As per usual, the FAA has written yet another set of regulations that is so vague in some areas while being very matter of fact in others, and is of such reach and scope (not to mention length) that for many of us it is hard to get our heads around it.
Do I believe the 'hobby', as in RC in the traditional sense, is going to go away? NO.
Do I believe the RC hobby is going to change somewhat? YES
Do I believe that the 'hobby' as many multi-rotor 'drone' hobbyists understand it going to change? YES
Drastically? YES
Ended for the average Joe? That Depends on the average Joe.
The Feds intend to end the types of occurrences that we have been seeing since the dawn of the commercial drone. Keith, I am just speaking my mind and this is not directed at you rather it is an inward look at how many of us in the drone community think, I am just using your first sentence as an example. When you said:
'For those of us who
have common sense
and fly in a safe place'
I agree many of us know what a safe place is and I think most of us fly with common sense, but so do those people that do some of the most unsafe flying we've ever seen. Whether it is flying an Inspire into the Space needle, flying directly in the approach of a runway to capture footage of airliners landing and taking off or hovering over a road making a motorcycle cop swerve to miss it and on and on - they all had similar responses when questioned WHY?
They almost always felt they were not harming anyone and that they could perform those flights safely. In other words, they deemed the rules did not apply to them and that they could just self-administer themselves a waiver to do what they want.
The FAA now lumps me, you and the rest of us in with those types - as far as they are concerned.
Am I going to let someone come up and confiscate my drone for flying? NO
But then again, I probably won't be flying where I'm not supposed to. And if being able to fly becomes so costly or requires pouring through red tape, then I will just fall back to flying at a designated site, but thats not here yet and we've got a lot of time to see how this thing unfolds.