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Multiple still pic captures are darker

Oct 16, 2015
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Central Oregon
I have this weird problem where if I capture a still image and then another, it is darker. For example, if I capture four images in a row, each successive capture will be about a half stop darker. I have to point the lens elsewhere to have it auto adjust, then reframe my shot to properly expose and shoot another. Anyone had this problem or know how to fix it?

The platform firmware was upgraded when sent back to Yuneec, but I dont know if they updated the camera.
I have this weird problem where if I capture a still image and then another, it is darker. For example, if I capture four images in a row, each successive capture will be about a half stop darker. I have to point the lens elsewhere to have it auto adjust, then reframe my shot to properly expose and shoot another. Anyone had this problem or know how to fix it?

The platform firmware was upgraded when sent back to Yuneec, but I dont know if they updated the camera.
These are not top-of the-range cameras and they do take a bit of getting used to and experimenting with. I have had to same problem as you described. A good place to start, is locking the exposure and white balance. Get your aircraft into the air and let it hover at about 30ft. Whatever the light conditions are that you're flying in, pick one on the ST10+ controller. Sunny, Cloudy......whatever. Point your aircraft in the direction that you're going to be shooting in. When you've chosen the option that you want to use, leave it for about 10 seconds, then tap the lock icon (just below auto). You should now see a little red padlock with 'WB' on it. Your white balance is now locked. Next, lock the exposure. To do this tap the little auto white icon just below the little red padlock icon. Now just on the left you should see EV - EVO with a red icon at the top with 'Auto' on it. Again, leave it about 10 seconds and then tap the auto icon. The auto icon should now have a upper case 'M' on it. Your exposure is now locked. This should solve your problem. If you leave everything in 'Auto' tiny little changes in light have a big effect. When you take a picture in auto, the camera will need about 10 seconds before taking the next shot to have automatically reached the same WB/Exposure as the last shot you took. So if in 'Auto' and you take several shots very quickly, each successive shot will appear darker because the camera hasn't had time to automatically return to the WB/Exposure of the shot before. By locking the WB/Exposure, you avoid this effect. Hope this helps.
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