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Memory Testing the Typhoon H

Jan 3, 2017
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Does anyone know of any memory diagnostics for the Typhoon H? Seems like a big gap if in fact there is none. Since updating my H with all the latest firmware the drone has broke about 3 sets of rear props because it fails to land properly. Each instance had the drone in RTH mode - and then switched over to Manual Angle mode at some point it would get close to the ground then just start acting erratically until it tilts backward taking out both rear props. Usually involved refusing to stop as well. Upon running their diagnostics the only thing I could find wrong were both Flight boundary settings were displaying ???. Upon setting these to height limits and saving and verifying they were now set they now hold a value. This is why I suspect the onboard memory...
Does anyone know of any memory diagnostics for the Typhoon H? Seems like a big gap if in fact there is none. Since updating my H with all the latest firmware the drone has broke about 3 sets of rear props because it fails to land properly. Each instance had the drone in RTH mode - and then switched over to Manual Angle mode at some point it would get close to the ground then just start acting erratically until it tilts backward taking out both rear props. Usually involved refusing to stop as well. Upon running their diagnostics the only thing I could find wrong were both Flight boundary settings were displaying ???. Upon setting these to height limits and saving and verifying they were now set they now hold a value. This is why I suspect the on board memory...
I also notice that when you go to land in Angle mode now that you really need to keep the stick held down to avoid it wanting to jump up and flip to one side. Before when you would land, the throttle would go to idle. I have realized though, if you hold the stick down for a little bit when it has landed, it will go to idle, then you can release the stick. Still has me spooked so I hit the kill switch pretty fast after. I am guessing that the memory for the H is a flash memory of some sort. Probably needs to be removed to be test by anyone other than Yuneec. Otherwise I would think it would show on the GUI?
You still need to keep a 30' distance in RTH.

Also I am told that you should hover for a few seconds before landing especially if you are switching from an RTH smart mode, and back to Angle Mode.
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For every landing of any multirotor I have it's a habit to stop the descent and hover for a moment just before touchdown. Since developing that habit a few years ago all my landings have been clean. The only ones that weren't occurred when the aircraft was descended continuously until touchdown. Flight controller brands used have been DJI, APM, Pixhawk, Vector, Chroma, and the H. There is very little vertical velocity to counter that way.
You still need to keep a 30' distance in RTH.

Also I am told that you should hover for a few seconds before landing especially if you are switching from an RTH smart mode, and back to Angle Mode.
That is a good point. It does do it's own hesitation when you hit return to home. That may be why. Maybe even itself has to make an internal change to plan it's trip home and landing. Or at least it did many months ago. I haven't done a full RTH since I first got it, 2 updates ago, but it did stop whatever it was doing at the time, then do it's RTH route and landing. If I remember correctly, even right before it landed it did another temporary stop right before the final landing.
Me I've been giving it the opportunity to re-adjust itself from a RTH mode to Angle mode before attempting the final approach. Doesn't seem to help the issue, and it wasn't a problem until the last series of updates... Hmm.
Me I've been giving it the opportunity to re-adjust itself from a RTH mode to Angle mode before attempting the final approach. Doesn't seem to help the issue, and it wasn't a problem until the last series of updates... Hmm.
Hope that didn't come across wrong. I wasn't implying you didn't wait. It was just a good point that I, and since I haven't used RTH in so long, other than to bring it back near me if I'm being lazy on orientation, it's not something I gave much thought to before Tree mentioned it.
No Jester it's all good I'm going to take it out today for a full recalibrate and see if that improves anything. The missing Flight Boundaries were an interesting part of the problem don't know if reestablishing them was the cure or not - maybe I should test before recalibrating. :D
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No Jester it's all good I'm going to take it out today for a full recalibrate and see if that improves anything. The missing Flight Boundaries were an interesting part of the problem don't know if reestablishing them was the cure or not - maybe I should test before recalibrating. :D
I can never decide what to do in that situation...I want to know if I can find an answer, but at the same time, a recalibration may just be the answer. Then how do you know if you don't recalibrate? Do I take the risk to learn? Do I recal and if it fixes it, just be happy I no longer have the problem? My ADHD, need to know, "all or nothing" personality always wants to know without adding to the equation, but my wife and wallet see it differently if it avoids a downed H.
First world problems, huh?
I will say that my smarter side prevailed last time, and I went ahead with the Feb. update and a few calibrations when I was having problems with it dancing around every time I stopped motion in any direction, instead of trying to figure it out or send it back to Yuneec. My ADHD side was not happy with the successful outcome. My wallet was. As was my impatient side, not having to send it off for another month to get those answers I felt I needed. This probably helped you NOT decide whether to recal or not, but thought I'd throw that out there. ;)

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