Interesting I've noticed some drifting at lower heights as well.. Two batteries in, did all the calibrations, flew at my "Area 51" test site and noticed a few things as well. BTW, my previous firmware was the one that was up for awhile then removed.
1) As you mention mine now seems to drift around little when its about 8-10 feet high. I'm in angle mode and when I first launch my H I do a couple quick checks. I bring it up to about 10 feet and let it hover. I then rotate right, rotate left, fly left, fly right, fly forward, fly backwards and let it hover... What I notice it will now drift around, maybe within a 12" area and altitude change of about a foot as well. Its not like its moving around the whole time, but you'll see it move a bit, stop, move a bit... At higher altitudes, say 20+ feet and above it seems stable.
2) Mine has lost the random twitching when going fast and coming to a quick stop. However, it now twitches when in "Follow Me" mode. It moves with me, but when I stop moving and it stops moving it twitches. I have to look at the video to see if its that noticeable
3) It may be my imagination, but it seems even in rabbit mode, its moving slower. Like its top speed in the rabbit setting has been reduced a bit. I'll check it next time. Not a big deal at all, just seem to notice.
While I like that I can no set the RTH height. That slider is so small its supper sensitive.. I'd like to see it either enlarged or be able to use the "D" pads to adjust it...
Some positive things I've noticed;
1) Mine no longer flashes orange when raising or lowering the landing gear
2) RTH landing seems less abrupt/jarring
Overall, I'm pleased with it. Just some thing I noticed...