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Intel Realsense a failure OR ? Not offered on H520 or the H920+ !

Oct 16, 2018
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just noticed that neither have Intel realsense, of course these are 'commercial/professional' drones so they assume total capable pilot no way to collide into things ??

also just looked at the H920 +, it uses 'normal' batteries with a 2 prong plug, has a rather fancy looking charger that is not auto-magic type, you must enter actual data to charge correctly.

also the H920+ can carry 2 or 3 4000mah batteries, the CG04 camera is not light, but no estimated flight time mentioned.

and then we have the opposite, smaller and smarter drones, mantis Q.

Interesting !!
I do not think that the realsense is a failure. It works great and does what it is meant for. The system is higly reliable and has never caused any trouble on my Typhoon H. The only disadvantage is that it is completly obsolete. Although it does work as it is supposed I have barely ever used it. About 95% of the time it is turned off.

What I do not like at modern drones is that they use very special batteries. The Yuneec Batteries are pretty simple and can be made by yourself using a 3D-printer or something but the DJI batteries for example are unnecessary complex. The only reason for doing this (in my opinion) is do force the customer into buying you products an not any third party ones. It helps improving the security but if you know what you are doing it sucks. I think this is the reason for using "normal" batteries on the Tornado. Yuneec simply expects the professional users to have the basic knowledge.
Bear in mind the 920 was released well before RealSense came into existence. Because of that a complete redesign would have been required to retrofit them with RealSense after the device was released. Having a pair of H-480’s for a couple years without RealSense and a 920 I can honestly say there’s never been a day I wished they had it. Nor has OA been used for either H-480 in the time I’ve owned them. That switch might as well be glued in the off position.

The 920 was also released before smart batteries became popular. The design of the battery compartment pretty much prohibits the use of smart batteries because of their larger size. Because they are not smart batteries 920 owners have the ability to buy after market batteries to keep their rigs flying long after the factory batteries have worn out or aged themselves into uselessness. This is something those using smart batteries will find to be a big problem as their systems are obsoleted by their manufacturers. Try buying new batteries for a Phantom 1 or Solo.

Also consider that when the 920 was in the design and production stages most cinema capable rigs carrying DSLR type cameras were fairly large and generally hand flown on location. So the design of the 920 followed the accepted “norm” at the time.

Both the 920 and 520 were produced to serve the higher level professional. There’s not very many of them interested in using their rigs for “selfie” or “hey, look at me” type shots. Their focus is based more around creative content and revenue, with flights planned, rehearsed, and repeated to obtain product instead of spontaneous or whimsical. The people drawn to either the 520 or 920 for the most part don’t have a need for RealSense and in many cases would find things like RealSense and OA to be more of a detriment, limiting how they would use their systems, than a benefit. System design is geared around the type of work a system is intended to serve, and there really aren’t any designed around a one size fits all category. Advertising for some cause a few to think they are but once they get bought the owners soon start wishing they would do things they hoped they would, but don’t.
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honestly i think we all would like a fool proof system to not run into anything that can destroy our drones, and there is NOTHING you need to do to have this system work perfectly - IT JUST WOULD.

so really the question is how much faster does the realsense system need to be to do that, how much does the algorithms need to do that, how many more sensors does it need and how long would you want it to take to build its 3D world view in a new location, of course essentially zero seconds, we are in a hurry, but how long really ?

i'd say 15sec would be reasonable, but also i do not want a realsense system that slows the craft down whatsoever, or uses more than just a small amt of battery, 11mph is SLOW if you need to 'get way over there' and start a waypoint mission, way slow for nearly any use but a 'follow me' walk.

so whether a 'pro' or 'lowly pathetic hobbyist' we all would like protection from ourselves doing something really really stupid, no matter what the drone's purpose is to be.

what if the most skillful drone pilot ever, and a fabulously beautiful person (your choice of sex) comes up to you and touches/grabs you where you like, would you immediately allow controls to go to neutral, cancel that CCC or would you maybe 'do something rather foolish' yep, i guess maybe the latter !! fess up you would be so startled you likely would crash that drone or a fly away or need a diaper .....!!

yep i want a fool proof prophylactic to protect my drone, i admit it ! and NO not the ones to prevent spread of diseases, filthy minds !!

the current realsense is not it, but an attempt at it, bravo for that attempt, but really of very limited use.

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