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Lipo Storage at Full Charge?

Aug 13, 2016
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How long will you leave your Lipo's at full charge? I've had mine at full charge for 2 day's maximum! I can't stand to leave them fully charged any longer for fear of damaging them. I then discharge them into "Storage Voltage" (3.8 V per cell). Can I leave them at full charge for a longer period without any damage to them? I charge them to go out flying,and then bad weather moves in,so I leave them at full charge for 2 days,then I get nervous,and discharge them. LOL!
Thanks,Guy's!:) I won't have to discharge them as often now! I have also noticed that both battery's (since new) have always had one cell that reads 4.19 while the other two cells read 4.20?
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Thanks,Guy's!:) I won't have to discharge them as often now! I have also noticed that both battery's (since new) have always had one cell that reads 4.19 while the other two cells read 4.20?
Not a issue, you will rarely get them all to match perfectly!
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Most of my battery cells are within .02 V of each cell. I do put all batteries down to storage 3.80v per cell if not using them and balance charge them back up on my Hitec X4AC Plus when ready to fly.
I cycle each battery for flights and each battery has had 9 flights so far.
Quad is brought in at 10.7 - 10.8 volt warning during the flight which settles to about 11.4-11.6 at idle. These are the OEM Yuneec batteries bought a year ago.
Just on a whim I decided to measure the internal resistance of my 4 batteries.
Got the following readings:
- 4 4 6
- 4 3 6
- 4 4 6
- 4 5 6
Found it odd that in all 3 batteries, that third cell had the highest resistance. Yet all cells are balanced.
What are your batteries like? Any explanation why that third cell in all 4 batteries is higher?

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