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Getting bored with H "knocking"?

Mar 24, 2016
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I'm like a lot of other flyers on here, got the H because I like the thing.
It flies well, generally behaves itself, a bit frustrated with a lack of supplies etc.
I'm not worried about: having a map on my screen, that I can't fly 10 miles away, start up time (although that looks to be addressed imminently), lightbridge, the "humongous" controller and all the other supposed "problems" it has. My videos and still look great, I couldn't care less if you go into finite detail about infinitesimal differences.
I'm very contented, and joined this chat group to share ideas, learn from more experienced flyers, and generally have a lot of fun.
What I do object to is some people who are patently "anti H" and spend a lot of time on here nitpicking the pros and cons of various models and makers, and generally undermining the Yuneec.
This particular page, unless I've misread the title is for Yuneec Pilots, or people that are interested in the brand. It's not for seudo experts who have a vested interest in other brands to log on and constantly snipe and belittle this product.
If you don't like the model, go tell someone that's interested, don't spread your inflammatory garbage on here. Have some respect for other people and what they like. I haven't the time or energy to do the same thing on the other brands pages, so there must be some sort of concerted agenda here.
Rant over.
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I agree Chris, took the words right out of my own mouth! And if they want to keep "Ranting" I'll just keep "REMOVING" them until only the responsible posters will be left on my forum, and then very soon they will only have their select few to rant back and forth with, While we more respectful posters can post on together with each other! I like that thought ! Thanks Chris! and "ALL" of you respectful posters for being here ! It is a honor and privilege to chat with you "ALL" !:)
I read the title of thread and thought omg now there's Hs that are making knocking sounds? Btw that's another thing I like about the H, the sound.
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I was surprised that the topic about the improvements, with upgrade program for the controller, new software, fixes for complaints like formatting the sd card, storing video, adjusting elevation in autonomous modes, etc. was met with immediate complaints about even more stuff people think they deserve, for some reason. Crazy how an announcement that some complaints would be addressed merely spawned more complaints. No one seemed at all pleased that stuff was actually getting fixed, they just felt the need to find more problems. The newer realsense video also got more criticism and accusation of being staged and doctored than any actual interest in the feature. Kinda makes me wonder how much negative astroturfing is going on. There are some really obvious trolls who post about how they don't have the drone, or returned the drone, or can't stop complaining about a single feature of the drone, but some are a little more subtle, but still wholly negative.
This is normal these days I am sad to say. I am an admin on all the sister sites and I see this exact same conversation on those site too. There will always be someone who doesn't agree with your thoughts on a particular subject, that is part of internet forums of all kinds. Since DJI has been the subject of late, go on over there and have a look... the guys are doing the same thing. When the P4 was released there was a call for a class action suit within days. Some people will always find something to complain about. Just ignore the static and concentrate on the threads that have meaning for you. Constructive, informative talk is always welcome.
This is normal these days I am sad to say. I am an admin on all the sister sites and I see this exact same conversation on those site too. There will always be someone who doesn't agree with your thoughts on a particular subject, that is part of internet forums of all kinds. Since DJI has been the subject of late, go on over there and have a look... the guys are doing the same thing. When the P4 was released there was a call for a class action suit within days. Some people will always find something to complain about. Just ignore the static and concentrate on the threads that have meaning for you. Constructive, informative talk is always welcome.
Many thanks, I do try to sift out the obvious propaganda, but it just seems to go on ..... My ignore button is working overtime!
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I do not even own an H yet and I'm not sure if I will yet but I too hate all the bashing. The DJI people have to stick their noses everywhere and bash. Why is that?
As for me I love the looks of the H, love the large controller too. I'm still 80% sure I will get a H pro but just waiting to see. I have no plans to buy a DJI multi-rotor anytime in the foreseeable future but I'm not going to go over to their forums and bash the phantoms.
I do not even own an H yet and I'm not sure if I will yet but I too hate all the bashing. The DJI people have to stick their noses everywhere and bash. Why is that?
As for me I love the looks of the H, love the large controller too. I'm still 80% sure I will get a H pro but just waiting to see. I have no plans to buy a DJI multi-rotor anytime in the foreseeable future but I'm not going to go over to their forums and bash the phantoms.
When you get the H you'll love it!
My TH arrives this Friday and after reading a lot of the forums threads I was starting to get disappointed in my choice. Then I realized the majority are the trolls and complaining, nitpicking, DJI fly boys.

I'm excited to get mine this week. I'll report back soon!
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I don't think that it always "bashing" the H but I do believe that some current owners seem not to admit the fact that the H is not what was advertised, i.e the camera.

Clearly when comparing the two major players it is night and day on the camera department. No bashing, just the truth.

I think it is great but unfortunately I wont be buying it. Doesn't help that my dealer/hobby shop as of last week cut ties with Yuneec for several reasons.
I'm like a lot of other flyers on here, got the H because I like the thing.
It flies well, generally behaves itself, a bit frustrated with a lack of supplies etc.
I'm not worried about: having a map on my screen, that I can't fly 10 miles away, start up time (although that looks to be addressed imminently), lightbridge, the "humongous" controller and all the other supposed "problems" it has. My videos and still look great, I couldn't care less if you go into finite detail about infinitesimal differences.
I'm very contented, and joined this chat group to share ideas, learn from more experienced flyers, and generally have a lot of fun.
What I do object to is some people who are patently "anti H" and spend a lot of time on here nitpicking the pros and cons of various models and makers, and generally undermining the Yuneec.
This particular page, unless I've misread the title is for Yuneec Pilots, or people that are interested in the brand. It's not for seudo experts who have a vested interest in other brands to log on and constantly snipe and belittle this product.
If you don't like the model, go tell someone that's interested, don't spread your inflammatory garbage on here. Have some respect for other people and what they like. I haven't the time or energy to do the same thing on the other brands pages, so there must be some sort of concerted agenda here.
Rant over.

Well said Chris, Like DC had mentioned prior in another thread I don't think anyone minds people stating the issues that they have had with the H and voice concerns that Yuneec needs to address, even stating I'm done I need to move on to brand Y. But it gets bad when the same posters state the same issues over and over even taking over threads and spamming them. It does not lending any information to the original O.P.'s question of fixing the issues. I think we all are aware of the problems that the H has and if Yuneec wants to be a player with the H then they really need to address and fix those issues or else others will be taking a hard look at other products, which in my opinion is perfectly OK. It's their money spend it on whatever they want. They mention brand X and brand Y which is fine too. But I think people looking for information on the Typhoon H come here to this forum to look for and hear what is good and bad about the H and what it is capable of doing, they don't need to "hear run don't walk from the H" every time they read each thread from he same people. They can get that on the Brand X site. They pass off the 360 gimbal as a gimmick because their brand doesn't have it (seen some impressive work using it). The camera is not garbage like some state, is it as good as the Brand X no, but if you do a search on You tube you see some impressive videos and those are stock no upgrades some without performing lens re-focus. I compare those with Brand X videos and online you can't tell the difference. There are those you will say "yea but it took a lot of post work to produce those videos". They are absolutely right but your going to post work anyway correct, even if you shot with a brand X? Eric and Frankie have done some impressive video work as well. OK, I'm not a cinematographer nor do claim to be one, but correct me if I'm wrong if you are filming for high end project or company you are going to spend your money on one of the high end professional rigs not using the H or brand X . I read on one thread recently the Yuneec rep chimed in and some posters just jumped on them, with un-constructive comments that had nothing to do with the subject, how is that going to help the group or fixes towards the H. I get it they are pissed off but doesn't help. I know it's not all "roses and candy canes". My H was sent back last week for a power up issue and I'm going to Hawaii on the 25th for a family reunion which I wanted to do some filming, I don't think I'll have it in my hands by then, haven't heard back from Yuneec yet. Not very happy but what am I going to do. If I had a brand X and had issues do you think I would get it fixed sooner, I don't think so. Again we all know the limitations of the H, threads are scattered with them which is OK. But getting into the dirt with each other doesn't help, neither does my drone is better than your drone. If someone new has a problem then let them post their issues even others chime in posting that yea that's an issue that yuneec really needs to fix. I'm sure Yuneec monitors this forum and hopefully really hears and has the pulse of it's users if not they are going to lose customers or potential customers. But I can tell you this coming from the electronics industry, you think you come up with a fix for one thing and you don't think it won't effect the rest of the code, wrong you just inserted another issue. Even adding to the code is a big deal, debugging takes a **** of a lot of time and It's going to take time my friends. Hope Yuneec is throwing more software guys on the team. Anyway, just fly whatever you like and have fun. I been in RC since the late 70's with planes and helis and have not seen this kind of stuff this bad.
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Some of the comments get out of line very quickly. I resent that. I see this as a help page and for the exchange of information. There are times when I think the moderator needs to pull the plug on some of the bashing I see. It serves no purpose and interferes with the train of legitimate information. Those generally doing the most bitching are those who didn't do their homework before purchasing or who expected it to be like the DJI they already own. And then there are those who are new to multirotors and want it to be autonomous and don't understand the role of being the pilot. I tire quickly of all the "It should do this......"
The H is only as good as the person holding the controller. Oh...wait.....that applies to all birds. I knew what I was buying. In fact I bought the second one before I even flew the first one. I also find the camera quite good in manual mode. Auto not so much. That doesn't make the camera bad, it just means I have to learn how to use it.
So that's my ***** of the day. Whew, I feel better.
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Some of the comments get out of line very quickly. I resent that. I see this as a help page and for the exchange of information. There are times when I think the moderator needs to pull the plug on some of the bashing I see. It serves no purpose and interferes with the train of legitimate information. Those generally doing the most bitching are those who didn't do their homework before purchasing or who expected it to be like the DJI they already own. And then there are those who are new to multirotors and want it to be autonomous and don't understand the role of being the pilot. I tire quickly of all the "It should do this......"
The H is only as good as the person holding the controller. Oh...wait.....that applies to all birds. I knew what I was buying. In fact I bought the second one before I even flew the first one. I also find the camera quite good in manual mode. Auto not so much. That doesn't make the camera bad, it just means I have to learn how to use it.
So that's my ***** of the day. Whew, I feel better.
Please report this type of activity when you see it by smashing that report button and the staff will take care of it. Thank you. ;)

I do think some constructive criticism is a good thing no matter what product you own. How else are the DJI, Yuneec, 3DR's etc of this world supposed to improve their product without HONEST feedback good or bad? As a P4 and Q500 owner both have good and not so good points. Yes the P4 is a very evolved craft (after many generations now) for me it's working very well. But it still looks like a toy, the design isn't very interesting and rather bland. I think DJI want to become the Apple of the UAV world which doesn't sit right with me. I'm an android fan through and through The Android ecosystem allows you to tweak and tinker to your hearts delight. IOS and DJI to some extent doesn't.

I love the fact Yuneec went ahead and made an affordable Hex that looked the business and offered something different at this price point. I believe in Yuneec and although it seems the H needs a little bit of work, it will get there. What I don't like is the short supply of accessories, constant delays and Australia being the bloody last place on Earth to receive these darn things!
The rot started on the other site and spread here.
A forum should be for like minded people to share and learn.
When I got my f550 a few years ago, the "other" big forum was great for that.
I don't look at it much now. Too much time sieving through the tiring H bashing.
I am happy with the H. Great deal for the money but some will never be happy.
The whole system cost less than the last lens I bought for my DSLR.
Anyone I show the aerial footage to are in awe of what it can do.
Haters going to hate. They should go fly instead of ******* on the forums.
I would like to see them barred.
I agree completely. I think what we have is a small but very vocal group of unhappy H owners with a few (or maybe more) DJI trolls thrown in. I am perfectly happy with my H . The video quality is very good, stills are good and it flies great.

We get it, some of you are not happy. Return it, buy something else. The complaints and ranting are getting old.....
Well said Chris, Like DC had mentioned prior in another thread I don't think anyone minds people stating the issues that they have had with the H and voice concerns that Yuneec needs to address, even stating I'm done I need to move on to brand Y. But it gets bad when the same posters state the same issues over and over even taking over threads and spamming them. It does not lending any information to the original O.P.'s question of fixing the issues. I think we all are aware of the problems that the H has and if Yuneec wants to be a player with the H then they really need to address and fix those issues or else others will be taking a hard look at other products, which in my opinion is perfectly OK. It's their money spend it on whatever they want. They mention brand X and brand Y which is fine too. But I think people looking for information on the Typhoon H come here to this forum to look for and hear what is good and bad about the H and what it is capable of doing, they don't need to "hear run don't walk from the H" every time they read each thread from he same people. They can get that on the Brand X site. They pass off the 360 gimbal as a gimmick because their brand doesn't have it (seen some impressive work using it). The camera is not garbage like some state, is it as good as the Brand X no, but if you do a search on You tube you see some impressive videos and those are stock no upgrades some without performing lens re-focus. I compare those with Brand X videos and online you can't tell the difference. There are those you will say "yea but it took a lot of post work to produce those videos". They are absolutely right but your going to post work anyway correct, even if you shot with a brand X? Eric and Frankie have done some impressive video work as well. OK, I'm not a cinematographer nor do claim to be one, but correct me if I'm wrong if you are filming for high end project or company you are going to spend your money on one of the high end professional rigs not using the H or brand X . I read on one thread recently the Yuneec rep chimed in and some posters just jumped on them, with un-constructive comments that had nothing to do with the subject, how is that going to help the group or fixes towards the H. I get it they are pissed off but doesn't help. I know it's not all "roses and candy canes". My H was sent back last week for a power up issue and I'm going to Hawaii on the 25th for a family reunion which I wanted to do some filming, I don't think I'll have it in my hands by then, haven't heard back from Yuneec yet. Not very happy but what am I going to do. If I had a brand X and had issues do you think I would get it fixed sooner, I don't think so. Again we all know the limitations of the H, threads are scattered with them which is OK. But getting into the dirt with each other doesn't help, neither does my drone is better than your drone. If someone new has a problem then let them post their issues even others chime in posting that yea that's an issue that yuneec really needs to fix. I'm sure Yuneec monitors this forum and hopefully really hears and has the pulse of it's users if not they are going to lose customers or potential customers. But I can tell you this coming from the electronics industry, you think you come up with a fix for one thing and you don't think it won't effect the rest of the code, wrong you just inserted another issue. Even adding to the code is a big deal, debugging takes a **** of a lot of time and It's going to take time my friends. Hope Yuneec is throwing more software guys on the team. Anyway, just fly whatever you like and have fun. I been in RC since the late 70's with planes and helis and have not seen this kind of stuff this bad.
I hear you to the "T" Malibu ! Have fun in Hawaii! And I hope you get your H back just in time!

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