the WiFi.

The subnet that camera offers is, camera as master has If one connect to the camera, the camera gives him, second partner and so on. Camera is not a router, no internet connection possible and this is good so. We control an aircraft and no toy.
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Ok, thank you. I still need help with binding the controller (st16) and a typhoon H.
This is the full detail Typhoon H Binding Verification, edited for a Typhoon H Binding with no camera mounted.

The verification is not just "binding instructions". It is a verification of the MANY hidden clues in the binding process. The purpose is to identify abnormal conditions that are preventing a successful bind and to identify the exact point the binding process is failing. That information can assist in determining the best course to remedy the problem.
You will need to perform every step up to the point the verification does not match what you see. Do not skip any steps. Every step must be performed. Even the steps you have no doubt are already in the correct condition. After some preparation steps, the verification falls into a routine of directing an action, then verifying the correct response to the action. When you reach a verification step that does not match what you see, or if you are unsure if it matches, STOP. Report the step number back to the forum, and what you actually saw at that step. We can then go from there.


Ok. I got to step 35. When I turned on the Typhoon I get an orange and blue flashing light.

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Step 35.jpg
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Alright. At step 35. Looking from the rear, I can see the blue led inside on the right, but I don’t see the yellow/orange led inside on the left. I do see an orange/yellow alternating with blue flashing rapidly.
Alright. At step 35. Looking from the rear, I can see the blue led inside on the right, but I don’t see the yellow/orange led inside on the left. I do see an orange/yellow alternating with blue flashing rapidly.
Is the "orange/yellow alternating with blue flashing rapidly" inside on the left or is it the rear main LED.
What is the position of the upper right switch on the ST16?
Did you do a factory reset before starting any attempts?
Switch it to up and down and down and watch if the LED color will be changed.

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