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Typhoon H Accident

Jul 7, 2018
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Hello, I was flying the typhoon H and drone it took it all the way up to about 393 ft and drove it about 1000ft away from my controller, all of the sudden the drone shakes and wobble and instantly I lose connection to the camera and the GPS and had no connection to the drone. The drone fell down and after an hour of searching I was able to locate it. The drone is completely destoryed and I am looking to send it to yuneec as this wasn't my fault. I check the telemetry file and it didn't record that flight, I have the flight video as I was recording on that flight but I transferred that telemetry file to the PC and it's just a blank page with nothing on it. What should I do. I have the flight footage but not the telemetry. But I do have the flightencryptlog, but it is in a very different language that I don't understand at all. I have remote, remoteGPS and Sensor file but not the telemetry for that flight. I know that I need that file to approve that it will be a free repair for me.
Any idea what I can do?
Oh man - very sorry to hear that happened.

How clearly could you see the H at that distance ? - when they shake and wobble suddenly that can indicate something has hit the machine, like a bird for example. Could that have been a possibility ? Other than that I suppose you may have had a serious malfunction with a component, but it is unusual to lose video and control signals at the same time unless there was a power problem. I take it you checked the battery was firmly seated before take-off ?

You might not have the telemetry, but you do at least have the pieces to send Yuneec, and they may be able to read the logs you can't. You don't say how new this machine is to you, but if you are in warranty they should look after you.
Thank you for getting back to me, the battery was firmly in, when I found the drone after the accident the battery was still in firmly, I bought this in refurbished condition but I have had many successful flight before this happened, I do have a 1 year warranty but it will only cover for accident that were not my fault. Also I did have sight of the drone but then look down at the controller and that when it went chaotic.
I really can't answer that question. Perhaps @Steve Carr or one of the other gurus here can.

Now you've got me thinking that the ST16 went bonkers instead of the H.
I think since I was panicking, I moved the file too quickly before it was finished, instead of waiting 10 min, I transferred the file too quick although it was when the drone was gone. I wanted to see the file because I have lost the drone and I wanted to see the longitude and latitude to get the Drone ASAP!
I think since I was panicking, I moved the file too quickly before it was finished, instead of waiting 10 min, I transferred the file too quick although it was when the drone was gone. I wanted to see the file because I have lost the drone and I wanted to see the longitude and latitude to get the Drone ASAP!
Without the flight log I can't offer much help. However, the encrypted log can be read by Yuneec. You should contact them as soon as they open.
Thank you for sending this, but for some reason the telemetry file in flightlog has been corrupted and doesn't show anything at all, but I do have the flightencryptlog, will yuneec be able to look at that and determine the fault?

For that to occur the H could not have been linked to the transmitter. If there’s enough of a comm link to use the controls there’s a telemetry file. Only a complete comm link failure that initiated during the power up sequence or before would cut off telemetry generation. As telemetry is recorded at 20hZ there’s always an active file in generation development. Interrupting the recording process only interrupts the file at that point in time. Everything previously recorded remains intact. Something isn’t right with this.
I agree something seems very shady, also I have reviewed the footage and it looks like the drone has shut off in the air, which I don't get at all, and then the telemetry file is not there, I will definitely contact yuneec and see what's going on. I hope they could use the flightencryptlog and see that it was a system error or something because I have no way of seeing the original telemetry file. My controller is perfectly fine. The only idea I have of how it was corrupted was that the drone got disconnected and I panicked because I didn't know where the drone was when I lost connection and so I wanted to see the longitude and latitude and in order to do so I took the telemetry file out too fast before it could publish and I think it may have gotten corrupt then. Is that possible?
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Yes, it's possible if you dragged and dropped the file in the wrong place. Did you restart the ST16 to see if the file reappeared?
You could also do a search of your computer for *.csv and see if it finds any files.
You could also do a search of your computer for *.csv and see if it finds any files.
I did not shut it off, I think I transferred too quickly but I do have the flightencryptlog telemetry saved, will yuneec be able to use that?
Thanks for the reply
I believe that is the purpose of the encrypted files. If I recall correctly, the telemetry files can be deleted but the encrypted files cannot.
I believe that is the purpose of the encrypted files. If I recall correctly, the telemetry files can be deleted but the encrypted files cannot.
Ok sounds good, then I will just send that to them, also the normal telemetry files can be changed easily and you can easily trick yuneec into think it was a system malfunction but the encrypted files r in such a different language that we do not understand so yuneec can confirm the cause of the accident. I will definitely contact yuneec on Tuesday and send them the encrypted telemetry data since I don't have the original one.

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